Active Ingredient: Tadalafil
The main active component of Cialis Tadalafil improves erectile function of the penis, increasing blood flow to the cavernous bodies. This is due to the suppression of the enzyme phosphodiesterase 5, which in turn leads to the accumulation of nitric oxide in the cavernous bodies. Nitric oxide stimulates the accumulation of cyclic guanine triphosphate (cGMP), which reduces the tone of the walls of the vascular bed, expands their lumen, and also expands arterial vessels, contributing to an increase in blood flow to the cavernous bodies of the penis with improved erection.
Thanks to impeccable quality and loyal cost Cialis has managed to gain particular popularity in the consumer market.
In the modern world there is a huge amount of drugs that allow with minimal effort to eliminate problems with potency. Cialis deserves special attention, this drug these days appreciated by many men around the world.
Compared with Viagra, Cialis has a milder effect while its effectiveness remains at a consistently high level.
The main active ingredient of Cialis is tadalafil, which has been able to repeatedly confirm its effectiveness.
Tadalafil-based drugs have a long lasting effect compared to their peers. At the same time, they have a minimal amount of side effects. However, despite all the advantages of Cialis, before applying it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the attached instructions.
Thanks to impeccable quality and loyal cost Cialis has managed to gain particular popularity in the consumer market. This drug allows for a short time to get rid of problems with potency, including problems caused by somatic, psychological or psychosomatic factors.
Cialis can be taken sporadically, and regularly in the minimum dosage (5mg). Admission Cialis does not affect the usual way of life of a man, which is a significant advantage in favor of his choice.

Today, Cialis is presented in different dosages, this in turn makes it possible to choose a drug that best meets the requirements and characteristics of the body of each member of the stronger sex.
Cialis is the latest generation of phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors. The active ingredient of the drug and its generics is tadalafil. A distinctive feature of this tool for potency is the high duration of action on an erection - up to 48 hours. The tool acts only selectively only on an erection and does not affect other important systems of the body. Tadalafil is characterized by the highest safety among all similar drugs - vardenafil (Levitra) and sildenafil (Viagra). All Cialis generic products are alcohol compatible.
Cialis is a modern preparation of a new generation
Erectile disfunction. Millions of men suffer from this problem. Statistics indicate a prevalence of 43% in a statistically reliable sample of men aged 35–40 years. It should be borne in mind that many men do not perceive episodic or transient erectile dysfunction as a pathology, and therefore the objective percentage of men who need correction is much larger.
Innovative development - the drug Cialis
Pharmacological companies are constantly working on the development of drugs that can effectively stabilize an erection.
At this stage, more than one generation of tools used in violation of sexual function in men. The real revolution was the creation of a chemical compound called Tadalafil, sold under the commercial name Cialis. This absolutely innovative development has surpassed the therapeutic effect of Sildenafil - the active ingredient of the traditional drug for the correction of erectile dysfunction Viagra, and even Vardenafil - a more modern drug called Levitra. High bioavailability, effective action and a low percentage of adverse reactions brought Cialis tablets to a leading position among the means prescribed by doctors to correct erectile dysfunction. And the development of Indian pharmaceutical companies, producing generic Cialis, greatly expanded the possibilities of its use, making it available to most of the male population. Cheaper production process due to its optimization and the use of cheaper labor makes it possible to buy generic Cialis ten times cheaper than the original drug.
Cialis can rightly be considered the most advanced of its kind medicine for the correction of potency in men. And on this conclusion there are well-founded facts:
First, Tadalafil acts as selectively as possible. That is, it, unlike Viagra, affects only sexual function, without affecting other vital systems of the body (blood pressure, color perception, facial flushing, nasal congestion, etc.). This also explains why Cialis is considered better than Viagra or Levitra:
Secondly, Tadalafil and its generics have a much greater affinity for phosphodiesterase-5 than the same Sildenafil (Viagra), and to a much lesser extent inhibits phosphodiesterase of the third and fourth type, with which, in fact, side effects of Viagra are associated.
Third, Tadalafil is able to bind with the phosphodiesterase-5 enzyme for a significantly longer time, which causes a longer effect (up to 36 hours) from taking Cialis, which puts another fatty plus in the piggy bank to Cialis. Actually, it is this latter fact that inclines most men to buy Tadalafil, rather than Vardenafil (Levitra) or Sildenafil.
Fourth, Cialis is much more strongly associated with phosphodiesterase-5 than all other generics. This also causes a much lower effective dosage of Tadalafil - only 20 mg, in contrast to the same 100 mg in Sildenafil.
Tadalafil. Action biomechanism
The biomechanical basis of the efficacy of the drug is the inhibition of the enzyme phosphodiesterase 5, as a result of which the tone of smooth muscles in the structure of arterial walls decreases. In the presence of sexual stimulation, this leads to a massive blood filling of the cavernous cavities of the penis, which leads to a long-lasting stable erection. It should be noted that the high bioavailability of the drug causes the onset of the clinical effect within 16 minutes after oral administration. Slow elimination from the body leads to the circulation of active concentrations of the substance in the peripheral blood for 36 hours. A prolonged therapeutic effect is manifested, however, only in conditions of sexual stimulation.
Indications for use and application features
The drug is indicated for administration in case of persistent or transient erectile dysfunction of the following types:
- Psychogenic, including associated with acute or chronic stress, neurotic disorders
- Vasculugenic organic dysfunction associated with vascular pathology of the penis
- Medication arising on the background of taking antihypertensive, antipsychotic or antihistamine drugs, antidepressants.
Also buy Cialis tablets may be appropriate in case of a decrease in libido associated with age-related changes. The active components of the drug do not affect the quantity and quality of sperm, do not reduce the number of active sperm. This makes their use acceptable in the treatment of reproductive disorders in men. Tadalafil is administered at a dosage of 10 mg or 20 mg 30 minutes before the intended sexual activity. Despite the fact that the daily use of the drug is absolutely safe, preferably situational use of direct indications.
Contraindications to the use of tadalafil may be:
- Individual hypersensitivity to the active substance or auxiliary components
- Anatomical deformation of the penis
- Coronary heart disease
- Combined use with nitrates
- Ischemic optic neuropathy with unilateral loss of vision
- Uncontrolled decrease or increase in blood pressure
When is it worth buying a generic?
The original drug is quite expensive. Unfortunately, it is not available to everyone. However, there is its generic on the market, which is an exact copy, but it is produced by another company. A generic is considered a complete analogue of the original, but is much cheaper. It is also available in our country. In terms of its effectiveness, validity period, composite substances, it is not inferior to the original design.
What is worth knowing about Cialis?
Its action lasts for 36 hours, which is quite enough for a long meeting and complete satisfaction of their own male libido. As tests have shown, pills for 100% help in almost half the cases. However, in 90% of men, improvement in erection is observed immediately after the first dose. This means that the drug is able to solve the problems with erectile dysfunction, which are observed in many men after 30 years.
Cialis is an effective drug. It acts on the body flawlessly. Currently, the effectiveness of the tool is superior to all others available on the market today. This is a great choice for many men who want to diversify their own intimate life.
Erectile Dysfunction (ED)
Erectile dysfunction (ED) is one of the various male sexual problems, including poor libido and issues with ejaculation. However, erectile dysfunction specifically refers to a consistent and recurring inability of a man to get and keep an erection. Having an erectile dysfunction does not necessarily mean the victim has related sexual problems; in fact, a person can have a healthy libido but still suffer erectile dysfunction. A person suffering from erectile dysfunction will thus have poor sexual performance, and this can ruin a relationship. Erectile dysfunction is known to affect an estimated 30 million men in the U.S. alone, and this number rises to 150 on a worldwide. Health analysts project this number to grow to as much as double the current one by the year 2017 as life expectancy keeps increasing. Among other effects, ED impacts negatively on the self-esteem, quality of life, and interpersonal relationships.
Causes of Erectile Dysfunction
Erectile dysfunction has been attributed to many causes. One of the common causes is aging where ED sets in naturally. It is estimated that about 39 percent of men above the age of 40 years but less than 70 years have been diagnosed with erectile dysfunction. As age increases, that is, 70 years and above, the percentage increases to 67 percent.

Normal erection of the penile muscles usually depends on the relaxation of smooth muscles in the corpora cavernosa. When responding to sexual stimuli, the cavernous nerves and endothelial cells release nitric oxide. This oxide stimulates the formation of cyclic guanosine monophosphate (GMP). This is the scientific explanation of the penile erection. Biologically, during sexual excitement, the brain sends signals through the spinal cord and the nerves to the penis. The signals carry a command to increase the blood flow into the penis and reduce the blood flow out of the penis. This hardens the penis, engorging it with blood. This can fail to happen due to either/both physical or psychological reasons and causes.
Physical causes of ED
Physical causes, also referred to as biological causes, are the factors that are controllable by the body or are generally induced either knowingly or unknowingly. These factors affect the behavior of the penis, which leads to the inability to achieve and/or sustain an erection. They are divided into four broad categories: blood vessel disorders, nervous system disorders, structural problems of the penis, and medication disorders.
Blood vessel disorder: These are disorders that are associated with the narrowing or damaging of the blood vessels. The problem is mainly associated with such complications as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, and heavy/consistent cigarette smoking. These problems constrict the vessels that supply the penis with blood, reducing the amount of blood that can flow into or out of the penis, hence erectile dysfunction.
Nervous system disorders: These are disorders that reduce or bar the nerve supply or communication to the penis. Since an erection is primarily triggered by the brain through the nerves, lack of nervous communication can cause ED. Such cases as diabetes, previous surgeries or radiation for prostate cancer, spinal cord injuries, repeated sclerosis, and Parkinson’s diseases can create nerve supply problems.
Structural problems of the penis: These problems include the Peyronie's disease, priapism and the deficiency of testosterone. These conditions lead to the failure of the mechanism of the penis hence resulting in ED.
Medications disorders: These are disorders that arise after or during the treatment of a different disease or disorder in the body. Loss of erectile power could result as one of the side effects of certain medications. These medications include those used to treat high blood pressure, prostate conditions and mental conditions. Other treatments such as antiandrogens, antidepressants, tranquilizers or sedatives, appetite suppressants, medicines to treat ulcers, or blood pressure medicines can aslo cause ED.
Psychological causes of ED
As previously explained, the erection process and mechanism is controlled by the brain, which triggers a series of physical events, starting the sexual excitement which then triggers the sexual feelings. The operation of the brain can hinder the erection, even if all the structures and conditions of the penis are normal. This can be stimulated by such factors as depression, anxiety, stress, relationship problems or even mental problems. Other common psychological causes of ED include emotional factors such as fear of sexual failure, feeling guilty about sexual performance, and low self-esteem.
Symptoms of Erectile Dysfunction
The signs and symptoms of erectile dysfunction are in most of the cases noticeable and can be felt or detected at an early stage. Moreover, these symptoms vary from one individual to the other, but there are global or universal symptoms.
To begin with, erectile dysfunction can be seen when one is able to get an erection sometimes but not every time when one wants to have sex. Inability or difficulty in getting an erection when sexually aroused should be considered, and medical attention sought.
The next symptom is a weak erection, especially when aroused. One may realize that the erections are not as hard as they have been previously. If this proceeds for a longer period, it could necessitate some medical scrutiny.
Finally, one may realize that the erections take long to happen and extra stimulation required before or during sex. The stimulation could be by watching or thinking of something. This is the most common symptom, especially for young men.
Less hard erections may make it impossible to penetrate during sexual intercourse. Even if penetration is successful, it may be impossible to maintain the erection until orgasm. This could lead to men losing sexual confidence, breaking of relationships and losing the desire for sex.
Treatment; what does it entail?
The treatment of erectile dysfunction mainly depends on the possible cause of the same. If the ED is caused by psychological reasons, psychotherapy could help. In the presence of some medical conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol or other vascular diseases, it is advisable to get good medical attention at first. ED can be treated by administering sildenafil inhibitor which induces the release of nitric oxide. This facilitates relaxation of trabecular erectile tissues and dilatation of the helicine artery of the penis. This, in turn, boosts the flow of blood into the penis while reducing the outflow, hence increasing the penile blood pressure resulting in a physiological erection.
The recommended dosage for sildenafil is 50 mg which should be taken approximately 1 h before sexual activity, or generally in any time between 0.5 h – 4 h before sexual activity. With medical guidance, the dosage may be increased to a maximum recommended dosage of 100 mg or even decreased to 25mg. Sildenafil has proven to be effective in the treatment of ED. Other means of treating ED as include penis suppository, use of transdermal cream, penile injections, use of vacuum erection devices, penile implants or even blood vessel surgery.
When should you see a doctor?
The right time to visit the doctor should be immediately after realizing any unusual behavior about your erection of sexual drive. Any of the symptoms discussed above could be an onset of ED hence it is necessary to see a doctor. It is also advisable to make frequent visits for a checkup.
What is treatment like?
The general procedures when one visits the doctor for ED checkup or treatment vary depending on a number of factors. However, generally, the nurse or the doctor will have to first inquire about the lifestyle and relationships after which he/she will then carry out some health checks such as testing blood pressure and examining the genitals in case there is a physical cause.
What are some of the things that a person should/should not do?
Lifestyles and eating habits can influence or even catalyze erectile dysfunction. Particularly, the consumption of fatty and processed foods has been attributed to the increase in chances of contracting cardiovascular and coronary diseases, which then leads to the blockage and constriction of veins. This means little blood will pass hence increase in the blood pressure. Erectile dysfunction is directly correlated with the severity of coronary diseases. Consequently, certain traits such as smoking also increase the chances of developing this problem. Cigarette smoke injures the linings of blood vessels including those at the penis. If the vessels are unhealthy, they might not withstand the pressure in the blood hence fail to create an erection. This explains why young smokers experience erectile dysfunction. A person should also avoid cycling a lot and taking too much alcohol. Avoidance of such things is one of the natural ways of reducing the chances of developing ED.
There are several things that one should do in order to reduce or eliminate the chances of developing ED. These include exercising more often to increase metabolism and blood flow. This burns calories and cholesterol. Embarking on a healthy diet and engaging in activities that reduce stress and anxiety, for instance, sharing problems and talking out, also constitute ways to reduce the chances of developing an ED.