Candidiasis, better known in gynecology as thrush, is an infectious disease that affects the epithelium of the vagina, cervical and urethra in women. Men also face this disease – both the mucous organs of the genitourinary system, as well as the intestines, and the oral cavity are affected.
Provoke the disease yeast-like fungi such as Candida – opportunistic pathogens that inhabit the body of each person in small quantities. What provokes the development of candidiasis in women, causing them to experience unpleasant symptoms?
Reasons for development
Every representative of the beautiful half of humanity has encountered genital candidiasis at least once in her life. Moreover, the disease manifested itself most often not after unprotected sexual contact, but suddenly, almost nowhere.
IMPORTANT! Gynecologists say that candidiasis is not an infection that you need to go to the left.
If in guys it is usually provoked by sex without a condom with a partner whose illness is in a state of exacerbation, then in women the activation of fungi occurs due to the weakening of the body’s defenses. So, among the reasons for the development of candidiasis are:
- long-term use of drugs containing hormones (oral contraceptives, corticosteroids, etc.);
- the fight against infectious diseases with the help of antibiotics: potent substances disrupt the microflora of the digestive tract, allowing opportunistic microorganisms to multiply, and this, in turn, weakens the immune system;
- pathologies of the endocrine system: diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism, dysfunction of the adrenal glands – all this leads to a violation of metabolic and hormonal processes, as a result, an increase in blood glucose, which is a nutrient medium for yeast.
IMPORTANT! In patients with diabetes, thrush can develop in the folds of the skin, especially if the lady is overweight.
- decreased immunity, possibly as a result of serious illnesses, after operations, undergoing courses of chemotherapy and radiation therapy;
- severe stressful situations, prolonged depression;
- hormonal disruptions (menopause, pregnancy, abortion, miscarriage);
- dysbacteriosis;
- abuse of sweets and other types of carbohydrates, addiction to alcohol, smoking;
- violation of the rules of personal hygiene, wearing synthetic, narrow, rubbing underwear;
- avitaminosis;
- severe hypothermia.
Any diseases – chronic, oncological, infectious – weaken the body’s natural defenses. An even greater blow to the immune system is caused by the drugs taken by the patient to combat them. Therefore, candidal lesions most often occur as a result of all these processes. So, condylomas caused by the herpes virus tend to get injured, and the wounds become a favorable environment for bacteria. Thrush can also be transmitted through unprotected intimate contact, but this route of infection is at the end of the list of provoking factors.
Main manifestations
The signs of the disease are the same, regardless of which part of the body the fungi “occupied”. With a urogenital infection, discharge is observed from the vagina. They can be of two types: white mucous, similar to sour cream, or curdled, reminiscent of curdled milk. They are distinguished from other whites by a sour smell and unbearable itching in the vagina itself or the urethra. If such a condition is not treated, a rash in the groin, soreness, burning during urination, and an increase in local temperature will appear. When examining the vulva, the doctor will notice that its covers are red, swollen, and when you try to remove the white plaque, bleeding erosions appear.
With candidiasis of the oral cavity, the manifestations are the same, but they occur in the mouth. Plaque is found on the palate, gums, tonsils, tongue. If therapy is not started, the yeast penetrates the throat, digestive system, and intestines. Most often, thrush in the mouth develops in babies in the first months of life. The reason is infection with fungi from an infected mother during the passage of the child through the birth canal.
If you do not slow down the vital activity of microorganisms, the consequences of the disease will be very severe. In addition to the formation of a chronic form, which is almost impossible to cure completely, other viruses and bacteria can become activated, provoking more severe damage to the organs of the urinary and reproductive systems.
IMPORTANT! Symptoms of chronic relapses are less pronounced, but unpleasant phenomena occur at the slightest malfunction in the immune system: for example, a common cold or long-term wearing of a wet swimsuit can provoke an exacerbation.
Treatment Methods
For the treatment of candidiasis in women, several types of drugs are used. The main ones are means of targeted action: vaginal suppositories or tablets, ointments, creams, gels. They are applied to the affected integument after hygiene procedures, having previously treated the intimate area with antiseptic solutions. Due to the direct impact on the breeding center, the effect of the application is achieved very quickly: if therapy is started in the first days after the appearance of unpleasant symptoms, a single dose of the medicine is sufficient.
Chronic illness or flowing with complications requires longer treatment. In addition to local medicines, you will need to prescribe oral tablets that help destroy fungi from the inside. If candidiasis is complicated by viruses, you first need to “kill” them, and then restore the microflora, slowing down the growth of yeast. In this case, antibiotics will be required.
The most popular remedies for the treatment of candidiasis in women are:
- ” Flukostat ” (oral tablets) – effective for early, primary symptoms, usually 1-2 pills are enough;
- ” Nystatin ” (antifungal agent) – designed for a long-term fight against complicated or chronic thrush;
- ” Terzhinan ” (vaginal suppositories) – in addition to the destruction of pathogens, they contribute to the normalization of the natural alkaline balance, the development of beneficial lactobacilli;
- ” Clotrimazole ” (vaginal suppositories, ointment) – one of the most affordable drugs, taken from 7 to 10 days;
- ” Miramistin ” (antiseptic solution) – necessary for the treatment of the vaginal mucosa;
- ” Dequadol ” (antiseptic) – is used to eliminate the disease that affected the oral cavity.
For a stable victory on candida, the cause of the appearance of pests should be eliminated. If the weakening of the immune defense has occurred due to the use of potent medications, it is advisable to cancel them. It is also important to strengthen the natural viral barrier, so the girl must be prescribed immunomodulators, vitamins, a comprehensive examination is carried out: all pathologies that can be cured must be eliminated. If the disease is chronic, it must be transferred to a state of stable remission. At the time of therapy, you should limit sexual contact or use condoms, and also examine your soulmate.
Folk methods and prevention
The elimination of thrush is carried out at home, therefore, the fight against the disease can be supplemented with special procedures, whose basis is folk recipes. In addition to decoctions of medicinal herbs taken orally, it is advisable to use sitz baths with healing components. So, natural antiseptics, whose effectiveness against pathogenic microflora has been confirmed in practice, include:
- calendula, chamomile, oak bark , string;
- tea tree oil;
- baking soda.
Baths are done daily throughout the course of therapy. Medicinal herbs can be used separately or prepared from them fees (a teaspoon of each plant). Herbs are brewed with boiling water, allowed to brew for about 20-30 minutes, then poured into a basin with warm water. The procedure time is 20 minutes, then suppositories are inserted, an ointment or cream is applied.
To prepare a soda solution, you should take sodium bicarbonate. For 5-7 liters of water, you need to add a handful of the substance, stir – the bath is ready. The same solution can be washed.
Tea tree oil is also excellent at killing harmful viruses and bacteria. A couple of drops of it are dissolved in water for hygiene procedures, and for a bath you need 5-6 drops, previously ground with a spoonful of soda.
Do not use honey or kefir against candida. Honey, although it is an antiviral agent, is rich in carbohydrates, but its use will only help develop a favorable environment for reproduction. Dairy products will have the same effect. Another common mistake is douching. These procedures contribute to a deeper penetration of the infection into the body.
To prevent the appearance or recurrence of thrush, wear comfortable underwear made from natural fabrics and change it twice a day, after taking a shower. For intimate hygiene, it is better to choose special cosmetic or pharmaceutical gels that normalize the acid-base balance of the delicate zone.
Daily pads should be chosen without fragrances and dyes. It is important to eat right, not to get carried away with carbohydrate foods, to give up bad habits. You should also observe the purity of sexual relations, regularly undergo a gynecological examination, and avoid hypothermia.