
Conception is a physiologically difficult process of fusion of a female egg with a male spermatozoon with the formation of a unique genetic material – the human embryo – the subsequent implantation into the uterine mucosa and the development of the embryo. Conception of a child is a truly magical, charming moment of the birth of a new life.

In order to understand how to influence conception, it is necessary to disassemble the components of this process and understand the reasons why conception does not occur.

Natural conception

Female reproductive system

The female reproductive system has a complex structure: the vulva, vagina, cervix, uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries.

In utero, when the future woman is still in the abdomen of the mother, in the very early stages of embryogenesis, follicles are laid. Most women at birth have about 250 million eggs that are in the tissues of the ovaries.

The follicles are the structural components of the ovaries, it is in them that future eggs (female germ cells) are formed. They are responsible for whether a woman is able to conceive or not.

Stages of conceiving a child

What is ovulation?

The first link in conception is ovulation.   Ovulation   – the release of the egg from the dominant follicle.

Every month, cyclical changes occur in the ovaries under the influence of hormones. From the fifth day of the menstrual cycle under the influence of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), several follicles begin to develop, but only one dominant follicle can reach the required size for the release of an egg cell.

The release of the egg from the dominant follicle occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle under the influence of luteinizing hormone between the fourteenth and sixteenth days. But there are exceptions – ovulation can come a few days earlier or later than the expected date (early and late ovulation).

After the female reproductive cell has entered the abdominal cavity, it begins to move in the direction of the fallopian tubes.

In place of a ruptured follicle, a corpus luteum is formed, which produces progesterone (PG), which in turn is responsible for preventing premature rejection of the mucous layer of the uterus (menstruation), and thus, the fertilized egg has the ability to implant into the endometrium.

How does fertilization occur?

After ejaculation, tens of millions of sperm cells are sent to the side of the uterus. Spermatozoa must pass through many barriers to the egg cell. A quarter of them die almost immediately due to the adverse acidic environment of the vagina, the rest of the sperm are in the uterus and instinctively continue to move to the fallopian tubes. Sperm cells “attack” the egg, destroying its protective layer. And only a single sperm cell enters the egg and fertilizes it. Inside the egg sperm loses its tail. As a result of this metamorphosis, 23 chromosomes remain in it. There is a fusion of genetic material (DNA) of the father and mother. Immediately after fertilization, a complex of biochemical reactions begins, preventing the penetration of other spermatozoa into the egg cell.


After fertilization, the next stage begins, which is called “division.” Less than a day after conception, the resulting cell divides and forms a zygote. The cells divide so quickly that they do not have time for their own growth, so they become tiny in size. The resulting “bag” of the cells is called the blastocyst. The blastocyst moves into the uterine cavity under the influence of the contraction of the muscular layer of the fallopian tubes.


The blastocyst comes close to the uterine mucosa, and as a result of a series of biochemical reactions, attaches to it. Conception has happened, the process of embryo development begins.

Conception happened.

How to determine favorable days for conception?

There are many ways to determine favorable days for conception.

Basal Temperature Measurement

Basal temperature measurement is a half-century history method for determining a favorable day for conceiving a child.

The essence of the measurement is based on biological and circadian rhythms, namely on the biological effect of reproductive hormones. In response to the action of progesterone, an increase in the body temperature of the woman occurs.

When analyzing the graph, you can determine:

  • is a dominant follicle formed
  • is there ovulation in this cycle
  • suggest the presence of hormonal disorders

Algorithm for determining a favorable day for conception:

  • a measurement will require a thermometer. A mercury thermometer is recommended to cook in the evening and shake until sleep. Any morning activity will lead to an increase in basal body temperature.
  • The thermometer should be put on the bedside table next to the bed so that you do not have to get out of bed behind it.
  • start measuring from the first day of the next menstruation daily,
  • temperature is measured in the rectum, that is, rectally. The most favorable position for this is lying on the stomach.
  • in the morning immediately after waking up to getting out of bed – even a brief rise from a bed or sitting will lead to a rise in temperature, as a result of which measurements will be inaccurate and will have to be repeated in the next cycle.
  • the time difference between thermometry should not exceed one hour, it will allow to avoid errors in measurement. Every additional hour increases the body temperature by 0.1 degrees.
  • sleep continuity – the duration should be at least three to four hours
  • The data obtained immediately noted on the chart. The horizontal axis (X axis) is days, and the vertical axis (y axis) is temperature.
  • to reflect on the chart additional factors that could affect the change in body temperature. These can be catarrhal or inflammatory diseases, stressful situations, flight by plane, sexual intercourse on the eve of measurement, taking sedatives, drinking alcohol, etc. In case of an infectious or viral disease, measurements in this cycle should be stopped – they will lose their informational content.
  • in the case of daily or night duty, perform measurements after a three-to-five day nap.

Decoding results:

In the first phase of the cycle, the temperature rarely rises to 37 degrees. On the eve of ovulation, it decreases and then rises above 37.

  • A persistent two-phase curve indicates normal ovarian function, that ovulation has occurred.
  • If the temperature in the first half of the cycle is high, there is a deficiency in the estrogen phase. This condition is corrected by taking medications prescribed by an obstetrician-gynecologist.
  • In the event that in the second phase of the cycle the temperature is low, this indicates a deficiency of progesterone in the blood. Requires prescription progesterone range.
  • The monotone curve is an indicator of cycles without ovulation.

The advantages of thermometry include low cost and relative simplicity of the procedure.

Disadvantages of the method: not every cycle a woman ovulates, it will be difficult for a person without experience to understand this on a schedule. Unjustified hopes are a great psycho-emotional stress for a married couple.

Do not make the diagnosis yourself. It should be remembered that only an obstetrician-gynecologist or a doctor of a related specialty can give a reliable interpretation.

Ovulation Tests

Ovulation tests allow you to determine the most favorable days for conception. Conducted using special test strips, which are based on determining the presence of luteinizing hormone in the urine.

Starting on the tenth day of the menstrual cycle, twice a day a woman needs to urinate on a stick. The countdown is from the first day of the last menstruation. And on the day when the tester shows ovulation, coitus (sexual intercourse) should occur to conceive a child.

Restrictions: three to four hours before the ovulation test to limit the consumption of all fluids.

The advantage of the method is the availability of the method – they are sold in every pharmacy of the city – the relative cheapness and ease of use.

Test Cons: The test can be defective, and then the result will be false negative.

Ultrasonic control (folliculometry)

Folliculometry is one of the most accurate and reliable ways to understand whether conception can occur in this cycle, whether the cycle is ovulatory or not, how follicles grow and form, how much has entered maturation, is there a dominant follicle that will potentially give an egg.

Folliculometry is part of an ultrasound, during which the condition of the endometrium is also evaluated – its thickness and structure.

Indications for folliculometry:

  • absence of pregnancy within one year of regular sex without contraception
  • in the framework of assisted reproductive technologies
  • hormonal disorders, including Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

Cons of the method: the high cost and the need to come to the ultrasound control several times in   menstrual cycle. Usually it is recommended to perform a study at the beginning of a cycle for 3-5 days, then for 10 days and then once every two or three days.

To conceive a child, sexual contact should take place a few days before ovulation and on the day the egg cell leaves the dominant follicle.

Conception Calendar

The conception calendar is a simple, modern and convenient way to determine the start date of the next menstruation, track the regularity and duration of the menstrual cycle, as well as calculate the most favorable day for conception.

The conception calendar can be kept “in the old fashioned way” on a wall calendar or in a notebook, crossing out one-by-one days. But the most functionally convenient and easy to use are developed applications, software for phones. With the help of a special algorithm, the program automatically processes the received data, and outputs it in a convenient form for perception.

In the event that conception has occurred, you can use the pregnancy calendar by day and week to calculate the period of gestation.

Conception when using ART methods

The history of assisted reproductive technology (ART) began more than half a century ago. Since then, much has changed – scientific and technological progress does not stand still. The range of applied techniques of ART has expanded, the methods are being improved and being finalized at the present time. Thousands of offices and clinics that are equipped with special equipment are opened every year around the world. The accumulated experience of the manipulation and management of patients who have difficulty conceiving a child has led to the fact that the effectiveness of in vitro fertilization (IVF) is about 30%, rarely reaching 40%.

Methods of ART allowed to a significant extent to solve the problems of conception associated with impaired fertilization, gametogenesis – the process of maturation of germ cells – and the cultivation of embryos.

What method of ART to choose?

The choice of the method of ART is carried out by a specialist with the consent of the patient to conduct the procedure.

Artificial insemination

Artificial insemination is carried out in the department of ART. With the help of special tools, semen is introduced into the uterine cavity. The method is suitable for couples who have problems with conception, and for single women – in this case, donor sperm is introduced. Artificial insemination is indicated for:

  • presence of cervical infertility factor
  • vaginism (fear of sexual intercourse)
  • lack of sexual partner
  • minor deviations in semen

In comparison with other methods of ART, artificial insemination is more “gentle”, since it can be performed not only against the background of hormonal stimulation, but also in the natural cycle.

In vitro fertilization

The most common method is in vitro fertilization (IVF).

Maternal eggs are collected from the ovaries using a puncture needle under ultrasound control. Due to the painfulness of the procedure, it is performed under intravenous anesthesia. The more cells will be received, the higher the chances of successful conception.

Male material (sperm) surrenders in advance. In a special laboratory under conditions of sterility, the sperm cells are placed in the ova. Fertilization occurs. For several days the embryologist monitors the resulting embryos, information about the speed of development, the number of cells and their quality is recorded in the observation diary. After 2-3 days, one or two embryos are transferred to the uterine cavity. It is not recommended to transfer a larger number of embryos – there is a risk of multiple pregnancy. The transfer of three embryos is done only after receiving a written request with the request addressed to the head of the department. The following are the risks of multiple pregnancies:

  • threatened miscarriage
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases
  • preterm labor.

However, it also happens that performing extracorporal fertilization exclusively is not enough for successful conception with the use of in vitro fertilization. And then ECO-ICSI is applied.

ICSI (Injection of sperm into the cytoplasm of the egg)

An embryologist puts the best sperm into the cytoplasm of an egg using a special needle. The indication to perform is the low quality of sperm. This method increases the chance of conception in the presence of male factor infertility.

PGD ​​(Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis)

Already done on a fertilized egg. One cell is cleaved from the embryo and sent for preimplantation genetic diagnosis. Using special techniques is determined by the presence of genetic changes in the embryo. PGD ​​is carried out for couples with a high risk of conceiving a child with genetically determined diseases after taking the necessary tests and consulting the genetics.

Remember that the exact time of conception even in the case of using the method of ART is impossible to determine. This is due to the individual characteristics of the body, the presence of associated diseases that can lengthen the stages of conception.

One of the most important factors limiting the success of ART in the presence of viable embryos are implantation disorders. It is the unfavorable state of the endometrium that leads to IVF failures, and consequently, conception, even at successfully completed stages before embryo transfer.

It is necessary to have a general idea of ​​a woman about possible ways to increase the chances of conceiving a child, but the most important thing is to find a competent specialist who can choose the best method to achieve the result, a doctor whom you will trust and believe in success with him.

Conception of a girl or boy

The female reproductive cell has an X – set of chromosomes, therefore, the sex of the unborn child is determined by the genetic material of the sperm cell that fertilized it.

It is believed that the conception of the girl occurs if the sexual intercourse was a few days before ovulation, and the conception of the boy on the day the egg leaves the follicle.

In the framework of ART, the choice of the sex of the child is possible only if there are medical indications for performing preimplantation diagnostics, namely, sex-linked genetic mutations.

Conception contrary to contraception

What is the chance of pregnancy with the use of contraceptives? When should you stop using them to increase the chance of conception?

Compared with the past century, there has been a tremendous breakthrough in medicine in the development of methods for protecting against unwanted pregnancy, and also, on the contrary, the onset of the long-awaited conception.

More than half of women seek oral contraceptives. This is a convenient way to prove its effectiveness. The disadvantages of the method are the need to regularly take pills at the same time. The reliability of the method is estimated using Perl’s index. The probability of pregnancy with the use of oral contraceptives during the year ranges from 0.3 to 2-3%, that is, an average of about 1%.

Barrier methods of contraception include male and female condoms. According to the World Health Organization, contraceptive efficacy ranges from 13 to 20 pregnancies per 100 women per year. This is due to the fact that condoms are torn or improperly used.

Thus, the chance of conception, in spite of the contraception methods used, is small, but absolutely real.

Heterotopic pregnancy

Heterotopic pregnancy means the simultaneous development of two embryos – one in the uterus, and the other outside. Ectopic pregnancy can be localized in the abdominal cavity, the ovary itself, but the most common form is tubal pregnancy. Cases of simultaneous fertilization of two eggs with the subsequent development of embryos in two places are extremely rare – approximately 1 case per 30,000 pregnant women. Heterotopic pregnancy can occur both in the IVF cycle and in natural conditions.

Normal development of pregnancy in the tube is not possible, such a pregnancy is sure to end. The danger lies in the risk of rupture of the fallopian tube. That is why ectopic pregnancy is an indication for prompt removal of the ovum with or without tube preservation (this issue is solved intraoperatively). Most often, the operation is performed by laparoscopic access.

The gold standard for the diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy is ultrasound, which allows you to “see” the ovum outside the uterus.

Heterotopic pregnancy is not a sentence, and prolongation of uterine pregnancy is possible.

What influences conception?

Bad habits

It is known that maintaining a healthy lifestyle is extremely important, especially for women who are planning a pregnancy. At present, the body is exposed every day to the effects of negative environmental factors — a poor ecological situation in large cities — megacities, genetically modified food, and many other factors. Harmful habits only exacerbate their negative health effects. The result is a decrease in reproductive potential, difficulties in conceiving and having a healthy child.

Bad habits – this is something that should be abandoned in the first place when planning a pregnancy. Bad habits include smoking, drinking alcohol and other substances.


Scientists believe that drinking alcohol by one and a half times increases the likelihood of difficulties with the first conception and four to five times with the second conception. Alcohol has a negative, damaging effect on all the internal organs of the body, failing in the neuroendocrine regulation of reproductive function. Chronic alcohol intoxication gradually makes the sex cells of men and women incapable of fertilization, as a result of which conception does not occur. In some cases, conception may occur, but the embryo will be genetically defective and will not be able to implant into the endometrium.


In the course of clinical studies on the effect of bad habits on conception, the relationship between smoking and sterility was revealed. Smoking has a negative effect on reproductive function – the menstrual cycle becomes irregular or anovulatory, the depletion of the ovaries occurs earlier by an average of three to four years compared with the general population. The ingestion of tobacco components (nicotine, tar and other chemical elements) leads to disruption of oxygen supply to the cells. Tissue hypoxia develops. The response of the body is to increase the heart rate and increase blood pressure.

Couples are advised to give up bad habits, at least six months before the planned date of conceiving a child.


Another important factor that influences conception is age.

One of the reasons for the deterioration of the demographic situation and the increase in the prevalence of this nosology is a change in public priorities. In Russia, as in the developed countries of Europe, there is a shift towards an increase in the age of occurrence of the desired pregnancy – the main “baby boom” falls in the middle of life. In the conditions of the modern world, a person prefers to self-realize to get a higher education, then move up the career ladder, achieve financial independence, and only then thinks about the birth of a child.

It should be noted that, despite the trend towards earlier requests for examination of problems with the onset of conception, are not rare and treatment of women after reaching the age of 40 years, despite the fact that sterility occurs on average at the age of 41 years.

Married couples may for five or ten years attempt to conceive a child on their own and seek the help of a doctor when there is practically no chance of getting pregnant.


In recent decades, along with the problems of conception, there has been a steady increase in the number of people with metabolic disorders, obesity. According to WHO data, almost every fourth person in the world has obesity. The significance of this factor is explained by the occurrence of disturbances in the work of the organs and systems of the body, including a violation of the fertility of the woman. Difficulties with conception in overweight women are one and a half times more frequent than in the general population. This is especially true for women with a predominant deposition of fat mass in the abdomen.

A decrease in body weight and a change in composition (the ratio of fat to lean mass) by at least 10–15% is often enough to restore menstrual function and the onset of conception.

Male factor

Approximately 40% of problems with conception are associated with impaired male reproductive function (male infertility). The quality of sperm is influenced by the negative effects of environmental factors, a sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy diet, bad habits, and past diseases, including previous infections.

Gynecological diseases

Various diseases of the reproductive system have a huge, often irreversible effect on the reproductive system, leading to difficulties with the onset of conception.

Sexually transmitted infections

The most common group of diseases are sexually transmitted infections, and among them is chlamydia, ureaplasmosis and gardnerellosis.

Chlamydia is caused by a group of Chlamidia bacteria. Chlamydia – intracellular obligate bacteria. The infection is diagnosed by the PCR diagnostic method. The treatment is a long, multi-stage. The danger of chlamydia is that they fall into the fallopian tubes, the tubes “stick together”, resulting in infertility. It is extremely important after the course of treatment for three months in a row to re-do PCR diagnostics after the end of the next menstruation.

Ureaplasma belongs to the group of conditionally pathogenic microorganisms, which, in case of violation of vaginal dysbiosis (a fall in immunity), are activated. May have a negative impact on conception, cause non-developing pregnancies.

Gardnerella as well as ureaplasma is a conditionally pathogenic bacterium. And the causes of Gardnerella are the same. The treatment regimen of ureaplasmosis and gardnerellosis usually occurs sequentially.

Tubo-peritoneal factor

The tubo-peritoneal factor is the most common pathology that causes difficulties with the onset of conception. This is due to the spread of sexually transmitted infections and neglect of their treatment, congenital absence of one or both fallopian tubes, ectopic pregnancies, inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs.

The only possible way for the onset of pregnancy in tubal-peritoneal infertility factor are ART methods.

Endocrine pathology

The thyroid gland plays a significant role in conception. Disorders of the thyroid gland are found in almost every third person. These include conditions that occur due to iodine deficiency in the body, especially among countries that are endemic to iodine deficiency – the Russian Federation is one of these countries. But do not rush to run to the pharmacy and buy Yodomarin. Diseases of the thyroid gland, which is accompanied by its hyperfunction, are a contraindication to the use of iodine preparations, including iodized and sea salt. In such cases, it must be eaten in limited quantities.

Pregnancy planning

Every year, an increasing number of couples seek the help of doctors of various specialties – they are interested in solving conception problems. Planning a pregnancy is a reasonable step for a modern person in finding an answer to the question: “Why doesn’t conception occur?”.

Where to begin? – First of all, you should sign up for a scheduled appointment with the obstetrician-gynecologist. At the initial examination, the patient’s complaints are clarified, a history of life is collected, and concomitant and gynecological diseases are detected. During a gynecological examination, the doctor determines whether there are abnormalities in the development of the genital organs, the formation of a small pelvis, and makes a material collection (smear).

Conception planning involves a comprehensive survey of a married couple – men and women. It is recommended to take the following tests:

  • clinical blood test
  • blood chemistry
  • coagulogram
  • blood hormones
  • antibodies to HIV, viral hepatitis B and C
  • blood test for syphilis

In addition to passing the listed tests, ultrasound diagnostics are performed. Ultrasound at this stage allows you to detect the presence of organic pathology, the location of the uterus, assess the condition of the uterine mucosa, ovarian function – factors that may interfere with the onset of conception.

In addition to the standard examination, an obstetrician-gynecologist may prescribe additional tests and examinations to confirm or exclude a particular pathology.

When preparing for conception, you should take vitamin E and folic acid in that case. Before use, you must ensure that there are no individual allergic reactions.

It should be remembered that the implementation of these stages of pregnancy planning is desirable for all people who are planning to have children in the future. The timely implementation of a set of diagnostic measures and the identification of factors that may later lead to difficulties with the first or next conception of a child will allow you to choose an adequate algorithm for correcting an adverse condition and appropriate treatment. Regular visits to doctors, testing and performing instrumental research methods have proven their effectiveness throughout the world.

On the help of conception

There are a number of techniques that contribute to the onset of conception. We introduce you to some of them.


The healing properties of massage are known since ancient times. The massage allows you to achieve relaxation of “clamped” organs and tissues and restore the function of those where there was a malfunction. On massage and acupuncture go thousands of couples who have problems with conception.

In addition to the traditional, conventional massage, there is another – gynecological massage. It was developed in 1861 by the Toure Brandt.

Effects of gynecological massage:

  • elimination of “blocks” and stagnation in the pelvic organs
  • improvement of blood supply and lymph circulation
  • the launch of metabolic processes in the tissues of organs
  • normalization of hormonal status (as far as possible to adjust with the help of massage)
  • increased muscular-ligamentous apparatus and uterus tone.

These effects of massage contribute to the onset of conception.

Gynecological massage is recommended to perform on the gynecological chair by an experienced doctor after a gynecological examination and an accurate diagnosis.

Three to four hours before the procedure, it is advisable not to eat and empty the intestines.

Contraindications to gynecological massage when planning pregnancy:

  • infectious, including gynecological diseases
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases
  • possible pregnancy
  • purulent processes in the abdominal cavity
  • intestinal diseases
  • the appearance of sharp pain during a massage

Thus, the massage is carried out in the period of somatic well-being.


Physical therapy (in translation means physical therapy) includes various ways of influencing the body: heat and electrical stimulation, magnetic therapy, phototherapy and other methods.

The choice of method is determined by the reason that led to the difficulties of conception, the presence of absolute and relative contraindications to the performance of the procedure and the individual intolerance of the method.

Relaxation techniques

The female reproductive system is extremely sensitive to the effects of stress. Nerve overstrains can lead to difficulties in conception due to irregular menstruation – irregular menstruation and lack of ovulation.

For many centuries meditative practices have proven their effectiveness in many aspects of life, including in preparation for conception. Meditation allows you to tune in to a wave of positive energy, release negative experiences and emotions, bring harmony into your consciousness and find peace of mind.

The breathing practices are integral and inextricably linked with meditation. The way a person breathes, has a significant impact on the perception of the surrounding reality, allows you to cope with nervous overstrain and stress.

Negative emotions and uncomfortable situations cause increased respiration, and it becomes superficial – the upper respiratory tract takes part in the act of breathing, and the lower respiratory tract “switches off” from work.

It is recommended to perform breathing exercises for at least ten to fifteen minutes daily. Concentration on breathing allows you to escape from irritating factors, relax and return harmony, peace of mind.

The breath will be performed through the nose at the expense of one-two-three-four, then breathing is delayed for a few seconds, exhalation is performed through the mouth at the expense of once-two-three-four-five-six. Try to inhale with full chest, involve the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall into the respiratory process. Breathing is slow, calm, smooth.


Analysis of the literature on acupuncture and the centuries-old experience of its use, allows us to say with confidence that this technique has a positive effect on conception among infertile couples. The impact of special needles on certain points on the human body normalizes blood flow to the reproductive organs, contributes to the onset of ovulation and improves the condition of the uterine mucosa. Thus, favorable conditions are created for successful fertilization.

Many completed studies in this area show that acupuncture can be used as an independent method of treating infertility, and can be carried out in conjunction with additional methods, including ART. Women who resorted to the help of experts in the field of acupuncture, the chances of conceiving a child were significantly higher than in the control group among women who refused to perform this procedure.

When to do the test after conception?

A pregnancy test determines the presence of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in the urine. HCG is produced in a woman’s body only after successful conception, when the pregnancy progresses. Every two to three days, the amount of the hormone increases exponentially if the pregnancy develops normally.

A pregnancy test is recommended to be performed in the morning immediately after waking up, since it is at this time that the urine is more concentrated. The test strip is substituted by a stream of urine. Conception has come, if on the indicator two strips.

Sometimes test systems are wrong, and then the results can be false positive or false negative. The reliability and sensitivity of the method is 95-99%, depending on the manufacturer.

Expensive pregnancy tests allow you to determine the successful conception within 7-10 days from the date of the alleged conception. Financially more affordable options determine pregnancy after five to seven days of delaying the next menstruation.

The disadvantage of the method is the inability of the test to determine the localization of pregnancy – it is uterine or ectopic. Diagnosis is based on ultrasound or diagnostic laparoscopy.

Conception: diagnosis

Biochemical blood test (blood hCG)

It refers to the high-precision methods of diagnosis of successful fertilization already in the early stages of gestation. This is due to the fact that the concentration of human chorionic hormone in the blood increases faster than in the urine. Express labs give results within 30-60 minutes. Thus, it is not necessary to wait for the arrival of the next cycle.

Gynecological examination

A gynecological examination allows you to determine whether the pregnancy has occurred or not. With vaginal examination there is an increase in the size of the uterus, softening of the isthmus (the place where the cervix passes into the uterus), increasing the tone of the uterus during palpation, asymmetry of the uterus walls. When viewed in the mirror – bluish color of the cervix. The mammary glands swell, increase in size, become dense and sensitive.

Ultrasound diagnostics

Ultrasound diagnosis is the gold standard, which allows not only to confirm the fact of successful conception and development of pregnancy, but also to indicate its exact location.

In the uterus, the ovum is determined, and in the ovary – the yellow body of pregnancy.

Sex by Conception Date

How to determine the sex of the date of conception?

It should be noted that the definition of sex by the date of conception does not have an evidence base. The given method refers rather to “popular” methods, observations, and is not confirmed by statistics.

Almost all parents show an interest in who is born – a boy or a girl. Therefore, if you have free time and wait for twelve weeks in order to determine the sex of the child on an ultrasound study there is no desire, we offer you the following method.

According to the observations, boys are born more often in young married couples. This is due to the fact that sexual intercourse often occurs just at the age of 25-30 at the peak of sexual activity – hormones are higher in men and women during this period of life.

Spermatozoa, which carry the genetic material of the boy, have greater mobility compared with sperm, which carry female genetic material. But they live less. That is why the likelihood of the boy’s birth increases during intercourse on the day of ovulation, and girls a few days before the release of the egg, as mentioned above.

Changes in the woman’s body after conception

In the first days after conception, a woman usually does not feel any changes in her body. The first signs of successful conception – they are also called presumptive may appear a week after conception. These include:

  • change in taste habits up to the perversion of taste
  • increased appetite
  • nausea, vomiting
  • drowsiness, weakness
  • dislike some odors, especially harsh
  • “Mood jumps” during the day (a woman may begin to cry or laugh for no reason at all)
  • increase in body temperature to 37.3 degrees
  • frequent urination
  • constipation
  • breast engorgement, their sensitivity, pain when touched
  • discoloration of the areola
  • the appearance of spots on the body (pigment accumulations)
  • delayed menstruation

At the first signs of pregnancy should consult a doctor.

Discharge from the genital tract

In the first days after conception or on the days when the next menstruation was to come, bloody discharges may appear from the genital tract. Most often they are associated with the implantation (attachment) of the embryo to the walls of the uterus. Discharge bloody, often dark brown, scanty.

The appearance of red blood in copious amounts can be a symptom of a threatening condition for the fetus. When the first signs appear, you should immediately contact your doctor and come for a gynecological examination.

See a doctor should in case of any discharge from the genital tract. For the calm of the future mother, timely identification of the causes of these secretions and, if necessary, the appointment of appropriate therapy.

Behavior after conception

In the period after conception, a woman should be as attentive as possible to herself, listen to the changes that occur in the body, not to lift weights.

Restrictions apply to physical activity. In the first trimester of pregnancy only walking is allowed, preferably in the open air. Walking in a smooth, measured step.

In the second trimester of pregnancy, it will be possible to afford more activities if there is no threat of termination of pregnancy. During this period, in addition to cardio exercise, you can add stretching exercises (for example, yoga for pregnant women), fitball exercises, swimming and aqua aerobics.

Walking in the open air normalizes blood pressure, enriches the blood with oxygen, increases muscle tone, and has a positive effect on the emotional perception of reality.

Allow yourself to relax, at least for a couple of hours a day. Let it be time free from domestic troubles and everyday fuss, work and endless telephone conversations with colleagues – “time for yourself”. Adaptation to the new rhythm will happen quickly, and you will be happy with the changes taking place.

The onset of conception does not mean that the difficult stage – the successful conception – has been passed, and you can return to bad habits.

Drinking alcohol, even in small quantities, can lead to the development of irreversible organic damage to the nervous system of a long-awaited child, including his brain. The risk of developing children with psycho-neurological symptoms is significantly increased when drinking alcohol. Is nine months so much? Compared to how long the wait was.

Smoking, as mentioned above, leads to a spasm of blood vessels, including umbilical cord vessels, which deliver chemical elements, oxygen and nutrients from mother to child, and remove carbon dioxide and metabolic products from the fetus.

Nervous overstrain, stressful situations lead to the release of stress hormones, which lead to increased heart rate and mother, and fetus – tachycardia.

Inadequate blood supply can have a damaging effect on the fetus. In the conditions of nutrient deficiency and oxygen starvation, intrauterine growth of the fetus occurs. That is why it is so important to learn to control one’s emotional state, to control one’s consciousness.

Positive thinking allows you to tune in to the favorable course of pregnancy, to perceive the world around positively. Remember those moments of life when you felt happy, think about what gives you joy. Thoughts and attention should focus on yourself and the child and think about what is important for you two in the first place.

The use of certain types of drugs can have an adverse irreversible effect on the development of the future baby. In this regard, when planning pregnancy, when there is a likelihood of conception, it is extremely important to carefully select adequate drugs that will not have a teratogenic effect on the fetus.


Summing up, it should be said that the problem of increasing the effectiveness of IVF cycles does not lose its relevance to this day. According to RAHR (Russian Academy of Human Reproduction), the effectiveness of ART methods has not changed radically in recent years.

The trend is that every year an increasing number of married couples turn to reproduction centers for help in solving problems with conception. Scientific interest is explained not only by the relevance of this problem, but also by the appearance, thanks to scientific and technical progress, of new opportunities for identifying etiological factors and pathogenetic mechanisms of the ineffectiveness of IVF procedures.

Conducting adequate and timely educational work on the factors that influence conception, as well as the qualitative preparation of a woman during the preparation for pregnancy, is rational and effective.

Thus, the improvement and application of the latest research methods in the diagnosis of gynecological diseases, as well as the achievement of the necessary clinical and laboratory parameters, will improve the quality of life of patients and make it more likely to expect an improvement in the reproductive health of women as a factor in Russia’s demographic development.

The task of every woman who plans to conceive is to listen carefully to her inner feelings, monitor her health, find time to rest and sleep, take care of herself and be medically savvy — know which clinical manifestations (symptoms) should be taken into account and what to do. when they appear.

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