If a man notes in himself the problems of potency, it hurts his pride and leads to problems in the relationship. The reasons are many, ranging from the existing chronic prostatitis and delicate infections, disorders in the exchange of hormones, ending with fatigue, stress and bad habits. But the psychology of men is such that intimate problems extremely seriously affect behavior and emotionality, lead not only to physical discomfort, but also mental, even neuroses and depressions. The media widely advertise dietary supplements for men, is it worth believing promises, will they help in solving the problem?
Psychology of men and intimate problems
Problems with potency in men is a very delicate topic, in the male environment it is not customary to talk about it out loud. And knowing the psychology of men and their dislike of visiting a doctor, often problems remain unresolved for a long time, reaching quite difficult degrees, and lead to a sharp deterioration in the quality of life. Dissatisfaction on the intimate plane leads to problems in your personal life, chronic emotional stress and depression, even severe mental disorders with suicidal attempts. The psychology of men is such that for them the whole of life as a whole is closely connected with man’s strength and any blunders are perceived painfully. However, in the overwhelming majority of cases, the problem can be completely solved with the help of a doctor and taking certain means; it is only important to overcome shame and fear by seeking help. Today, successfully solved the problem of erectile dysfunction, early ejaculation, dissatisfaction with the quality of sexual intercourse.
Problems with potency and ejaculation
Erectile dysfunction (disorder of potency) and the related impossibility of having high-quality sexual intercourse often becomes a big problem. From the point of view of the psychology of men, this is a complete catastrophe, even if it comes to single episodes. No need to think that if a man is young – it will never touch him. According to statistics, problems with potency every tenth man is over 20 years old, for men over 40, this percentage rises to 40%, and by the age of 60, it exceeds 50%. And age is still quite “combat-ready.” A man is still full of physical strength, attractive, and if such a “misfire” awaits him in bed, this greatly undermines self-esteem, affecting further intimate relationships with a partner.
Another serious problem for a man can be premature ejaculation, which does not give to fully enjoy the sexual act itself. According to scientific definition, it is considered a problem if ejaculation (ejaculation) occurs approximately one to two minutes from the moment of insertion of the penis into the woman’s vagina. At the same time, a man also loses control over ejaculation, he gets a much lower satisfaction than during normal intercourse. With such a quick final, a man has a natural feeling of depression, and such relationships can lead to serious conflict between partners. After all, a partner with such an act remains unsatisfied.
Causes of misfire: imbalance of hormones
Today, experts identify two groups of causes – these are problems with the health of the body due to the deficiency of male sex hormones, pathologies of the heart and blood vessels, and diabetes. These causes affect circulation, including in the genital area. If there is not enough blood to the penis, then the erection will be unsatisfactory. Male sex hormones are particularly hard hit, including testosterone levels. Their production is affected by lifestyle , food and alcohol intake, especially beer, as well as the quantity and quality of intimate life. Often hidden subclinical deficiency of hormones leads precisely to the problems of potency, and only then additional symptoms appear. It is the sex hormones that regulate the process of arousal and filling the genitals with blood, they are responsible for the quality of the sexual act and its duration. Sometimes it is enough to correct hormonal background and stimulate the synthesis of testosterone, so that everything returns to normal.
Eternal stresses and experiences
But often a man is physically healthy, he does not have chronic pathologies, and there are problems with sex. Usually, the real cause of potency problems is constant anxiety and self-dissatisfaction, perpetual stress or latent flow. depression. This significantly affects the quality of erection and the saturation of sexuality.Constant stress does not allow to relax even at home, and often it is “filled up” with alcohol, from which the potency suffers even more.
Often, these two groups of causes act, mutually burdening each other, – this leads to insecurity in one’s own strengths, feelings and emotional negative reaction. All this increases the severity of the problem.
Advertising dietary supplements for men: will they help?
Today, in various media men can read or hear about various dietary supplements for men, promising a solution to all male problems. On assurances of advertising full potency is restored, the quality of intimacy is improved and all problems are solved. But are they good? Supplements for men and whether to take them? It is important to understand that the problem may be of both organic and functional origin, and the treatment will depend on this. With existing defects in the structure of the genitals, no dietary supplements for men can eliminate the causes of the problem, and treatment by an experienced urologist is important, sometimes even surgery.
If these are problems related to psychological factors, if stress is affected and there is some hormone deficiency, as part of complex therapy, dietary supplements for men can have a certain effect. Naturally, for the most part, they act as a placebo, giving confidence to themselves – “I did drink the drug, now everything is in order.” Partially, the effect is also created due to plant extracts, which normalize blood circulation in the small pelvis and have the functions of natural stimulants of testosterone synthesis, as well as replenishing the minerals and vitamins necessary for a man’s health. These drugs will not solve serious problems, but in the case of temporary difficulties, they can help in overcoming a difficult period in intimate life.