The endocrinologist is a specialty doctor, he deals with all the disorders that are associated with hormones. These are both the pathologies of the peripheral glands and those that regulate their work – the hypothalamus with the pituitary gland. In addition, endocrinologist also controls endocrine-metabolic diseases – weight loss and obesity, skin pigmentation, carbohydrate metabolism, proteins or other substances. Often, these doctors advise patients who have trouble sleeping and constant weakness, frequent headaches, and problems with skin, nails or hair, appetite, and thirst.
If you hurt hormones?
Not always the problems that are associated with hormones, can be identified immediately. Many of the endocrine diseases are often mistaken for fatigue and colds, which are too long. Consultation and blood tests for hormones often help to identify the true cause of such ailments. This is especially important if a person has noted a quick weight gain, while his diet has not changed, or there is a pronounced and sharp weight loss. In addition, you need to think about problems with hormones, if you often urinate extensively, and the type of urine has changed; if you are constantly suffering from colds; on the skin for a long time do not pass the pustules; swelling of the face; impaired muscle tone; there are pains and cramps in them.
In addition, hormones and their imbalances are often responsible for cardiac and vascular, neurological pathologies (pressure jumps, arrhythmias, hypotension, neuroses, hysteria, memory and attention loss, sleep problems). Such symptoms may manifest themselves problems with the pituitary or the gonads, the thyroid gland or the adrenal glands. Sometimes only an experienced endocrinologist, after testing for hormones, can reveal the true cause of hypertension or headaches, infertility, and a decrease in performance.
Hypothyroidism, diabetes and others
The problems that the endocrinologist most often encounters are diabetes mellitus (both of the first and second type), as well as hypothyroidism, increased thyroid gland (thyrotoxic goiter), hormone-dependent damage to vision, problems of the parathyroid glands and sexual disorders (infertility, potency problems). In addition, one of the important problems that these doctors often work with is weight loss (up to anorexia) or obesity, changes in metabolic processes (protein, carbohydrate and lipid metabolism). To understand the true causes of ailments, you need to contact an endocrinologist and go through a full examination.
Thyroid gland and its sufferings
Many people know that problems thyroid gland often associated with iodine deficiency in food and water. And invariably patients find out from the doctor whether it is possible to correct the situation at home by taking iodine preparations or saturating them with food? However, it is far from always that the thyroid gland suffers precisely because of iodine deficiency, although the outward manifestations may be very similar. Therefore, doctors advise not to self-medicate, but to undergo an examination and find out if it is iodine that is lacking or the thyroid gland itself and the synthesis of hormones that it produces suffers.
Often, gastroenterologists also send their patients to the endocrinologist if there are complaints of constipation, disturbances in the microbial flora or disturbances in food digestion. This is quite justified, since the thyroid gland controls the basal metabolism and is responsible for muscle motility. In hypothyroidism, persistent, multi-day constipation is often one of the leading symptoms. Normalization of the thyroid gland, the elimination of hypothyroidism leads to the fact that a person stops complaining and digestive problems.
Often, hypothyroidism also leads to a decrease in efficiency, as well as to a violation of weight and general condition, appearance. Patients come to the endocrinologist with complaints – “forever freezing, sleep and get fat, I do not want to do anything!”.
Thirst, weight loss and lots of urine
Such symptoms, in combination with weakness, sweating, aggressiveness, mood swings and general malaise, should significantly alert you and force you to turn to an endocrinologist. Diabetes mellitus often manifests itself in this way – a serious metabolic disorder in which glucose metabolism suffers. This is a simple carbohydrate that nourishes all the cells of the body, and which can be delivered to almost all cells with the help of a special hormone – insulin. If insulin production suffers, or the receptors that react to it are disturbed, this leads to starvation of the cells. Fats and proteins begin to be consumed, which leads to weight loss, and accumulated in the blood plasma glucose causes thirst and discharge copious amounts of urine. Severe diabetes leads to disability, and sometimes even death due to coma and damage to brain tissue. It is the endocrinologist who is engaged in the treatment of diabetes, the correction of nutrition with it and the selection of the required doses of insulin.
When to go to the doctor?
Often, the first symptoms of ailments by many of the patients are ignored, they are hardly visible, or they are referred to as completely different problems. Along with the therapist, it is worth visiting an endocrinologist if there is a sharp increase in pressure, especially if a person is not yet 40 years old. Can be a reason to study the level hormones cardiac arrhythmias, pruritus and constant pustular processes, the manifestation of pigmentation outside the sun. You also need to immediately be examined by an endocrinologist, if the patient began to drink more than 2.5 liters of fluid and to urinate a lot and often, and also if it is unpleasant for him to swallow food, there is a sensation of coma in the throat or compression of the neck. It is worth going to an appointment with a doctor if, with the usual diet, a person began to lose weight or gain abruptly, and also noticed sweating, a sensation of heat, or freezing at a fairly normal temperature.
These manifestations are far from always the symptoms of exactly hormonal problems, but often, ignoring such manifestations, patients start the disease to a stage that requires long-term, serious and sometimes lifelong treatment, as well as limitations in the usual life.