In the treatment of diseases of internal organs or in violation of metabolic processes, doctors use a certain algorithm of actions – this is a combination of general recommendations that are given based on an understanding of the mechanism of pathology and “improvisation”, because each patient is individual. Often, several specialists of different narrow specialties are involved in the process of treating diseases. Many patients underestimate the role of the dentist in the treatment and prevention of the diseases themselves and possible complications.
The manifestation of diseases of internal organs in the mouth
The oral cavity with all its components is part of the digestive tract. Therefore, any changes in the work of the system of several organs or even one will necessarily affect the condition of the oral cavity. Dentists and gastroenterologists talk about the connection between the state of the oral cavity and internal organs, and it is mutual – bilateral.
For a better understanding, you can consider a specific example – gastritis of high acidity. How does it affect the condition of the oral cavity? First, the increased acidity of the gastric juice will help change the pH of the oral cavity to the acid side, which, in turn, contributes to a more rapid and uncontrolled growth of the oral microflora, and pathogenic. In such conditions, the risks of developing inflammatory diseases of the gums, caries and other oral diseases increase sharply. Secondly, if gastritis of high acidity is accompanied by reflux, then the enamel of chewing teeth undergoes acid melting – erosion gradually forms. Erosive changes of enamel will facilitate the development of caries and its complications.
In diseases of the digestive tract increases not only the risks of developing diseases of the oral cavity. There are also symptoms, on the appearance of which the dentist may advise you to contact a gastroenterologist.
Feedback also exists. Caries, inflammatory diseases of the gums – a potential source of infection for the whole body. And when the oral cavity is not sanitized, bacteria that live in the oral cavity can penetrate the digestive tract and provoke acute or exacerbation of chronic diseases.
Not only diseases the digestive tract can manifest itself in the oral cavity. Kidney disease can also affect the condition of the teeth and gums, and quite bright, and the feedback is quite pronounced.
Pyelonephritis and glomerulonephritis in the oral cavity are manifested by the formation of a specific dense sticky plaque on the teeth, which somewhat resembles the plaque of a smoker. Its formation is extremely fast, it is also rapidly mineralized, that is, it hardens. It is plaque that will stimulate the rapid development of inflammatory diseases of the gums, caries and its complications.
Feedback between the state of the oral cavity and kidney disease is most pronounced. Bacteria that cause caries, its complications, inflammatory diseases of the gums and stomatitis – can activate chronic kidney disease, provoke acute, worsen the condition and even cause complications.
How can a dentist help treat illnesses?
Dentistry is a frontier specialty. Specialists in this area are engaged not only in the treatment of diseases of the gums and teeth, they help in solving more global problems. As mentioned above, any diseases of the oral cavity are potential sources of infection for the whole body that can activate acute or chronic processes.
For these reasons, dental treatment is also necessary, as well as antibiotics with pyelonephritis. A complete reorganization of the oral cavity will help not only to remove the source of infection, and, consequently, all the risks, but even to improve the treatment indicators.
In the prevention of diseases of internal organs, it is not only the complete sanation of the oral cavity that matters, but also the precise implementation of all the recommendations of the doctors. In 2008, a study was conducted that showed that the number of cases of developing infective endocarditis increased when patients refused to take antibiotics after certain types of treatment.
In the United Kingdom, the National Institute of Public Health and Clinical Medicine Improvement advised dentists to cancel antibiotics after dental treatment in some cases. After an increase in the number of patients with infective endocarditis was noted from 40% to 53%, in 95% of cases the bacteria of the oral cavity became the cause of bacterial inflammation.
Martin Thornhill, lead author of the study, notes that, despite the fact that infective endocarditis is a rare disease, it is a rather serious pathology that can threaten not only the health of the patient, but also life. And the data obtained as well as possible indicate the need for dental treatment in case of diseases of internal organs, and a complete rehabilitation of the oral cavity will save from further problems.
A dentist can prescribe antibiotics after tooth extraction, complex endodontic treatment for complications of caries, for example, with periodontitis, without fail for flux, difficult and atypical tooth extraction, and for almost any dental intervention, if the patient is at risk. This group includes patients with disorders of the immune system, in case of serious pathologies of the internal organs and in violation of metabolic processes.
Dental treatment as part of erectile dysfunction therapy
Not only caries can provoke diseases, but also numerous gum diseases of a bacterial nature. The relationship between oral diseases and the potency of men has long been proven. Bacteria of the oral cavity can provoke prostatitis, which can affect male power and health.
In 2015, a study was conducted that revealed an interesting pattern. Scientists from Keizo University, Ohio, USA, observed 27 men who had been diagnosed with prostatitis. Scientists have tested some indicators, including the value of PSA – prostate-specific antigen. In addition to the blood test and general examination, the subjects underwent an examination at the dentist, who assessed the condition of the oral cavity and detected signs of periodontitis. All 27 men were diagnosed with moderate to severe periodontitis.
Periodontitis is an inflammatory and destructive disease of periodontal tissues (a complex of tissues that hold a tooth in its place). All patients received appropriate treatment for periodontitis, but the treatment of prostatitis was suspended. But even so, 21 men had a decrease in PSA. The researchers noted that the best results of treatment were observed in patients with the highest level of inflammation of prostate tissue.
Treatment of periodontitis can not only improve the condition of the prostate, relieve the course of prostatitis, but even improve the patient’s quality of life, as well as protect men from complications of prostatitis and help in its treatment.
Scientists believe that the treatment at the dentist for the diagnosis of “prostatitis” should be as mandatory as the treatment at the andrologist or urologist. And the results of these studies – the best evidence.