What does sex look like in the statistics mirror?

If you are sitting at a computer in the evenings or lying in front of the TV, instead of spending this time with your loved one, you should know that you are not alone. A variety of studies have shown that approximately 20% of people do not have romantic partners and never have sex.

Why do you need sex?

First of all, to continue the human race. And why? Everyone can answer in their own way. For some, sex is a source of pleasure, for others it is the pinnacle of a love relationship. But besides physical and emotional satisfaction, sex brings people health!  

It lengthens a person’s life. Specialists from Queen’s University of Belfast conducted a study on the relationship of sexual activity and life expectancy of middle-aged men. It turned out that the more often a man has sex, the higher his chances of living a long and happy life. 

Having sex reduces the risk of developing heart disease, stabilizes weight, helps fight stress and improves overall health. Regular sex is a great way to improve immunity, because during sexual intercourse, the concentration of immunoglobulin in the blood increases. 

In women, during intercourse, the level of estrogen in the blood doubles, which helps to improve the structure of the hair, and the skin becomes velvety soft. In other words, sex is an endless source of youth for women! 

How often do people have sex?

A certain American organization conducted an anonymous survey among respondents about how often they have sex. It turned out that the majority of respondents (25%) regularly have sex 1-2 times a week, 15% 3-4 times a week, 15% of respondents have sex 1-2 times a month, 7% generally only 3 −4 times a year! A small percentage was made up of people who do “this” daily, and only those who make love several times a day are just a few!

What is the sexual activity of people living in different countries? Such a large-scale study was conducted by a condom company , interviewing 150 thousand people in different countries. The results were stunning. The myth of sexy latin macho was destroyed. The most tireless lovers of the planet were the inhabitants of Europe – Hungarians. They make love 150 days a year, further down the list go the French, Spaniards and Italians. The Russians are in the honorary top ten “ranking card”. Famous Swedes allow themselves “romantic liberties” only 100 times a year. The laziest live with Singapore: they prefer to sleep longer than to play a healthy and healthy game.    

The next question that interested researchers: how partners are satisfied with their sex life. The most satisfied people live in Thailand, Vietnam and Spain. The most destitute in the satisfaction of carnal pleasures were the Russians. More than half are not satisfied with their sex life.

Why go “to the left”?

What do people do to satisfy their passion? From the survey it turned out that in many countries “one-time relationships” are very popular. About 50% of respondents openly stated this. The Scandinavians turned out to be the biggest adventurers: about 70% of Norwegians, Icelanders and Finns wrote on the questionnaires that they had sex with people they just met!

This is a very good result. If we compare the “strawberry lovers” in other countries, about 40% of Germans and 25% of Indians were engaged in one-time sex, for example . For Russians, such statistics are not available. 

Unsatisfied people have found a new way to do this. In many countries of the world, phone sex, using a computer, via email and even via sms is very popular . For example, more than half of Americans surveyed admitted to this.  

What day of the week is the most suitable for sex?

After many years of research, British scientists answered this question: Thursday is the best day for love ! For the experiment, people of both sexes aged 20 to 40 years, working 5 days a week and having two traditional days off, were selected. 

It turned out that it was on this day of the week that the human body produces the most hormones responsible for sexuality. This peak occurs in the early morning. At 5-6 hours in the morning, the level of testosterone and estrogen reaches its maximum. 

In the second part of the study, an analysis was made of what happens to people on the remaining days of the week. Monday is a hard day. It’s better not to plan anything important on this day. Scientists say that on Monday the highest rates of stress on the cardiovascular system are noted.  

According to British researchers, Tuesday was even more difficult than the beginning of the week. The experiment was attended by over 20 thousand Englishmen who daily answered questions from the questionnaire about their emotional state. Many complained of lethargy and refused sex.

Wednesday was named the best day for dates. On this day, almost all participants in the experiment noted a stable emotional state. This day is good in that you can show yourself to a potential sexual partner on the best side, and even get an objective judgment about it.  

Friday is the eve of the weekend, everyone makes plans for the coming days, when you need to do household chores, pay more attention to children, walks and their health. 

Can there be too much sex? Statistics based on numerous studies answer this question as follows: from a physiological point of view, if you are a woman, then there are no restrictions, and if you belong to the stronger sex, then it all depends on your individual abilities.  

The choice is yours!

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