What is frigidity

For a long time, the term “frigidity” was used to describe the lack of sexual desire. Today they try not to use it, replacing the concept of “frigidity in women and men” with synonyms: ” orgasmic dysfunction”, “sexual coldness”, anaphrodisia .

The reason for this decision is the psychological aspect of the problem. The condition is detected in both women and men, but depending on gender, treatment tactics are different.

What is frigidity?

Frigidity or sexual dysfunction is a condition that is denoted by a lack of desire. A person is not fully excited, physiological discharge is insufficient. Additionally, women note the appearance of soreness during intercourse.

To find out the reasons, the doctor conducts a differential diagnosis:

  • anamnesis;
  • gynecological examination;
  • Ultrasound or MRI of the pelvic organs;
  • Laboratory assessment of hormonal levels.

If an organic lesion is excluded, a consultation with a psychologist, a sexologist is required.

By the way, both women and men suffer from hypolibidemia (as frigidity is officially called).

It is important to separate the concepts of impotence and decreased desire. The danger of the first is in persistent erectile dysfunction, often without the possibility of recovery.


It manifests itself in non-specific changes, which is why they are rarely paid attention to.

Among women

The detection rate is low due to the absence of visible symptoms, the isolation of some patients. Typically, frigidity in women is accompanied by the following complaints:

  • emotional lability combined with increased irritability, nervous excitement;
  • minimal emotional coloring, bouts of apathy, drowsiness;
  • heaviness in the chest, muscle weakness;
  • soreness during intercourse, insufficiency in the production of vaginal secretions;
  • lack of need for sex, desire to experiment.

In addition to sexual and gynecological problems, it affects the general condition. Fatigue, nightmares, nervousness, aversion to touch confirm the cause. It is necessary to eliminate the symptoms in women sequentially, starting with the psychological side of the problem. Focusing only on physiology, there is a risk of worsening the situation.

In men

Frigidity in men develops cyclically:

  1. The quality of sexual life is reduced, sexual intercourse does not bring satisfaction.
  2. Erection lasts no more than 5 minutes, physiological orgasm may not occur.
  3. Sexual desire decreases, which provokes a deficiency of male hormones.
  4. Stress, irritability increase, the ability to make decisions quickly decreases.

Changes at times worsen intimate life, female attractiveness falls.


Factors leading to sexual rigidity are:

  1. Organic – venereal, gynecological, urological diseases.
  2. Hormonal that occurs in women during breastfeeding.
  3. Psychological – the most difficult to correct.

Subject to the presence of gynecological pathologies, sexual intercourse may be accompanied by pain, discomfort. The expectation of unpleasant sensations leads to the forced elimination of sex from life. Until the root cause is cured, the attraction will not be restored.

During lactation, hormonal imbalances are triggered, provoking a decrease in the need for intimacy. At the end of breastfeeding, attraction returns to normal.

Under the influence of intra-family rules, a girl may form a false idea about sex. Uncertainty in their attractiveness, isolation, shyness increase anaphrodiasia . Psychosomatics is difficult to treat. It is necessary to restore the lost function and teach to perceive oneself adequately, to listen to one’s needs.


There are several successively developing degrees:

  • 1 degree: intimate contact accompanies moral satisfaction, orgasm does not always complete sexual intercourse;
  • 2 degree: sexual relations become obligations, they do not bring pleasure, they are performed to prevent resentment from the spouse;
  • Grade 3: physical pain appears from the thought of upcoming intimacy, women develop vaginismus.

The second classification option is based on the cause of frigidity.

Form Description
Primary It is determined in virgins and virgins due to psychological unpreparedness. Normal puberty eliminates primary frigidity.
Retardation It is noted in girls at the time of completion of the formation of internal reproductive organs. Manifested by insufficient attraction to the opposite sex. Not everyone is able to experience an orgasm at the stage of first contacts. After a few years, “ripening” will normalize the hormonal, psychological background.
Psychogenic The source is childhood trauma, increased strict control in the family, rape, fear of accidental pregnancy. In women with a highly sensitive psyche, it develops after parting.
Withdrawal A decrease in the attractiveness of the opposite sex, dullness of sensations may be against the background of prolonged sexual abstinence. At the same time, they feel a deterioration in the perception of touches, they do not bring satisfaction.
Somatic Appears after operations on the uterus, ovaries, cervix, menopause. Diseases of the endocrine system can also lead to a decrease in desire.
constitutional It is reasonable to talk about such a form in the case of periodic (non-permanent) achievement of orgasm.
nymphomaniac Pathological passion for the opposite sex does not bring the necessary satisfaction. A person constantly changes sexual partners.

For differential diagnosis between groups, the doctor will need a detailed gynecological examination, supplemented by laboratory and instrumental studies.


Diagnostics involves:

Among women In men
Collection of anamnesis of life – height, weight, calculation of body mass index. Identification of signs of chronic diseases.
Gynecological history, including date of onset, duration of menstruation, profusion, soreness, presence of premenstrual syndrome. Important data about the first sexual intercourse, in particular emotional contingency – what experiences were during and after, the intensity of pain. To determine the relationship to pregnancy, the doctor finds out whether there were conceptions, childbirth, miscarriages, missed pregnancies. For men, a urological examination is carried out with tests for flora, venereal diseases. Information about the first sexual experience is extremely important in making a diagnosis.
Hormonal background. Inspection will determine the type of figure – male and female. With a visual assessment, the doctor may suspect a female variant of hirsutism (increased hair growth) or androgenetic alopecia (abnormal hair loss). If necessary, recommends taking tests for hormones.

An obstetrician-gynecologist or urologist cannot always reliably find out the cause of frigidity, and choose an adequate treatment regimen. He needs the help of doctors of narrow specialties:

  • endocrinologist to study the patient’s hormonal background;
  • a psychologist to assess character traits, identify the type of psychological trauma;
  • sex therapist for advice on the mistakes made by partners.

Based on the data obtained, the clinician will advise how to deal with attraction disorders.

How to treat frigidity?

The pharmacy chain offers a huge selection of medicines, active supplements, homeopathy that increase libido. Doctors recommend not to self-medicate. All drugs have a spectrum of side effects. Therefore, it is necessary to first pass the study of health indicators.

A single pill that would solve all problems does not exist. Treatment of frigidity is required comprehensively.

Medical correction

The preparations have a sexual differentiation, that is, for men and women they are predominantly different.

Medicines for men Funds for women
viagra (active ingredient – sildenafil ); testosterone preparations. “Women’s Viagra”; patches, estrogen tablets; natural drug ” Tribestan ” for the treatment of frigidity on the background of menopause.

The choice between herbs and synthetic medicines is based on the individual characteristics of the patient. It is good to combine several techniques in order to achieve the main goal.

Psychological help

Psychologists recommend paying attention to your spouse with the help of:

  • joint walks, trips;
  • discussing interesting events, sexual desires and needs;
  • surprises – a romantic dinner, a repetition of the first date, which will arouse mutual interest.

Periodic emotional shaking renews relationships, relieves stagnation in family life. If the problem is chronic, it is difficult to get out of them on your own, contact a family therapist. With the help of hypnosis, psychological tests, therapeutic techniques, the doctor will quickly find out the source of the problem.

Folk methods of treatment

In addition to pharmacy drugs, there are natural stimulants that are prepared at home. Effective activators, based on reviews, are ginseng, ginger.

  1. Milky ginger drink. We rub 1 teaspoon of ginger (preferably fresh root), pour a glass of milk, boil over low heat. It is recommended to drink twice a day – in the morning and in the evening.
  2. Ginseng supplements. Healing root enhances efficiency, activity. It is important not to mix an active supplement and caffeinated drinks in the same dose. This combination increases the risk of insomnia, hyperstimulation of the nervous system.

Additionally, it is worth introducing dishes with a high content of natural aphrodisiacs into the diet.

Forecast and prevention

According to statistics, 95% of frigidity is treated. Modern methods of correction allow you to get rid of sexual dysfunction. Only in small percentages (about 5%) therapy will not bring the desired effect – cases of true frigidity.

Prevention is based on the principles of a healthy lifestyle. It includes:

  • power control;
  • treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • maintaining a balance of work and leisure;
  • increased physical activity.

Separately, doctors advise not to abuse drugs without a proven reason.

Myths and conjectures

There are still myths about frigid people, we offer some of them:

Myth Reality
The man is the problem. The source is in the woman, in her perception of her partner and herself.
A frigid woman is terminally and seriously ill. Most often, the state of lack of sexual desire is a consequence of an early illness. Amenable to therapy, which makes a cure possible.
The condition is typical only for women. Many men experience a lack of attraction, but only a few can admit it.
A frigid wife cannot get pregnant. This assertion has no basis. Reduced sexual desire does not affect reproductive (childbearing) opportunities, they can have children. Infertility is often a hormonal problem. For example, with a pituitary adenoma, the concentration of prolactin increases, which provokes an irregular cycle and can cause a woman’s infertility.

Some conjectures are so fantastic that doctors grab their heads.

Advice from a sexologist and psychotherapist

  • Specialists of family psychology (in particular, sexologist Kulgavchuk E.A.) attach great importance to intra-family relationships, regardless of the age of the couple. They recommend to pay more attention to the wife, husband, learn addictions, make small surprises, take a break from everyday life. It is advised to live brightly, richly.
  • They urge you to give yourself short periods of rest. If you can send the kids to grandparents on weekends, don’t miss the chance.
  • Joint rest restores the attractiveness of a partner.


Frigidity is not a sentence, not a fatal disease requiring hospitalization. But it worsens the quality of life, removing an important sexual component. To warn, follow the recommendations of doctors regarding family harmony and a healthy lifestyle.

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