Astrologers say that the woman’s sexual temperament is influenced by the zodiac sign that protects her. Let’s try to figure out which of the representatives of the Zodiac is the best lover.
Women born under the zodiac constellation Aries are very passionate lovers, and they are not interested in casual intimate relationships. They prefer to have sex with their beloved man, who should be suitable for them in terms of sexual activity. From a partner, the ladies of this sign are expected to have diversity in sexual games and the ability to create a romantic atmosphere. They do not do this out of dislike to plan an intimacy in advance. They love to take a leading position in sex. Intimacy initiate themselves. With a lack of self-confidence and timid man can behave rudely.
Women Taurus features a quiet nature and the ability to adapt to the needs of the partner. They can do without sex for a long time. The lack of intimate life will not push them to search for dubious and one-time sexual intercourse. If the beloved man of Lady Taurus turns out to be very passionate, she will not complain about excess sex and will always support his initiative. In sex, women of this sign are very hardy and technical, but they do not like experiments and do not approve of the partner’s ingenuity in sexual games.
Gemini women are distinguished by windiness and inconstancy, they like novelty in relationships, therefore they often change partners. They prefer light and unobtrusive relationships. They like to choose with whom to be. They differ in the spirit of the conqueror. In sex, they prefer a dominant position. Very creative in sexual pleasures. They are looking for a relaxed partner who is ready to experiment and who knows how to take the initiative. Monotony in sex for them can be a good reason for breaking the relationship.
Women- Cancers in the intimacy are more attracted to the emotional component. Sex without love and spiritual intimacy with a partner is unacceptable to them. The random impulses of passion by surprise will not take these ladies. They are not inclined to sex with casual acquaintances. A unfamiliar man is perceived as something alien to them and cold, not attractive in terms of sex. They prefer a regular partner with whom love and trust bind them. Unlike male Cancers, the beautiful representatives of this sign are not so inventive in a love game, although there are enough erotic fantasies in their head.
Representatives of the constellation Leo can be called one of the most passionate ladies of the Zodiac. They are conquerors by nature, but they choose a partner from those who are already interested in them. Lionesses often themselves initiate intimacy. They do not tolerate monotonous and boring sex, as well as scheduled sex. In a love game, passions are given entirely and expect the same from their chosen one. Encouraging bed experiments and partner ingenuity. Rough sex is their element. Coldness and monotony in a love game is something that can push Lioness away and make her want to break off relations with a man.
One of the coldest representatives of the Zodiac regarding sex is Virgo . If such a lady is not inclined to make love, no attempt to seduce her will work. Virgos do not like obsessive boyfriends. They are distinguished by a love of breeding criticism, which can scare away a potential lover from them. In an intimate life they like to plan everything in advance. Random ties are incompatible with these ladies. They are set up for a serious long-term relationship with a man who is not inclined to experiment in bed. The ingenuity of the partner is perceived by them as licentiousness and only repels.
Representatives of the zodiac constellation Libra are sophisticated and sensual ladies who consider sex as part of a romantic date with a beloved man. They do not accept casual relationships, needing a constant and reliable partner. However, they themselves are very windy and quite capable of treason. This happens because these women are not completely satisfied with what they have. They want more and better. They continue to search for the ideal life partner, even having a second half.
One of the most sexual and attractive for men representatives of the Zodiac are women Scorpios . These are experienced seductresses with innate sexual magnetism. They do not wait for the object of passion to deign to turn their attention to them. These ladies themselves choose a partner, not afraid to take the initiative. They do not like too intrusive men. They prefer liberated and inventive partners in sex. They themselves have an inexhaustible erotic fantasy and a desire to bring it to life. Do not accept boredom and monotony in intimacy. Ready to experiment in bed and try new things.
Female Sagittarius may experience sudden flashes of passion. Sex on a pre-planned schedule does not cause them interest. Representatives of this zodiac constellation have a tendency to random relationships and short-term affair. They prefer men who love spontaneous sex in the most unexpected places for this. They do not have big requirements regarding the quality of sex; they are ready to be content with what the partner can offer them.
Representatives of the zodiac constellation Capricorn are not interested in random relationships and spontaneous sex. They like to plan everything in advance. They do not tolerate the fact that they knock them out of the usual rhythm of life. They need a regular partner with moderate sexual appetite. They do not like to be creative in a love game. After a love battle, they prefer privacy and quality relaxation, rather than sleep in the arms of a partner.
Women- Aquarius are very liberated natures who do not tolerate restrictions and frameworks regarding sex. At the same time, it remains important for them to have tender feelings for a partner who reciprocates. The representative of this sign will be offended if the partner sees in her only an object to satisfy his sexual needs. They love a rich and diverse intimate life, but do not forget to take into account the wishes of the partner. Rarely take the initiative and prefer to be led by the desire of a beloved man.
One of the most romantic representatives of the zodiac are women – Pisces . They are not satisfied with casual relationships, as well as spontaneous sex in an inappropriate place for this with a regular partner. They crave a romantic setting. They want to feel interest and admiration from the man. Externally bright and assertive in courtship men can push them away. They need long courtship and romantic dates before moving on to a closer relationship. In sex, these ladies are more inclined to deliver maximum pleasure to their chosen one, and not get it themselves.
Despite the different temperament, every woman wants to enjoy sex with her beloved man and feel loved. This is the desire of all the ladies, regardless of the zodiac sign.