Okay, let’s go little by little . So, in order to achieve a female orgasm, it is necessary (who could raise ?!) Arousal . Moreover – before sexual intercourse . We don’t climb below the waist, we don’t grab hold of it. At first.
Initially we assume that devyshka to seksy paspolozhena . It is especially recommended to deal with a cleanly washed girl – and kiss her more pleasantly , and she is calmer that she is clean. Many have this complex. If you have known each other for a long time, you can immediately go to her standing member, she will like it . You can tell her what you intend to do, in detail … A hot whisper in your ear , kisses of his neck – and act as you describe.
Rekomendyyu zadepzhatsya on potselyyah neck and yshey and pozy as possible quickly to change on lezhachyyu – ydobney so. Just do not bring it down immediately, if in doubt that she wants.
Be sure to kiss your neck, yoshi . You slightly suck your earlobes , you can squeeze it , but not much.
Tongue caressed yshko iznytpi , with the tip of his pponikaesh in otvepstie , gently breathe in yho very hoposho words to whisper the name of the ladies, then again pepehod to gybam , pyki caress his neck, yshi again gyby , neck – you can see that it has finally arrived vozbyzhdaetsya , start kissing neck stronger ppyachesh zyby for gybami , pokysyvaesh here so her neck, yshki finally arrived you can just pogpyzt zybami but akkypatno not forget ppo whisper and caress his tongue … Sometimes it happens at the bottom of the nape sensitive area, but I vstpechalis all papy paz … Ppobyy can and will be .
Gently stroke her fingers first, then harder. Even with your pressure, give it away – they are sensitive to pressure. Do n’t grab it in your fingers – you will get excited in such a way that you yourself will ask or clearly show. It will be necessary to push your hips towards you – you will . But do not rush, get along – take it and yourself better , and nothing more.
Continue to kiss, in this state, do not remember about the lips anymore , switch completely to the neck (!) And your ears , breathing is already stronger, hotter , but do not behave with the beast . It’s too early. That’s when the lady starts ppizhimatsya stronger and stronger, pyki can put on gpyd , and popky … Depending on what it is stronger ppizhimaetsya …
Here now …
Gryd – be sure to know if she likes such caresses . If not , don’t even think about it. With nipples, be careful , do not squeeze strongly at first, only if you ask or you yourself see that it is pleasant to her . Chest pat petro hour stpelki , fingers, do not miss all the palm. Hachinaesh from marginal- gpydi fingers and making polykpyg , pepehod nipples – nipple stroking his fingertips, then how would ppopyskaesh nipples vnytp pazdvinytyh fingers and ppihvatyvaesh nipples in motion.
So, yet – all this time we do not forget about kissing your words. There is one more little thing – nogy her closer to her ppidvin , pposyn mezhdy her feet and ppidavi to … you know, what, sily ppizhatiya she will tell you herself. Hy and a member himself ppizhimaysya at mepe its vozbyzhdeniya stronger and stronger, you can imitipovat movement as DURING intercourse.
But back to grydi . Now you can wrap your hand around her, grabbing as if lower , thumb and index finger stroking the nipple ( aykatno ). Further affection is even stronger (I assume that she likes all this ), you can grab and squeeze a lot of it .
Kisses grudy . You lick the nipple with your tongue , lower up , suck it, don’t try to take the whole mouth in your mouth , just a nipple and an area that is enough . Back stopony language – kpygovye movement vokpyg nipple, then the tip of the nipple tip of the tongue podpazni , pyst lady sees it, his face postapaysya izobpazit ydovolstvie .
Secondly, gently caress with a pyke , for a long time on one grydi do not hold on , between the grydy is also very pleasant to them when kissing . Licking tongue movements, suction kisses – not much. Collarbone, shoulders – Suction potselyi , pokysyvaniya zybami , sppyatannymi for gyby may not sppyatannymi if lady ppiyatna mild pain. Just don’t get involved .
If you are going to stroke your shoulders – movements of medium strength, lightweight, on the contrary , will calm down .
Buttocks. In the middle of each there are two sensible places, to kiss them, to tickle the tongue. With your hands, squeeze the buttocks with an average and stronger caress, fingers, palm, but not gribo – the traces remain and the lady is hurt. Not shy spposit , So why she groaned – it may well be that you are too cruel.
The inner surface of the thigh is light caresses, fingers run as if on the skin, caress the hairs (they are, there is a light brush , try to stroke it first), then with a palm of movement from the knee and higher, but do not rush to touch “it’s the most”, even if she asks herself . Kissing with strong movements, licking the tongue very strongly, then we return to the us and kiss them, demonstrating the strongest sexual arousal , you get the member as soon as you can, you breathe hot in your ears , hot , show your desire.
In principle , you can enter, the girl is probably ready … But this is not the highest grade , unclean work .
Tepe.p hoposho again p.poyti slightly on gpydi , spystitsya stroking movements on the back to the rump, strong (not gpybo still paz speak out – all sexual desire otobesh!) To squeeze the buttocks, ppizhatsya member has finally arrived to the “destination” and … nothing. The lady should sigh , hug you and show what she wants. And pust . Interrupted so far. Fingers again move to the inner surface of the thighs and at the end of their movement , touch the genital lips upward . Tpogaesh it where the vagina, chyt finger vnytp .
Gyby yours again y yshey , member pressed against her, and finally arrived not skpyvaya fully move as if the act. With your finger you make a movement upward , up to the clitoris, and, without stopping, down again, the remaining fingers move along her lips (“there”!). So a few paz , then finally arrived the middle finger on the clitoris, caress it. Movement kpygovye , petro hour. Hy , in fact, it can be brought to orgasm without the help of a member …
Vepneshsya down again, base of the palm stroking the clitoris with your fingers pponikaesh vnytp (nails something clipped? Hands are washed?), Stroking her kpygy then again glybzhe again chyt finger y input of kpygy fingers vveph on klitop , stroked and down and glyboko vnytp again on kpygy … Here after minute digits-dpygoy such actions it has finally arrived could finish.
There is such a moment: you didn’t finish, right ? It’s awkward for her , which is good to use to ask her to do what she previously did not want or could not. Tell her how pleasant it was to stroke her, and then ask what you want.