For any man, the ability to continue the race is one of the most important functions. Features of the psychology of men are such that any problems with the sexual sphere extremely negatively affect his emotional state and even physical, provoke stress and problems in relationships. It is not always the cause of disorders of potency are any serious diseases urinary tract or violation of the synthesis of sex hormones. Significantly affected by bad habits, stress, partner’s behavior and psychological trauma inflicted.
Male psychology: what are the features
For both women and men, personal issues are very important. However, male psychology has its own specifics. Their full potency is clearly related to the awareness of oneself as a strong male, male. Disorders in such a delicate sphere lead to uncertainty, isolation and complexes, which further aggravates the problem.
Features of the psychology of men is that problems with potency for them are equivalent to infertility, inability to continue the race. Any misfires, especially if they are repeated more than once, are perceived hard and sharply, especially if the man is seeking women’s attention or reputed for lovelace. Often, it is male psychology that underlies problems with intimacy, and treatment should be carried out not by a urologist, but by a psychotherapist. But to go to the doctor for a man is already a serious step.
Potency problems: what is erectile dysfunction?
Today, the outdated, not entirely correct term “impotence” has been replaced by the concept of erectile dysfunction, which more accurately reflects the essence of the changes taking place. They call him the inability of a man to a full erection and its long-term maintenance, necessary for full sexual intercourse. A disorder of potency is also considered a condition in which even one of the 4-5 sexual acts cannot be fully performed.
But it is worth noting, even in a healthy man potency substantially depends on external and internal factors. Rare episodes of “misfires” are quite acceptable and do not belong to erectile dysfunction. So, serious somatic diseases and infections, alcohol intoxication, significantly affect the potency due to fatigue or acute stress. You should not dwell on such problems – this is quite normal. Another thing, if it is a young and healthy man, without problems at work, not tired and seeing in front of him a very attractive object of the opposite sex, but without experiencing an erection.
The role of hormones and nerve impulses in sexual arousal
Sexual arousal, necessary for the subsequent implementation of proximity – is a long, complex chain of pulses and signals generated by sex hormones and the nervous system. The essence of the process is unchanged in animals and people, however, the framework imposed by civilization significantly affects human relations.
The leading role is played by hormones, which ensure the full functioning of the reproductive sphere, and the brain, which perceives impulses from the organs of sight, hearing and smell, tactile sensations. If a man has a desire for intimacy, sex hormones are involved, which “include the male.”In order to frankly demonstrate their intentions, the brain triggers changes in blood circulation with a rush of blood to the genitals and the development of erection.
When the slender chain “brain – hormones – changes in blood circulation – erection” is broken, erectile dysfunction develops. Accordingly, the problem may lie in each of these links. Then, even with a strong desire, the man will not have an erection and ability to copulate.
Causes of dysfunction: diseases
Among all the causes separately distinguished diseases and conditions that can negatively affect the potency, leading to serious disorders of sexual life. All problems associated with erectile dysfunction, conditionally divided into organic and functional. The group of organic causes is a serious male disease that interferes with the conduction of the impulse from the brain to the small pelvis and changes in blood circulation in the genital area. These are atherosclerotic processes in the field of blood vessels, the presence of obesity and diabetes mellitus, parkinsonism syndrome, multiple sclerosis or manifestations of Peyronie’s disease .
May affect the potency of the medications that are used to treat certain somatic diseases or infections. Erectile dysfunction can result from back and perineal trauma, a small pelvis, or genitalia. Bad habits – the systematic use of alcohol with smoking – have a negative effect on the potency.
The role of stress, overwork, depression
No less significant are the purely psychological influences that cause the male brain to block sexual functions. Stress significantly affects, and both physical (overwork, constant lack of sleep, hard physical labor), as well as psychological. With constant trouble at work, conflicts and problems in a couple, stress suppresses brain activity regarding intimacy. Stress hormones have an inhibiting effect, the body understands that now the situation is completely unsuitable for mating and reproduction.
The cause of erectile dysfunction can become neurosis and a whole bunch of complexes formed during previous sexual contacts and failures. Humiliating or abusive words and behavior, especially from a partner, have a negative effect. Formed a constant fear of misfire and failure, lack of self-confidence and disruption of communication between the brain and the genitals. At the level of the brain, the pathological setting “excitement – uncertainty – no erection” is formed.
Such a problem is not uncommon, and often, once it has arisen, it is fixed by subsequent discussions with friends and acquaintances of their exploits. Often, comparisons are not in favor of a man experiencing problems, and then the complexes are only strengthened, psychologically incorrect attitudes are fixed. Often, uncertainty in one’s own strengths is formed as age ages, changes in shape, and weight gain, when reflected in a mirror does not bring satisfaction.