Men prefer not to talk about prostatitis, considering such a disease to be very intimate, and often for the same reason they delay their visit to the doctor. However, as inflammation of the prostate progresses, problems with potency arise, hormonal metabolism disorders are formed, which makes it necessary to contact a specialist with the disease in an already quite neglected state. Therefore, it is important to remember that the consequences of infections that lead to inflammation may remain for a long time even with the full treatment of the pathology. In this regard, it is necessary for men to know: you need to consult a doctor at the first manifestations of prostatitis, then the treatment will be the most effective and rapid.
Prostatitis: where does it come from?
The probability of developing prostatitis is not increased by all men. An absolutely healthy and young guy, who follows hygiene and leads a healthy lifestyle, has a low risk of developing pathology. But there are several categories of patients in whom prostatitis develops much more often than others. At risk include those who lead a low-active lifestyle, moves little, is engaged in sedentary work. In addition, the risk is higher for those who eat improperly, abusing dry and spicy, fatty foods. The development of prostatitis is higher in the presence of bad habits – smoking and alcohol in excess. Negative factors are considered frequent hypothermia and change of sexual partners, long periods of abstinence from intimate intimacy.
Prostatitis occurs when there are several provocative factors. The most dangerous of them is considered an infection that has both a specific and non-specific nature. In addition, many other non-infectious factors also have an impact.
Infection as the main provocateur?
The main triggering factor for prostatitis is considered to be penetrating into the intimate area of the infection. The most common microbes that most often form a disease are considered streptococcus and staphylococcus, as well as Proteus and E. coli. No less dangerous in relation to the development of prostatitis and venereal infection (including latent). However, according to doctors, microbial prostatitis develops only in 5% of men with clinically severe symptoms. Accordingly, the infection though plays a certain role, but not the leading one. Quite a healthy body of a man actively suppresses the infection penetrating into the sexual sphere. But if stagnations are formed in the pelvic vascular area, the situation changes radically.
The role of hormones in prostate
Against the background of stagnation in the pelvis occurs the formation of chronic prostatitis. The main problems that become the causes of the disease include sexual abstinence and irregular sexual intercourse. It is an intimate life is one of the main factors affecting inflammation and prostatic hyperplasia, along with the influence of hormones. At the time of sperm discharge, the prostate is massaged, and if there is no intimate life, congestion is formed in the prostate.
With age, the hormone levels of men gradually decrease, which leads to a decrease in sexual desire and potency, which also causes a decrease in the intensity of sexual life. Especially important of the hormones are testosterone, if it is low, it significantly affects the work of the prostate. It initially partially takes over the functions of hormone production, but its reserves are not infinite. As hormones decrease, the potency suffers, and with it intimate life.
Bad habits, problems of potency, etc.
Bad habits, notably the abuse of beer, have a smaller impact. Alcohol leads to the formation of edema of the prostate and the development of stagnation, which helps to develop infections. In addition, amid alcohol abuse suffers potency, and with it an intimate life. Dangerous for potency and contributing to prostatitis will be injuries and operations in the perineum, adhesions in the pelvis, circulatory disorders due to systemic diseases. Significantly affect the production hormones, and especially testosterone, nutritional deficiencies: if the diet is not balanced for the main food components, this leads to problems.
Symptoms of the disease: how to recognize them
The first manifestations of the disease men note immediately – it is discomfort and pain in the process of urination. As the process progresses, there may be frequent urge to urinate with fruitless attempts to urinate. These symptoms of the disease bring inconvenience to men, creating dependence on toilet visits in the most inappropriate places.
In some of the representatives of the stronger sex, the disease begins with acute and pronounced signs of inflammation, pain, discomfort during urination, fever and malaise. However, for many men, prostatitis initially proceeds almost asymptomatically, until the inflammatory process goes far enough and complications do not form. Most often it is learned about it when there are problems with potency, infertility, premature ejaculation or sexual disorders.
To identify chronic prostatitis, a man should pay attention to some, sometimes barely pronounced manifestations of the disease. These include discomfort in the perineum or groin, pain or feeling of heaviness. There is also a decrease in potency, inhibition of libido. The loss of interest in the opposite sex and lack of interest in intimacy, erection problems, a feeling of constant fullness in the bladder and malaise, depression, stress are a particular worrying sign.
In this case, you need to go to a doctor, andrologist or urologist to get tested and get a full-fledged study. And it is the procedure of examination and collection of analyzes that most disturbs men. These studies are unpleasant, and sometimes painful, especially if there are suspicions of chronic intimate infections. And the treatment can hardly be called pleasant, especially if prostate massage is necessary. But it is impossible to leave prostatitis without treatment, it can lead to serious male problems, which will have to be treated operatively.