Sex is not just a pleasant process, but also extremely rewarding. Women have a bit of sarcasm about statements that sex should be done daily, because such phrases are often uttered by guys. And they are right! And there are many reasons for this. Consider the main ones? So, daily sex …
1. Helps to fight depression
Life is not easy. Every now and then we have some problems: at home, at work, at school, with health. A string of long black stripes can plunge even a merry fellow into despondency. But daily sex will help get rid of the depressive state, since during intimacy, hormones of happiness are produced. Have you ever wanted to kill yourself after orgasm? No. That’s the same!
2. Burns calories and shed excess weight
Of course, for a slender figure, it is not enough just to lie with a motionless log. You have to sweat in bed, but it’s worth it. Plus, losing weight through sex is much more enjoyable than tedious workouts at the gym. If you want to lose weight, pay attention to flexible poses.
3. Gives self-confidence
When you feel desirable, your eyes have a playful sparkle, posture improves, gait like a queen. And this confidence energizes us, those around it feel. A mile away you can see a woman who is aware of her sexuality. She shines with happiness! Sex perfectly helps to overcome complexes.
4. Strengthens the immune system
Sex really strengthens the immune system, since during intimacy, immunoglobulin A is produced. Immunoglobulins are antibodies that are produced in the event of an attack by foreign bodies. They help the body fight disease, in particular, immunoglobulin A is important in the treatment of colds.
5. Suppresses pain
Are you in pain often? Do not drink harmful painkillers, it is better to call your loved one into the bedroom. Sex not only distracts attention from pain, but also drowns it out with the help of beneficial hormones.
6. Strengthens muscles
Of course, frequent sex will have a beneficial effect on muscle tone. This is especially true of the pelvic muscles, and their condition affects women’s health. Sex can also be an excellent prevention for joint and back diseases if you lead a sedentary lifestyle.
7. Stabilizes the menstrual cycle
Don’t believe me? But I believed it as soon as there was a calm on the love front. During a long, serious relationship, my body worked like a Swiss watch. Ovulation and menstruation always occurred at the same intervals. But as soon as sex became rare, disruptions in the menstrual cycle immediately began: the critical days came ahead of schedule, but were late. And the most unpleasant thing is that the state of health during menstruation noticeably worsened.
8. Fights insomnia
You’ve probably noticed that looking at night sex gives you a deep and restful sleep. It is especially important to use such a wonderful “sleeping pill” if you have been suffering from insomnia for a long time. Sleep is the most important element of health!
9. Prolongs youth
Have you ever wondered that 40-year-old women (with a healthy sex life) look better than 30-year-old virgins? During sex, estrogen is actively produced – a hormone on which the youth of women depends. During menopause, estrogen levels drop significantly, leading to fever, foul mood, aging skin and osteoporosis. Want to be a slouchy, wrinkled grimza like an old Shar Pei? Of course not. Then take up your personal life urgently!
This is just the tip of the iceberg. For men, sex is also of great importance, since in addition to a good mood, it becomes a prophylaxis against prostatitis. Of course, frequent intimacy in the same poses quickly gets boring, so it doesn’t hurt to make sex spicy, adding a twist. As you can see, the benefits of making love every day are undeniable. Do not let everyday adversity negatively affect your intimate sphere, and also avoid mistakes in bed. After all, high-quality sex is the key to a long and happy life!