Active Ingredient: Tadalafil
The Indian pharmaceutical company has released a new drug - Cialis Sublingual, the action of which is similar to the original drug. The difference between the drugs lies in the fact that Cialis Sublingual is taken as follows: the tablet is placed under the tongue, which reduces the time the active substance enters the body. The substance tadalafil is absorbed into the blood in the hyoid area, and within 20 minutes begins to act on the sexual function of the male body.
The most terrible failure for every man is impotence. To date, there are many ways to deal with male impotence. But the onset of this problem remains a powerful blow to the male ego.
Impotence or erectile dysfunction should be considered not only a condition when it is impossible to bring the sexual organ in an erection state, but also when it is impossible to keep sexual arousal until the end of sexual intercourse. In medicine, this condition is called erectile dysfunction.
The severity of potency problems in different individuals can be very variable. And the fact that for one will be considered complete impotence, for the other, can be the highest point of pleasure. Definitely one, the maintenance of the penis in an erection depends on many factors in accordance with the specific features of the male body.
The reasons
Therefore, before you treat, you should understand what are the causes of the violation of potency. An erection is a complex physiological process that begins with the onset of a nerve impulse in the brain. This impulse releases special substances that relax the sphincters of the venous sinuses of the penis. This allows you to bring the penis into an erection.

Violation of this ability can occur at any stage. Based on this, there are three types of reasons:
- organic (when excitement occurs, but can not be realized in the form of an erection);
- psychogenic (when the formation of a nerve impulse in the brain is disturbed);
- mixed (in the presence of organic and psychogenic causes).
Impotence can be either a symptom of a disease or a separate pathological condition. Here are some reasons for which a man's potency may be violated:
- psychological stress;
- great physical exertion;
- diseases of the reproductive system and its trauma;
- endocrine diseases, including diabetes mellitus;
- disorders of the nervous system;
- obesity or severe wasting;
- cardiovascular diseases;
- moderate to severe renal and hepatic impairment;
- alcohol abuse, smoking and drug addiction;
- some drugs.
Very often, men face the so-called psychological impotence on the background of large physical and mental stress and emotional exhaustion. This impotence is caused by constant stress, problems at work and in the family, increased nervousness. Such impotence is conditional, can be short-term, or easily reversible in cases of disappearance of the main irritant factor. With strong physical exertion, the man will use up all the energy and he simply lacks it for intercourse.
Diseases of various organs and systems also have a negative effect on potency in men. They can cause a decrease in hormones, blood flow and transmission of nerve impulses. Also, the presence of bad habits affects hormones and the state of the internal organs, which leads to a violation of erection.
Diseases of the reproductive organs are one of the most pressing problems and common causes of impotence. Prostatitis, prostate adenoma, oncology and other diseases lead to dysfunction of the organ, as well as to disruption of the normal blood supply.
In order to properly understand the causes of reduced potency, you need to consult a doctor who will prescribe instrumental and laboratory research methods. After the final diagnosis is made, the doctor will prescribe the required treatment. In any case, it is necessary to normalize the correct mode of work and rest, complete healthy nutrition, avoid stress and minimize bad habits. After all, sexual health is one of the foundations of a prosperous life.
Cialis Sublingual is the medicine for the potency of the new generation. In composition, it is a complete analogue of Cialis. From the so-called The “original” drug is distinguished by a more affordable price and a new, improved form of pills. The medicine "Tadasoft" is a fruit dragee, designed for sucking under the tongue. It has a pleasant taste and smell. The effect of the use of this drug comes faster.
Generic Cialis Sublingual allows you to improve the quality of erection and repeatedly enhance potency. It is distinguished by the most convenient form of application, the fastest onset of effect and its unprecedented duration.
Within one and a half days after taking the drug, a man can freely have sex with sexual arousal, and also recover much less between ejaculations.
The drug "generic Cialis Sublingual" is used to treat sexual impotence, weakened erection. It is intended exclusively for adult men over 18 years old. The tool is quickly absorbed and easily transferred at any age.
The drug is recommended for adult men of all ages, suffering from various severity disorders of erectile function, regardless of the nature of the factors that caused both psychogenic and physiological nature.
Who is not suitable for the drug
The drug is not suitable for minors, as well as men suffering from intolerance to tadalafil or other components of the Cialis Sublingual generic, and taking drugs with any organic nitrates.
It is necessary to approach with extreme caution in prescribing Cialis Sublingual to patients suffering from severe hepatic, cardiac or renal failure. The individual dosage is calculated by the attending physician.
The product may provoke symptomatic hypotension in men undergoing treatment with alpha-blockers, for example doxazosin. It is very important to strictly follow the recommendations of the attending physician and the manufacturer indicated in the instructions for use.
In addition, the use of the drug will help:
- restore an erection
- improve the condition of the vessels of the penis,
- increase sexual stamina
- normalize mental and emotional state
- increase the level of sex hormones.
How to apply the pathogen?
For 36 hours, one pill is enough. In no case do not increase this dosage, it can bring serious problems and deterioration of health. Half an hour before the sexual act begins, take the jelly beans and dissolve it. The work of the genitals and desire increases after 15 minutes. Your partner will be satisfied in any case and you will get true pleasure.
Forbidden, in case of individual intolerance to the components of the drug; with allergies to tadalafil; with heart disease; adolescents under the age of majority.
For problems with the kidneys and liver, use Cialis Sublingual with caution. To avoid risk, first consult a medical specialist. With such problems will be enough one-quarter pills.
Erectile dysfunction
Erectile disorder or erectile dysfunction is the inability of a male to attain and keep an erection sufficiently firm to engage in or complete sexual intercourse. The ability to get an erection is important to most men, old and young.
However, many men suffer erectile dysfunction in silence, without seeking help or advice.
Although you might think of erectile disorder as an age factor, impotence can happen at any age. But the fact is. Inability is an abnormal consequence of aging. Succeeding erection is a problematic procedure that involves the transmission of sensations from the genital area to the nervous system and the return of nervous impulses to the muscles and blood vessels of the penis.

Mostly, the erectile disorder occurs due to diseases such as atherosclerosis and diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, obesity in men. Other aspects are considered to be psychological facts such as medications, injury and some lifestyle aspect. All other things that involve the alternation, such as disease or damage of the blood vessels, muscles, or nerves can make it difficult to achieve and maintain a firm erection.
ED can be a threat to the quality of life
The major complication arriving from erectile dysfunction can include:
- An unsatisfactory sex life
- Stress or anxiety
- Embarrassment or low self-esteem
- Relationship problems
- The inability to get your partner pregnant
Fortunately, the erectile disorder can be traceable. Once the cause of impotence attended to, medical care can be tailored to spot that cause and any some other determinant aspects, however, it is imperative to seek prompt medical attention if you are experiencing impotence, not only because ED can be due to underlying health problems, but because treatment can be a risk to the quality of life.
Factors that determines erectile disorder
There are so many factors that increase the risk of developing impotence. Not all people with risk factors will develop impotence. Risk factors for infertility can be into two forms, and the causes are a physical and psychological disorder.
Basically, in most cases, physical causes of erectile dysfunction include:
Diabetes- Diabetes can cause ED because it can damage the blood supply to the penis and the nerves that control an erection. Poorly managed diabetes can lead to erectile dysfunction due to its effects on the bloodstream. Men that struggle with diabetes suffer a lot when not treated.
When their blood sugar levels get too high, less nitric oxide is divided. This can mean that there is not enough blood flowing into the penis to get or keep an erection. Low levels of nitric oxide are typical in those with diabetes.
Being overweight or OBESITY- Having excess weight can affect a person's risk of developing some health conditions. Such as erectile dysfunction.
Drug abuse- most drugs (especially those used to treat high blood pressure, depression and anxiety and recreational drugs) may cause the erectile disorder.
Disease of the blood vessels - blood vessels often become narrowed and hardened with increasing age. It reduces blood supply to your penis. If the blood supply is inadequate, your penis may not fill with blood, the veins will not be compressed and what blood there is will leak out of the penis. Thus, your erection will not be Alcohol or smoking abuse-those who smoke and drink are more likely to suffer from erectile dysfunction.
Parkinson's disease
Multiple sclerosis
Psychological causes
When erectile dysfunction occurs by the subconscious triggers, it is attributed to as psychological impotence.
A bit of the most common causes of this type of ED
Comprise the following:
- Fatigue
- Stress
- Depression
- Low self-esteem and body language
- Previous traumatic sexual experiences
- Relationship problems
- Loss of arousal and interest in sex
It is mandatory to understand the essence of your ED to get the right treatment. If the cause of your ED is psychological, using medication conducted, physically induced ED
Method of preventing the risk erectile dysfunction
You can assume a functional role in bringing down the risk of erectile dysfunction by:
- Eating a diet rich in natural foods like fruit, vegetables, whole grains, and fish — with less red and processed meat and refined grains — diminish the propensity of ED.
- Quitting smoking - Quitting smoking can also dramatically improve your sex life and fertility.
- Exercise regularly. Regular activity may lessen the danger of ED. Pick practices that you appreciate and will make a custom piece of your day. Notwithstanding lessening the threat of ED, method likewise can enable you to oversee pressure. Check with your specialist before beginning any activity program.
- Another way of preventing erectile dysfunction is by involving in simple pelvic floor exercises. Otherwise known as kegel exercise. It aids the flow of blood to the penis and strengthens the muscle around your groin. Ensure you clench your pelvic muscles and hold for 5 seconds, and then release. Repeat these exercises a few times with a rest.
Specific treatment for erectile dysfunction
Penile implants
This obtrusive surgery includes putting prostheses (inserts) Into your penis to allow you to accomplish erections for sexual intercourse penile inserts are in most case reserved for patients who have attempted and fizzled other therapeutic medicines, for example, tablets, infusions, vacuum gadgets or pellets. It may likewise be in patients with different conditions in which elections have been influenced, for instance, following priapism (delayed painful erections) or in men with Peyronie's sickness.
surgical penile inserts are costly final resorts when more straightforward measures, (for example, psychotherapy, vacuum gadgets or intracavernosal infusions) are ineffectual or unseemly Intracavernosal therapy In most cases, This type of treatment represents a significant advance in the empirical treatment of erectile dysfunction.
ICI is infused especially into the penis guaranteeing that the vasoactive specialists where it matters most, without the need to go all through the whole body.
Prostaglandin E1
The prostaglandin Therapy has the most extensive efficacy and safety record, making it the current drug of choice. It relaxes the smooth muscle of the corpora cavernosa, resulting in a dose-dependent increase in penile blood inflow and tumescence. The magnitude of the blood flow and erectile response varies between individuals and according to the pathology.