In many cases, after going to a doctor about certain complaints about health and prescription of treatment, men note a decrease in libido and potency. This can occur during the treatment of hypertension, stress disorders and some neurological diseases. May lead to problems in the intimate life of anesthetic and antiallergic tablets. Especially distinguished synthetic hormones, which are used in endocrine disorders and some other medication. Why is this happening, how do these agents affect the potency and can this be corrected?
Drugs that affect the potency
Often, the treatment of certain somatic pathologies with certain types of pills in men leads to the fact that potency. Such a reaction is formed as a side effect of drugs, but leads to serious psychological problems of the stronger sex. Often this effect is given by drugs for the treatment of arterial hypertension, medicines with painkillers and antihistamine properties, drugs from the group of antidepressants, neurological drugs. It is important to know that potency suffers not only from the drugs prescribed by the doctor, but also from some medications that are used for self-medication, bought without a doctor’s prescription.
What to do if taking certain drugs leads to a decrease in libido and potency? The most basic advice is to pull yourself together and calm down, change poses, lengthen the period of foreplay or, if the effect of the drug is very pronounced, consult a doctor to replace it with a more suitable one.Often these actions will be quite enough to eliminate all negative effects.
While taking pills
If the potency suffers significantly enough, pills for erectile dysfunction in this case will be the most extreme option, if none of the non-drug interventions simply does not help. But if these are the pills that were prescribed to take a course or as needed, for example, to relieve pain or eliminate the manifestations of allergic pathologies, to treat peptic ulcer or stress, you just need to wait. After the end of the course of treatment, potency and libido usually return, and all problems disappear by themselves. The main thing is to understand the fact that this is a temporary phenomenon, and not to focus on what is happening, so that the psychological component is not mixed in either. If you constantly return to your thoughts on this nuance, it threatens to form a psychological problem of potency, which later will be difficult to correct.
It is important that a woman during the treatment period of a man with such pills chooses for herself the right tactics of behavior. It should not give a similar problem of great importance, pretend that everything in life as usual and nothing happened. Sometimes temporary abstinence can help, breaks in intimacy help to develop later more vivid and intense sensations. Let the man himself take the initiative when he is ready and feel that everything is normal with the potency.
Intimate function and the effect of medication on it
All intimate behavior of men in general and sexual intercourse, in particular, is regulated in the body by several systems. This is, above all, central regulation at the level of the cerebral cortex, emotions, feelings and desires, thoughts and aspirations. In addition, hormones play a huge role in intimate life, both male and female, which are produced in small quantities in the body of a man. Of considerable importance is the regulation of vascular tone, blood pressure and filling the blood vessels of the genital vessels. When hypertension significantly changes the blood circulation in the pelvic vessels, which in itself affects the potency, if medication, this will be an additional factor.
Based on the mechanisms of formation of desire, sexual behavior and potency, drugs can have a negative effect on different levels of regulation. Thus, libido and bright sensations during orgasm depend on a high level of testosterone and on nervous regulation, emotions and thoughts.Therefore, those drugs that suppress the production of testosterone (mainly hormones), leads to a decrease in potency. No less strongly affect and drugs that regulate nervous activity and affect the psyche. They can lead to a complete absence of orgasm and a sharp suppression of potency.Especially pronounced effect in antidepressants and neuroleptics, sedatives and drugs for the treatment of epilepsy.
Changes in the balance of hormones during therapy
It is known that the balance of hormones under the influence of certain drugs varies significantly, which leads to the suppression of testosterone or androgen production. This entails disorders of sexual function. Thus, the effect on the potency of such drugs as diuretic preparations withspironolactone in the composition was noted . They lead to increased secretion of prolactin by the pituitary gland, which suppresses the production of male sex hormones, which leads to a decrease in libido and certain problems with erection.
Other groups of diuretics, although they do not affect hormones, but their effect negatively affects the vascular tone in the pelvic area, reducing their blood supply and impairing the functional activity of the penis. In this case, libido as such does not suffer.
Naturally, the treatment of hormones, especially estrogen preparations , has a significant effect on sexual functions . They suppress the production of testosterone and androgens, affect libido and sexual functions, increase body weight.
Hypertension and its treatment
Negative effects are drugs that are used in the treatment of hypertension. Reactions are largely dependent on the dose of the drug, the higher it is, the more likely the negative consequences. However, hypertension itself will, if left untreated, lead to problems with the reproductive system. It is noticed that in young men whose vessels are relatively healthy, the negative effects of the tablets are less pronounced than in those whose hypertension has a length of several decades and is not well controlled by drugs.