Despite what on women, alcoholic beverages have a stronger effect; men are subject to their abuse in more so. Russians are confident on one of leading lines of the ranking of the most drinking countries of the world every year, but at last time in connection with There is a positive trend towards legislative restrictions. reduce the amount of alcohol consumed. we no longer first in world but by reasons related to drinking, in Russia is still dying every second representative of the stronger sex.
AT the peak of this is increasingly gaining popularity various movements for sobriety, healthy lifestyle and complete failure bad habits. AND on that there is every reason: rejection booze prolongs life, improves it quality, promotes health and affects psyche in positive way, giving the opportunity to look into future with optimism. But the most important thing: sobriety saves a man from all the problems caused by alcohol.
How alcohol affects an organism?
Here are the main risk factors for a drinking person:
1. Alcohol is the main cause of heart attacks.
Have most men who abuse alcohol have symptoms of toxic damage to the heart muscle of varying degrees, ranging from the most insignificant and ending with severe forms turning into heart failure. The first signs are shortness of breath, discomfort in chest in drinking time, sometimes pain, then from ischemic heart disease may develop in this condition, the legs will swell. The result is logical – sooner or later man overtakes heart attack and it can only be warned in one way. – to get rid of bad habits in advance.
2. Alcohol is harmful at elevated pressure.
Hypertension in Mature age has become almost the norm for modern men. This is facilitated by negatively affecting men’s health stress, lack of physical activity, unhealthy junk food. AT It is considered popularly that alcohol has a positive effect on pressure, lowering it, and useful for hypertensives but Recent studies by Korean physicians have proven otherwise. 21 years they watched six thousand patients and found out: drinking in week 60 grams of pure alcohol are at risk to die prematurely four times more often non-drinkers, and consume more than 120 grams weekly – at as many as twelve times. AND this – very small amounts of Russian standards, so think worth it so risk your own life due to momentary pleasure in Friday evening?
3. Alcohol is one of causes of problems with potency.
First in during sexual intercourse, alcoholic beverages give a man a chance to relax and feel more comfortable, because ethyl alcohol – It is a depressant, inhibiting the processes in brain and nervous system. AT these moments he able to extend the duration of the act of love, but This is caused by the dulling of sensitivity, which gradually manifests itself more and more. What can be the result of abuse of drinks for sometime an ardent lover? With by time erection worsens, craving disappears and wish by after a certain period intimacy is no longer causes former delight, and about orgasm man can forget. From alcohol-induced problems with potency can be eliminated in only one way. – completely abandoning alcohol.
4. Alcohol affects male reproductive sphere.
Problems with potency – not the only consequence of alcohol abuse in sexual sphere. Regular drinking increases the risk of developing prostatitis, and its complications such as prostate vesiculitis. The result is natural: the ability decreases sperm to fertilized as well often a man and does it become is barren. The mechanism of alcohol exposure is blood flow disturbances leading to stagnation in pelvic organs, reducing testosterone production and increase the secretion of the female hormone – estrogen.
5. Alcohol weakens the immune system.
This is another factor affecting development many diseases. Thats same prostatitis often occurs by for this reason, because the prostate gland becomes especially vulnerable to causative agents of infectious diseases with reduced immunity. Ethyl alcohol blocks in hormone-like proteins and special peptides that increase resistance to various bacteria and viruses. And for the full restoration of the immune system you need not less than a day regardless alcohol dosages. An example of such an impact has recently been noted in research HIV infected patients by american scientists. Alcohol turned out to increase HIV activity, and the condition of the patients is worsening. Similar processes but more subtle, occur and at the body of people not infected Hiv
6. Alcohol destroys the psyche.
The main factor of this – various lesions of the nervous system and brain. The identity of the person abusing alcohol becomes more primitive, the processes of perceiving new information and her memorization. AT severe cases, experts note alcoholic psychosis, hallucinations and socially dangerous behavior. It is by therefore, alcohol is the main cause family quarrels, conflicts, divorces. Brain damage may not cause only to problems in family but even to mental disability will turn out – nerve cells regenerate very slowly.
Decide for yourself whether to drink or not drink, you can only. Alcoholism – progressively progressive disease to which poor and rich and lonely and family. Its development can continue unnoticed for decades. – first, a person drinks culturally holidays, then starts doing it after work, and ends hard binge.
Noticed an increase in the frequency of drinking – think about it! If problems associated with alcohol in your life has already been, you know: most narcologists agree on opinion that controlled drinking in this case is impossible, therefore it is better to refuse liquor times and forever and ever. Replace gatherings with friends in bar visiting the gym, walking to fresh air, interesting hobbies, and your life will be long, healthy and happy.