Month: April 2019


Causes of infertility in men and women

Today, almost every fifth Russian couple is diagnosed with infertility. Many see it as a life sentence. However, modern medicine in the field of genetics and reproduction has advanced far ahead, and those problems of infertility, which were considered insoluble not so long ago, are being successfully treated today. How does fertilization occur? In order to better […]

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Metabolic disorders and disease in men after 30 years

For men, a thirty-year milestone is a kind of boundary, many already have families and a fairly stable position, and it is time to think about your health. Often, diseases in men arise precisely at this age, although they still do not manifest themselves. So, there are frequent problems of the liver and gall bladder, metabolic disorders, […]

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The effect of prostatitis on men’s health

About prostatitis as the main male intimate problem heard by many. But not every man knows about what symptoms it manifests and what methods should be used to prevent this delicate disease. The cause of this pathology is often a chronic or latent infection that causes inflammation of the prostate. The development of prostatitis affects the production […]

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12 products for good men’s health

How many people in the world – so many food addictions. This fully applies to men. One of the stronger sex is enough for the food on the table to be hot and satisfying. Others need to have meat in their diet, while others refuse to eat not only meat, but also fish. Someone loves fried onions and ketchup, […]

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Unusual properties and threats of aspirin

May 1, 1899 in the United States began selling medicines, which do not know except that young children. It’s about aspirin. Willow preparations containing salicylates were known in ancient Egypt. And in 1874 the first factory for the production of salicylic acid was opened in Dresden. A few years later, in 1897, Felix Hoffman from Bayer AG received acetylsalicylic acid, now […]

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Problems with erection: diseases leading to erectile dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction (previously used the term “impotence”) is a very common disease in the world, characterized by the inability to achieve and maintain an erection in a state that ensures sexual intercourse. It is known that among men older than 21 years, problems with erection are encountered in every tenth, and after reaching the age of […]

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Aphrodisiac Herbs to Enhance Love and Passion

Aphrodisiacs are called substances that stimulate sexual activity, increase the love and passion between partners. The search for such funds mankind has been since time immemorial, because they can be contained in food, as well as spices, herbs, seeds. Which of them are known today? Euphorbia Pallas, potentiating potency The people called Pallas euphorbia are called “muzhik-root” […]

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Men’s health: how sports nutrition affects the potency

Attracts athletes very different advantages of such food – it has a high energy value, is quickly digested and is almost completely absorbed by the body.   Healthy lifestyle   – it’s great, give up beer and cigarettes, eat the right food, and go to the gym! But there are a number of questions that do not give rest […]

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Drugs and dietary supplements for potency: what is dangerous?

One of the serious problems of a considerable number of modern men is a disorder of potency, or erectile dysfunction. At least once in life almost every man has encountered this problem. With age and the acquisition of various diseases, it only gets worse. Erectile dysfunction (ED) today consider the impossibility of achieving or maintaining an erection for […]

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Male Potency: How to Increase It with Nutrition

For men, their male potency is very important. The slightest doubt in their sexual solvency knocks them out of the rut, although apparently they do not show it. Sexual function depends on many reasons: lifestyle, health, proper nutrition, etc. Health and male libido Men’s health is inextricably linked with his sexual function. If the representative of the stronger […]

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