How to treat abacterial prostatitis

It is believed that the inflammatory process is always accompanied by the multiplication of bacteria. But this is not a true statement – the human body is very complex and inflammation occurs for other reasons.

Abacterial ( non-bacterial ) prostatitis is also called pelvic pain syndrome. It is not so rare, it can cause extragenital problems. The disease cannot be left unattended.

What is bacterial inflammation?

The disease proceeds according to different scenarios. Characterized by severe pain in the pelvic region, tormenting the patient for 3-6 months. This is the main symptom, which can be different in intensity and localization. Most often, pain is observed:

  • in the genitals;
  • in testicles;
  • in a urine bag.

Discomfort is observed during ejaculation and urination, which is extremely unpleasant. The disease can lead to disorders of the sexual sphere. It is dangerous because it provokes disorders of the psycho-emotional sphere.

Most often, the disease is recurrent in nature, aggravated by provoking factors: hypothermia or excessive physical exertion. Acute prostatitis in this form is rare.

Reasons for development

There are several risk factors that lead to the development of chronic prostatitis:

  1. Degenerative disorders in the gland due to frequent infection. The foci of infection are quickly suppressed, but they harm the prostate gland and disrupt its functioning.
  2. Injuries to the pelvic organs also lead to prostate dysfunction.
  3. Alcoholism, drug addiction and smoking have a negative effect on the entire body, including the prostate gland. Also, malnutrition can inhibit its functions.
  4. Parasites are sources of toxins, which can also provoke an inflammatory process.
  5. The disease is systemic in autoimmune disorders. Immunity cells in such ailments do not attack foreign agents, but tissues, which leads to their irritation.
  6. Violation of the outflow of urine irritates the walls of the urinary canal. They put pressure on the gland, causing inflammation and additional symptoms. This variant of the disease is treated the easiest way – it is enough to normalize the outflow of urine and the working capacity of the prostate will be restored.
  7. Stress, depression and other psychosomatic causes can lead to disruption of the work of any organ, and the prostate also suffers. This is due to the fact that during emotional upheavals, the hormonal background changes. Often, the disease can be cured only with the help of a psychiatrist and the use of special drugs.

In the early stages, to get rid of the pathology, it is enough just to eliminate the negative factor that led to its development. Before treating the disease, it is necessary to conduct a thorough diagnosis. Without the discovery of an inflammation catalyst, the urologist will not be able to draw up the correct treatment regimen.


To determine the causes of the disease, you need to contact a urologist. It was he who conducted the examination and interview, helping to make a preliminary diagnosis. After collecting an anamnesis, the study is carried out by instrumental and laboratory methods:

  1. Rectal examination of the prostate gland allows you to detect its increase due to the inflammatory process.
  2. General blood and urine tests show deviations in individual indicators.
  3. Pathogenic microorganisms can be found in the secretion of the prostate gland or in semen. They are taken for analysis to clarify the diagnosis.
  4. Examinations of the urinary tract, allowing to detect abnormalities in their structure. Urography can be used to detect pathologies. Also, the doctor can observe the patient’s urine stream – this method is called uroflowmetry .
  5. Ultrasound ( transrectal or classical) also makes it possible to study the structure and identify the anatomical features of the gland.

The doctor can judge abacterial inflammation if pathogenic microorganisms have not been identified. It is easiest to detect the disease in the acute stage, and the latent process is more difficult to detect.

In some cases, urologists involve immunologists in the diagnosis in order to detect gaps in the body’s defenses.

If the studies have not yielded results, then a psychotherapist is involved in the treatment and diagnosis.

Is it possible to recognize the disease at an early stage?

In most cases, the disease cannot be detected at an early stage. During this period, she does not give obvious symptoms. The pains are not expressed brightly, they are almost imperceptible and do not interfere with normal life and work.

Most often, men seek medical help when there are violations in the sexual sphere. This is the only symptom that can alarm them. If they do this with pain during ejaculation, then it will be easier to cure the disease.

When erectile dysfunction is observed, only complex therapy, including consultation with a psychotherapist, will help get rid of the disease.

Ways to treat the disease

Non-bacterial inflammation is characterized by a latent course, lasting up to 5 years. During this time, the process causes complications and becomes almost irreversible. Also, a bacterial infection can join it, which can only be eliminated by taking antibiotics.

Doctors practice an integrated approach to therapy to boost immunity and get rid of prostate dysfunction. There are several ways to cope with chronic manifestations of the disease and prevent complications. The positive effect of the treatment of abacterial prostatitis improves the condition of the whole organism, relieves a man from apathy, depression, mood swings.

In 90% of men, inflammation of the prostate gland is found, which is not accompanied by the reproduction of bacteria. The disease has an infectious nature only in 10% of cases.

Medical therapy

For the treatment of non-bacterial prostatitis are used:

  1. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs – more effective in the form of solutions for enemas or rectal suppositories. The following funds are prescribed: Meloxicam , Mataren , Mesipol .
  2. Antispasmodics – struggle with the main symptom – pain. They relax tissues and relieve inflammation.
  3. Antibiotics are used because of the inability to detect some causative agents of inflammation. The most commonly used means: Minoleksin , Furazidin , Doxycillin . They belong to the category of drugs with a wide spectrum of action or antibacterial agents of the tetracycline series.
  4. Alpha-blockers make it easier to urinate, relax the muscle fibers of the ureteral neck. For this purpose, doctors usually use: Terazosin , Tamsulosin , Alfuzosin .

In rare cases, if the disease is in an acute stage, doctors resort to novocaine blockade (if the pain is very strong).

Antidepressants are needed for psycho-emotional problems. Many of them have a positive effect on blood flow and hormonal levels. Such drugs help restore erections and suppress the fear of pain during orgasm.


Treatment is almost always accompanied by prostate massage. It is carried out through the anus. This procedure:

  • eliminates the violation of the outflow of the secret;
  • restores blood circulation;
  • reduces pain;
  • enhances overall well-being.

Therapeutic massage is carried out simultaneously with a rectal examination. It allows the doctor to control the state of the gland, while simultaneously stimulating it. Massage increases the effectiveness of drugs.

Physiotherapy methods

Physiotherapy allows you to achieve:

  • improving blood microcirculation for faster drug delivery to the affected tissue;
  • facilitating the outflow of the bodice, which contributes to the removal of toxins;
  • elimination of stagnation of blood and a special secret;
  • improve metabolism and cell wall permeability;
  • increased libido, the appearance of a stable erection.

Most often, urologists prescribe several methods for therapy at once:

  • hydrotherapy;
  • electrophoresis;
  • microwave and UHF;
  • magnetotherapy.

You can carry out procedures at home or in a clinic in a special room. Prices for devices do not allow anyone to purchase them for home use. In most cases, a man needs a course of 10-15 sessions to achieve a sustainable result. It is carried out in parallel with other methods of therapy.

Laser treatment

Another physiotherapy method should be considered separately. With it, an infrared laser beam acts on the gland. It has high permeability. Under the action of the laser, energy production in the mitochondria of cells increases. This increases the rate of tissue regeneration.

The action of drugs when using this method of therapy becomes more effective, which makes it possible to reduce their doses. It also increases the metabolic rate, due to which toxins are removed from the affected tissues. Together with other physiotherapeutic methods, laser treatment helps the patient feel better faster.

A big mistake is to stop therapy for non-infectious inflammation after the first improvements. To prevent the disease from recurring as long as possible, it is necessary to undergo a full course of treatment, which lasts about 3 weeks.

Folk remedies

Many urologists practice the use of traditional therapies along with the main treatment. In this case, they may recommend:

  • ready-made urological collections of medicinal plants for the preparation of infusions;
  • hirudotherapy (successfully copes with blood stasis);
  • apitherapy – the use of bee products.

Before being treated with folk methods, it is necessary to consult with a specialist and take into account the individual characteristics of your body. Medicinal herbs and bee products can cause severe allergic reactions. In this case, traditional medicine will do more harm than good.


Preventive measures are aimed at strengthening immunity and supporting men’s health. So that you do not have to deal with non-bacterial prostatitis in the future, you must:

  1. Change your own diet. The diet should include more vegetables and fruits. Drink more fluids. Do not abuse alcohol, coffee. It’s best to quit smoking. During periods of exacerbation of pain, exclude fried, spicy and salty foods. Do not eat canned and processed foods.
  2. Physical activity relieves blood stagnation: yoga, breathing exercises Streltsova, exercise therapy, Kegel exercises (helping strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor).
  3. Sexual contacts should be regular. If the patient does not have a permanent sexual partner, urologists recommend resorting to masturbation.

Prevention prevents recurrence of the disease. If an exacerbation nevertheless occurred, then you should not rely on your own strength, consult a urologist.

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