Ground pear or Jerusalem artichoke is a useful root vegetable, unfortunately, still undervalued by the Russians. In North America, in the homeland of the plant, it is not for nothing that it is called the “Sun Root”. In the diet, an unusual product can be used in a variety of ways – in raw or processed thermally, […]
Read MoreHealthy and balanced nutrition useful and necessary for each person, regardless of his gender, age, body parameters and general condition of the body. It is known that the “correct” menu and a well-established meal schedule contribute to the normalization of weight indicators, strengthening immunity and stable well-being of physical and psycho-emotional well-being. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the […]
Read MoreThe fact that smoking is harmful to health is known to all. However, in addition to influencing our body, this addiction has other disadvantages that poison our lives. Reason # 1: Smoking can cause infertility in women and impairment of potency in men. With statistics you can not argue: smoking increases the likelihood of male infertility […]
Read MoreBig overweight is always a problem. Today we want to talk about the basics, where to start a person who just decided to try to choose a diet and does not know how to take the first step. In order to understand the proper nutrition, you need to understand what foods should be excluded from the diet. Let’s […]
Read MoreDo you know that 21st of June proclaimed as International Yoga Day? The corresponding resolution was introduced by India – a country of unusual phenomena of human abilities and the birthplace of yoga. Without reservations, it was unanimously supported by the participants of the UN General Assembly, noting the health-improving value of the spiritual and physical system. Indeed, yoga […]
Read MoreMay 15 in the world celebrate the International Family Day – International Day of Families. We offer look at the family in terms of health: is family life good or is it better to be a bachelor? Why do I need a family? Even to this simple question, people can absolutely sincerely give completely different answers. Some will […]
Read MoreThere are many products in the world that look quite “harmless” in appearance, but if used improperly, they face serious health problems. Some of them are freely used in cooking, but it requires careful pre-processing. And some, despite all the bans of the authorities, continue to offer tourists abroad. MedAboutMe will list the list of products and dishes […]
Read MoreIn 2017, a professor from South Africa, Andre van der Merwe, performed a successful penile transplant operation. A 40-year-old patient, who as early as the age of 19 after unsuccessful circumcision, lost his penis, managed not only to engraft the donor organ, but also to restore all its functions – urinary and erectile. On account of André van […]
Read MoreHeart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women. However, male cardiology health suffers much earlier, and the course of many pathologies, for example, a heart attack, has distinctive features. But bad habits have a worse effect on women, and the young age. What is the difference between women’s pathologies of the heart from men’s, what […]
Read MoreEdema of the testicle, which occurs in men of different ages, has a second name – hydrocele. Pathology is formed due to various reasons, perineal trauma or the consequences of infectious inflammation leading to impaired fluid outflow and the formation of scrotal edema are considered to be leading. Progressive hydrocele can cause infertility in a man due […]
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