Many factors influence the ability of a man to be excited, maintain sexual intercourse to the end and ejaculate, because potency – very thin stuff. Some representatives of the stronger sex to old age remain anxious in the intimate plan, and some even at a young age are content with sex twice a week and consider it quite acceptable. What weakens the “male power” and negatively affects sexual activity?
Problems with potency provokes excess weight
And the matter is not only purely physical difficulties, although overweight creates obstacles for normal activity and change of positions, and this is of great importance in quality sexual intercourse. In the body of obese men, the level of female hormones estrogen increases, but the concentration of testosterone, which accelerates muscle growth, is responsible for physical strength and endurance, and most importantly – determines the degree of desire and ability for physical intimacy, decreases. That is why men grow fat by the female type – their belly and chest grow, their shoulders become less buttocks.
And even if a man is not too complex about his appearance, he is unable to ignore the internal hormonal processes in his body. Add here more shortness of breath, increased sweating, an abnormal heart rhythm with the risk of heart attack and stroke – and the picture is altogether depressing.Therefore, those who have problems with potency due to excess weight, it makes sense to think about your diet and later life.
Carbonated drinks, soy and popcorn – how do they affect the potency in men?
It would seem that all the dangers that await us in the use of carbonated sugary drinks, we are already aware. They de destroy tooth enamel, and calcium is washed out of the bones and also provokes weight gain, but few know that they lead to the accumulation of bromine in the body, causing a decrease in potency and, in the long run, sterility. Therefore, all those to whom such a picture does not seem rosy should reduce the number of carbonated drinks consumed, or even abandon them in favor of the natural juices of fruits and vegetables.
Soybean directly affects spermatogenesis, inhibiting sperm production. The thing is that it contains isoflavones , which in their structure and action resemble the female sex hormones estrogen. Excess weight can only increase the negative effect of the use of soy-based products. But even inflated bodybuilders who do not complain about their figure should not relax too soon. Many of them take steroids to build muscle, and often unknowingly or for the sake of saving low-quality soy products. As a result, the potency of men suffers, and with it self-esteem.
As for popcorn, this harmless sweetness, which cinema lovers so much like to feast on, is placed in bags covered with non-stick chemical substances so that they do not miss the fat. When accumulated in the body, they cause potency problems, infertility and even testicular cancer. Therefore, going with the girlfriend to the cinema, it is better to cook a delicious dessert by yourself or replace it with apple chips, which is also very tasty and healthy for health. What else can negatively affect the “male power”? Lack of zinc in the body. If you do not like seafood at all, do not eat nuts, do not drink cocoa and do not like sesame and pumpkin seeds in baking, then it is time to reconsider your taste tastes.
Zinc is a constant trace element of the male seed, the regulator of the endocrine and reproductive systems. It stimulates the prostate gland to make testosterone and increases erectile function, the ability to ejaculate and conceive. So anyone who wants to have good potency, should increase the proportion of zinc-rich foods in the diet.
Bad habits are the main culprits of poor potency
Many smokers and alcohol lovers will now smile and say that a glass or two of something hot will only increase desire and passion, and a cigarette smoked after making love by love will be like a breath of fresh air after the summer heat. But this does not mean that it will always be like this.Toxic substances in the composition of tobacco smoke accumulate in the body of a man, disrupting the work of all organs and systems, and the main active ingredient, that is, nicotine, constricts blood vessels and impairs blood circulation, which negatively affects the quality of erection and potency.
With regard to alcohol, then surely many men noticed that after taking on the chest immediately pulls into exploits – the desire for intimacy is activated, but when it comes to sex, then you have only to dream about completing what you have begun – ejaculation does not occur and does not occur. In the future, there are problems with erection, and the potency gradually comes to naught. Ethyl alcohol adversely affects sperm motility. It seems they are, but not all are ready for fertilization. If we talk about drugs, then the situation is even worse, because the degradation of the individual and physical exhaustion with this kind of harmful the habit going even faster.
Do you sleep badly? Lack of sleep as one of the causes of impotence
The fast pace of today’s life, the pursuit of the benefits of humanity leave their mark on the daily routine of modern men. They strive to earn more money to provide their families with everything they need, taking less time to sleep than is necessary for good rest. As a result, the risk of developing heart failure, neurosis, diabetes mellitus, etc. increases. Banal fatigue not the best way affects the potency in men, besides regular lack of sleep provokes an increase in cortisol concentration and a decrease in the production of sex hormones.
It has been clinically proven that men who have apnea or nocturnal snoring, that is, disorders that reduce the quality of sleep, suffer from erectile dysfunction much more often than those who do not complain of lack of sleep.
Stress and low self-esteem
Whatever the causes of potency problems, they invariably engender a fear of intimacy and self-doubt, which further aggravates the existing state of affairs. Instead of enjoying intimacy, enjoying the caresses, the man continually glances at the lower abdomen and constantly thinks whether there will be an erection, and whether I can ejaculate or disappoint my partner. Such a stupor reduces the degree of pleasure, and if there is also no support from the woman, but on the contrary, reproaches, or even worse – ridicule, then you will have to forget about good potency.
If you add chronic stress, trouble at work, misunderstanding among the closest people, the circle is closed. A man is left alone with his problem and does not find a way out. Therefore, such a delicate matter as the potency in men requires the mandatory exclusion of negative factors provoking its fall.