Sex toys are most often used to stimulate the genitals. Someone is touching their chest and inner thighs. But there are still places that should be caressed by vibration. They greatly increase excitement, bring orgasm closer. And it is relevant for both sexes.
We found 5 points on the body that respond well to vibrations. It is especially interesting when there are many modes, and you can switch them, changing the effect. Everyone should try experimenting with these points, and it’s important not to rush in order to feel the “taste” of new sensations.
The legs are the sensitive area, and the feet are the most saturated with nerve endings. But they are hiding under a layer of keratinized skin. The impact should be deep, not superficial. If you touch at low speed, it will tickle. If you attach a vibrator and choose a powerful mode, the response will be interesting.
You can enhance the sensation by pressing. To get started, touch the middle of the foot . Pause for the person to feel what is happening. This is a new sensation, and it can cause mixed feelings at the first moment. But then comes addiction and relaxation. You need to massage your fingers, the side surfaces of the feet. You can supplement the touch with grease, with it the slide will be smooth. It is ideal to use a lubricant with a cooling effect.
There are many nerve endings on the back, but they are hidden behind rather thick skin. But if you begin to caress the skin on the lower back with light movements, the response will be the strongest. It is important not to push, but only to “tickle” the surface. It is in this place that warm wax or ice is recommended.
To the lower back should be selected gradually – from above. Glide should be smooth, and hands warm. Touching with any objects will be appropriate: from a puff or a soft makeup brush to a vibrator. A massager is best suited to stimulate the area very intensely. But it is always important to remember – it is impossible to put pressure on the lower back.
The area under the knee
This area has no name, but it is very tender. This is the knee, but on the reverse side. The back surface of the legs responds better to touch than the front. It has more erogenous zones. And the brightest is under the bend of the leg. And this is the perfect place to caress a sex toy.
If before this area was not involved in erotic games, it will take time to “wake it up” . She will give pleasant emotions, but not excitement during the first experiments. But if you touch it often before sex, it will become exciting. Effects are permissible only for the lungs. Pressure is contraindicated.
You can touch the head with a vibrator, but it is not always pleasant. Vibration diverges over the skull, it is reminiscent of “ringing in the ears.” This is unusual, but it has nothing to do with arousal. Experiments should only be done with earlobes. After all, they love to kiss, suck and massage.
How to caress a vibrator with a vibrator? Hold the eye with one hand and the vibrator with the other. The arm should be a barrier between the skull and the ear. It fits under the lobe. At the same time, the vibrator operates at minimum speeds. Mini vibrators are used for the urine, large massagers will be inappropriate. And in the process it is better to use a model that works quietly. Excess noise will be annoying, as it is perceived very brightly in the ear.
Touching the mouth with a vibrator can be very exciting. This should be done leisurely, without sudden movements. A lot of sensitive endings are concentrated in the corners of the lips, and the vibrator will “turn them on”. You can go along the edge of the lips, “cantica” is also saturated with nerve receptors.
Lip care can cause delight or rejection. In the process, it is important to monitor the sensations of a person. And do not use powerful vibrations. Light vibration in this case is more appropriate.
5 places to caress with a vibrator – this is not a complete list. You can play with your palms, the area between the fingers, neck and calves. Exploring another person with a sex toy is very exciting. The main thing is not to rush and monitor the reaction of the partner.