Infertility is a complex and unsolved medical and social problem. Statistics show that in the world from 8 to 15% of married couples are childless not according to their desire. In about half of the cases, this is due to the male reproductive function.
Infertility in men, in fact, is not a nosological form, however, due to the clear delineation of the phenomenon, clinical and social significance, it has acquired an independent meaning. Male infertility is directly or indirectly caused by a large number of highly diverse diseases or factors in nature. This leads to a certain paradox, which is that at present it is not difficult for a specialist to determine whether a man suffers from infertility (i.e., to determine his fertility), but it is very difficult and time-consuming to identify the cause of patospermia that caused infertility and success in his treatment.
In this regard, it is advisable to pay attention to two circumstances:
- It should be recognized that modern medicine does not have deep systematic data on the causes of the formation of various types of patospermia, since violations occur at the cellular level and include microbiological, biochemical, immunological and cytological components.
- The polyetiological nature and diversity of the mechanisms of male infertility development determine the often arising need to participate in the treatment of this category of patients, in addition to the urologist or andrologist, also a therapist, an endocrinologist, a neuropathologist, genetics and other specialists.
Infertility is commonly understood as the absence of conception with regular sexual activity without contraception in people of childbearing age for at least 12 months.

Currently there is no single, generally accepted and terminologically accurate classification of male infertility. At the same time, the expediency of extracting the excretory form is preserved when disruption of spermatozoa along the deferent pathways (obstruction due to inflammatory damage, agenesis, trauma, retrograde ejaculation, etc.) and the secretory form - impaired spermatogenesis.
Secretory infertility can be a consequence of direct lesion of the testicles (primary, hypergonadotropic hypogonadism) or the result of hypothalamic-pituitary insufficiency (secondary, hypogonadotropic hypogonadism). It is advisable to allocate and autoimmune sterility.
It is reasonable to distinguish between primary and secondary infertility. In cases of primary infertility, there are no known cases of pregnancy from this man; in the case of secondary infertility, pregnancy has previously occurred, but is absent with regular intravaginal intercourse for one year. With secondary infertility, the chances of fertility recovery are higher; congenital and gross violations of spermatogenesis are less common. It was found that in healthy spouses with a frequency of sexual intercourse 2 times a week, the probability of conception is 20-25% per menstrual cycle, 5 times per week - 40-42%.
Male examination
Given that male reproductive function is impaired in approximately 50% of cases of infertile marriage, it becomes obvious that there is a need to examine men in each such case, and immediately, taking into account also its simplicity and accessibility.
Careful history taking, both from spouses, plays an important role in identifying the causes of infertility.
It is important to establish the duration of involuntary infertility, which also has prognostic significance.
When analyzing the copulative function, it should be borne in mind that its violations constitute about 2% of all causes of infertility. The average frequency of less than two intravaginal intercourses per month can be regarded as the etiological factor of infertility. It is obvious that various forms of anejaculation and extravaginal ejaculation lead to infertility.
It is important to consider the possible presence of a number of systemic diseases affecting fertility: diabetes mellitus, tuberculosis, organic disorders of the nervous system, chronic lesions of the motor system, renal and (or) liver failure.
Attention is paid to diseases accompanied by hyperthermia, since an increase in body temperature above 38°C can inhibit spermatogenesis for up to six months.
Of the surgical interventions, benefits should be noted for diseases of the urethra, prostate gland, bladder neck, inguinal hernia, as well as retroperitoneal interventions, including those accompanied by lymphadenectomy.
Particular attention is paid to the postponed operations for varicocele, hydrocele, torsion of the spermatic cord, cryptorchidism and the timing of testicular ptosis in the scrotum.
Vasoresection is the most common cause of surgical obstruction of the vas deferens, which also leads to the formation of antisperm antibodies.
It is important to establish the presence in the past of inflammatory lesions of the urethra, prostate gland, seminal vesicles, and especially the epididymis (epididymitis). Extremely negative prognostic value is transferred one-or two-sided orchitis, usually occurring against the background of infectious mumps, as well as trauma to the testicles.
The effect of various negative factors affecting the reproductive system of men is specifically targeted: intake of poisons and toxic substances, alcoholism, long-term medication (cytostatics, hormones, cimetidine, nitrofurans, etc.), high ambient temperature, ionizing radiation, electromagnetic ultra high frequency fields, insufficient power, etc.
The most common causes of male infertility are varicocele, found in about 40% of cases of male infertility, anomalies of testicular development (aplasia, hypoplasia, cryptorchidism) and infectious-inflammatory lesions of the reproductive glands (prostate, seminal vesicles, testicular appendages).
Physical examination
Attention is paid to the state of secondary sexual characteristics, the formation of which occurs under the control of androgens. Their lack of development and severity indicate androgen deficiency in puberty.
Describing the physique of the patients, the ratio of height to the length of the lower limbs is examined (the trochanter index normally equals 1.96). The alarming moment is unnecessarily long limbs (the trochanter index is less than 1.96; the length of the arms exceeds the height).
The severity and topography of the subcutaneous fat is determined. Its excessive development and deposition in the pelvis, thighs, pubis is also an indirect sign of hypogonadism. This is evidenced by the insufficient rate of hair growth on the body and face, the horizontal level of hair distribution on the pubis. Insufficient development of the muscular system, controlled by testosterone, is also symptomatic. Gynecomastia is characteristic of Klinefelter's syndrome (a chromosomal abnormality leading to infertility), less often it occurs with estrogen-secreting adrenal tumors or testicles.
Next, proceed to the study of the genitals.
The presence of inflammatory secretions from the urethra is the basis for an in-depth examination of STIs. Hypospadias and epispadias can cause infertility in cases where the ejaculate does not enter the vagina or end up in its distal part.
The testicle test is performed when the patient is standing. Normally, the testicles are palpated in the lower half of the scrotum. In various pathological conditions, there may be a high location in the scrotum, inside the inguinal canal, an ectopic location (ie, outside the normal pathway to lower the testicle);
Normally, the testes are located vertically in the scrotum, and the appendages are behind or medially.
A man’s testicle size is about 15 cm3; various models of orchids are used to measure them. The determination of testicular volume in the diagnosis of infertility is emphasized, given that about 97% of the volume is convoluted seminiferous tubules. Testicles less than
15 cm3 or 40 mm in length are considered hypoplastic or hypotrophic. There is a well-defined correlation between the total volume of the testicles and the number of spermatozoa in the ejaculate. Normally, the testicles have an elastic consistency. The soft consistency is usually combined with a decrease in spermatogenesis. In hypogonadotropic hypogonadism, the testicles are usually small and soft. Small and dense testicles are characteristic of Klinefelter syndrome. The firm consistency of the testicle, especially in combination with its increase, requires the exclusion of a tumor.
Normally, the epididymis has an oblong shape, soft consistency. Total or local enlargement and consolidation of the epididymis in most cases is the result of an inflammatory lesion. Often, the cystic formations palpated in the region of the head of the epididymis are benign in nature and do not affect fertility. The seminiferous ducts are palpable in normal conditions up to the outer rings of the inguinal canals in the form of thin, dense tubular, smooth structures.
Currently, the ability of varicocele to cause patho-sperm and infertility is proven, and there is no correlation between the severity of the expansion of the veins of the spermatic cord and pathospermia. There are subclinical degrees of varicocele (changes are detected only by Doppler sonography), 1st degree (expansion is determined by palpation when taking Valsalva), 2nd degree (dilated veins are easily palpated in the form of a "bunch of worms"), 3rd degree (dilated veins visible on the eye through the skin of the scrotum). To eliminate the inflammatory lesion of the accessory gonads, transrectal palpation of the prostate gland and seminal vesicles is performed. Further examines: urine, obtained in three portions, and the secret of the prostate, as well as sperm plasma for signs of inflammation.
Laboratory and special studies
The analysis of the ejaculate is a cardinal test that allows to make a conclusion about the safety of fertility, the presence and extent of its violation, and, finally, infertility.
Before the study, sexual abstinence is necessary for 3 days. In order to develop a unified approach to the management of this category of patients, we present the standards for the study of ejaculate proposed by WHO.
Normally, after dilution of ejaculate at room temperature for 20-30 minutes, the indicators are as follows:
- Ejaculate volume more than 2.0 ml;
- pH from 7.2 to 7.8;
- Sperm concentration of more than 20 million / ml, but not more than 200 million / ml;
- Progressive sperm cells (category “a” + “c”) are more than 50%, half of them with a fast linear progression (category “a”);
- Morphologically normal sperm are more than 50% or more than 30% with normal head morphology;
- The content of leukocytes is less than 1 million / ml;
- No antisperm antibodies (MAR <10%);
- Sperm agglutination is not detected.
These figures correspond to the concept of "normozoospermia".
If the first ejaculate test is normal, then there is no need to re-examine it. In cases of detection of prospermia analysis should be repeated. If the results of the second analysis are significantly different from the first, it is necessary to repeat the study after a few weeks - before making any decisions regarding treatment.
Various ejaculate disorders in the domestic literature are classified as follows:
- Aspermatism (a type of anejaculatory intercourse) - the complete absence of ejaculate.
- Aspermia - the complete absence of both sperm cells and spermatogenesis cells in the ejaculate.
- Azoospermia - the absence of sperm in the ejaculate in the presence of spermatogenesis cells.
- Oligozoospermia - sperm concentration less than 20 million / ml.
- Asthenozoospermia - less than 50% of spermatozoa with the movement of the category “a” + “in” or less than 25% of the category “a”.
- Teratozoospermia - less than 50% of morphologically normal sperm or less than 30% with normal head morphology.
- Necrozoospermia - predominance in the ejaculate of dead sperm, is less common.
- Oligoasthenotheratozoospermia - a violation of all three indicators.
It is obvious that absolute infertility can be caused only by the extreme degree of prospermia (aspermia, azoospermia, necrosis, severe forms of oligostenoteratozozoospermia). In other cases, to characterize the situation, we recommend, based on clinical and moral and psychological considerations, to use the term "reduced fertility."
In cases of reduction in the size of the testes and (or) sperm concentration less than 5 million / ml, the level of follicle-stimulating (FSH) and luteinizing (LH) hormones, as well as testosterone (Test) should be determined, which will allow to establish the nature of hypogonadism. It is obvious that primary hypogonadism is accompanied by an increase in the level of gonadotropic hormones, and a secondary one - by their decrease. It should be borne in mind that the normal values of hormone concentrations in peripheral blood differ when using diagnostic kits of various manufacturers.
Indications for testicular biopsy (open or puncture) are azoospermia in combination with normal testicular volume and normal levels of FSH. At the same time, only the analysis of the histological picture is able to answer the question: does obstructive occurrence (spermatogenesis is significantly depressed, but generally preserved) or secretory (spermatozoa maturation unit, Sertoli cells alone syndrome) genesis of pathospermia.
X-ray examination of the hypothalamic-pituitary region is shown in patients with pronounced hyperprolactinemia. If a chromosomal abnormality is suspected, a karyotype study is performed.
Based on a comparison of data from anamnesis, objective research, analysis of the ejaculate and additional tests, a judgment is made about the presence of absolute infertility or a decrease in fertility on the basis of the identified underlying disease. If the underlying disease or causative factor is not found, then a conclusion is made about the idiopathic nature of the available prospermia.
It is well known that male infertility is extremely difficult to treat or temporary correction. Considering the variety of causal factors, the senselessness of trying to operate on this issue with any averaged statistical data becomes obvious. The possibilities of treating infertility, which arose, say, on the basis of prostatitis, are different from those in the case of varicocele and, moreover, the chromosomal abnormality.
Principles of male infertility treatment
Currently, in the treatment of male infertility the most recognized are the following provisions:
- All diagnostic and therapeutic actions for both spouses must be coordinated;
- Attempts to treat should be limited to certain time parameters;
- All possible adverse factors are excluded, an adequate rhythm of sexual life is recommended, working conditions are improved, and good nutrition is recommended. Canceled drugs that are not essential;
- If the underlying disease (causative factor) is established, the treatment is pathogenetic in nature. In cases of idiopathic prospermia, restorative and vitamin preparations are used, including tocopherol: microcirculation enhancing agents, biogenic stimulants of metabolic processes;
- With inflammatory lesions of the urethra and accessory sex glands, they are reorganized;
- The correction of cryptorchidism is carried out at the age of 3 years;
- Identified varicocele, regardless of severity, to be promptly eliminated;
- During hormone therapy, the duration of a continuous course should correspond to 2.5 months, taking into account the duration of the cycle of spermatogenesis 72-76 days;
- The goal of treatment with androgens of primary (hypergonadotropic) hypogonadism is to maintain a normal male phenotype and enhance copulative function. The chances of infertility correction in this situation are minimal;
- For the treatment of infertility on the basis of secondary (hypogonadotropic) hypogonadism, anti-estrogen drugs, FSH analogs, LH and, more recently, GT-RG, have been used relatively successfully. The excessive effect of prolactin is blocked by bromkriptin;
- Detection of autoimmune infertility requires special treatments;
- With excretory azoospermia, attempts to promptly restore the patency of the vas deferens should be limited to uncomplicated situations, allowing to rely on a relatively stable result. In other cases, taking into account the current capabilities of assisted reproductive technologies, one can immediately proceed to attempts to obtain sperm from the epididymis (MESA, PES) or the testicle itself (TESE), followed by IVF-ICSI (in vitro fertilization by injecting a single sperm cell into the egg cytoplasm).
Causes of male infertility: mumps, chlamydia, psychological causes, prevention, treatment, symptoms, medicine, folk remedies, esoterics, mentality - 7 secrets from 7 experts
The causes of male infertility are medical, psychological, and very different. That's why we turned for help to 7 experts from different areas: phytotherapeutists, psychologists, psychogenetics, family consultants, doctors, urologists and andrologists. That's what came out of it.
7 experts respond
Aladdin Happy - family consultant for IDEAL-method of Toich
- According to the results of your tests, you don’t have any diseases, but you have 10% of live spermatozoa, of which 80% are irregular, insufficiently viable form, or not very mobile.
- OK. But then, to get pregnant is enough of one?
- Yes, but the probability of fertilization is negligible. I tell you so - if a pregnancy happens, it will be a miracle.
I had such a dialogue with another doctor of the year around 2004.
By that time, my wife and I had not born children as 5 years old.
10 years have passed from the moment of this dialogue, and the miracle did not happen.

I had to take up the excavation of deep mental causes. And in 2015, joy occurred. Our long-awaited daughter was born
What happened to dig up that produced this long-awaited result?
In short, a lot of things were dug up. To describe all these boulders, I, perhaps, need 4 volumes, like Leo Tolstoy for writing the novel War and Peace.
In previous publications I have already talked about many of these boulders. Today I will talk about another key.
I'll start a little from afar to connect imaginative thinking.
Imagine that after a successful busy day you went to bed. The room has a pleasant temperature, aroma, everything is perfect. You smoothly plunge into a pleasant sweet dream. But somewhere on the approaches to it you suddenly hear “Bzzzzzzzz”. This Bzzzz flies near the right ear, then near the left, then Bzzzz near the nose and begins to tickle.
What emotions, desires do you have regarding this Bzzzz?
Yes, you want to kill this delivery entity.
And in most cases, the life of a mosquito ends in the form of a red speck on a towel.
This is called a clear wish for death, because it radiates deliberately.
There is no moral, ethical, legislative, emotional framework that prevents us from killing the mosquito. Everything happens openly and easily.
Another thing is when the source of irritation cannot be killed due to moral, ethical, legislative, emotional reasons. It turns out the conflict. The instinctive first energy-desire wants to kill, and everything else restrains this impulse. But, as is known from the school lessons of physics, energy cannot be destroyed, it can only flow from one form to another.
All that is suppressed over time goes to the subconscious. And the power of the subconscious multiplies energy by 5 times, because, as you know, the subconscious is 5 times stronger than the consciousness. And in the final, all this “wealth” is transmitted to descendants through DNA along with character traits, eye color, predispositions for various diseases, etc.
This gigantic power at the extrasensory level enters into interaction with the cells of our body, people around and what does it do?
Yes. She embodies the instinctive urge into reality - destroys all stimuli.
If the conscious process was called the explicit wish of death, then the subconscious is already the secret wish of death, for we do not identify it. For us, everything happens on autopilot.
Now imagine that the ancestors of the ancestors of life were children
That was the case with my ancestors.
Grandmother moved from a beautiful city to a swelled village to her husband. And rushed - one child after another every half to two years. Children demand, they force you to work more so that you can feed everyone, children take away your time and dreams. These are all thoughts of my grandmother. They inherited my mom and then me.
For a grandmother, the secret wish of death ended in the fact that the body killed its genital function - the uterus. In classical medicine, cancer of the uterus was noted. In the mental sense - it was the embodiment of a grandmother's dream no longer to give birth. That's just, however, cancer of the uterus destroyed and the rest of the grandmother's body, leaving him lifeless in the 64th year.
For mother, the secret wish of death was expressed in the destruction of men, with whom she was divorced as a result.
But for me, the secret wish of the death of children is so ingrained, it was rammed for 3 generations, that it killed spermatozoa. It was the most humane way to make the dream come true, I must tell you. I didn’t hurt anything, I didn’t have to divorce my wife, I couldn’t openly being protected by having sex, and the children didn’t appear.
How many people who buy condoms dream about it?
A couple of hundred million is exactly typed, if not a couple of billions.
But such a “gift” to me was inherited.
Everything was good until I was born, and the conscious desire to have children strengthened, and this wish of my beloved wife just went off scale.
It was here that they began to dig and found this lump of secret wishes of death for children.
By the way, the wife in the family had its own history, but with the same secret wish of death to the children. So we were a perfect match in this regard. At the supra-sensory level, we found a friend of a friend, not even knowing how far we fit each other.
How did we solder the secret wish of death to the children with a blowtorch?
This is a story if not three volumes, then at least one book.
The main thing is to realize that infertility is not a punishment, but the embodiment of ancestral dreams.
And the second thing is that after working deeply over the sources and changing attitudes towards children, they “interfere, burden, take away, force”, “help, easily, give, help”, the need for a secret death wish disappears. And then the body begins to produce new fertile cells, conceiving children.
Makarov Konstantin Fedorovich - phytotherapist
There is a generally accepted view that infertility is a female disease. But in fact, no less common and male infertility, which in recent times, is becoming more common. This is a modern problem that does not allow a full-fledged family with children to appear. But do not despair, male infertility is treated much faster than female, with the help of traditional medicine.
The main reasons that may contribute to male infertility:
- Passive lifestyle. In this position, the genitals are exposed to pressure, pressure, and sperm motility decreases. Therefore, if you have a sedentary job, then you need to give the body active loads so that it is in good shape.
- Irregular sexual relations. In such a case, fluid builds up, muscles weaken, and the sperm cell speed decreases.
- Infections are the most common cause of male infertility. You should check your body with a doctor at least once a year to know that everything is all right with you. If there are infections that can be brought in as from the outside (for example, irregular hygiene), or be internal, as a result of diseases, then it is worthwhile to get rid of them immediately.
- Irrational treatment. If you drink medications at the slightest cold, especially antibiotics, then you should know that they adversely affect overall health. With the constant use of various pills can develop infertility.
- Other chronic diseases also lead to sperm pathologies. In particular, it can be diabetes, kidney failure, and so on. Of course, this does not mean that if you have diabetes, then there can be no children. But still the risk is much higher than that of a healthy person.
- Injuries to the genitals, or defects. It should be examined if you had injuries, since such an impact may be negative on the entire human system.
- Varicocele is a disease that leads to infertility, and the statistics of people suffering from it confirms this. Among sexual weakness in men, 15% of patients fall on those who suffer from varicocele. This is the varicose veins of the ovary and spermatic cord. As a result of this disease, the temperature of the testicles rises, and this significantly slows down the sperm.
- External causes. It is also the most common cause of fruitlessness. There are a lot of them, ranging from nervous stress, to a bad environment. The most frequent external factor is the abuse of alcohol, narcotic drugs, smoking. Do not wear too tight clothes, frequent saunas, or overstrain physically.
As you can see, the developmental factors of childlessness are many. No one is immune from this disease, so do not worry if you are at risk. It is enough just to take care of your own health in time.
To eliminate male infertility you can help such natural remedies:
- Tincture Euphorbia Pallas (man-root).
- Tincture of ginseng.
- Knotweed.
- Quince juice.
- Highlander bird.
- Yartyshnik.
Kokachev Alexander Alexandrovich - with respect to all thinking men
So far, only two causes of male infertility
I do not want, but disappoint the male half of the population of the country, if you like, then the world.
The number of people suffering from this or that disease, despite the "progress" in medicine is growing.
This list includes such a problem as male infertility.
- Congenital, we immediately omit it, since in this case one cannot get anywhere.
- Acquired and she is the main one.
This is where it all begins. We, once still children, were not taught, nor how to organize a healthy family, how to treat and protect children and ourselves from viruses and bacteria.
A small example, two examples:
In the heat you feel thirsty, sometimes badly. The boys or girls are buying at all 1.5 liters of water without gas and ... let it in a circle.)
Those who refused to say: "What do you disdain ?!".
In short, drinking some water, young people suck on the neck of the bottle, literally share their saliva with each other, and at the same time the microflora of their saliva, in which there are pathogens of the genital tract.
And all this falls on the mucous membrane of the mouth, pharynx, etc., and further along the bloodstream to all corners of the body, including the human urogenital system.
Then, having mastered the body, it can in a week, maybe in 1-3-5-10 years, manifests itself in the form of symptoms and ... the disease begins to flourish.
As a result, hormonal background suffers, problems begin, weakened potency, pain, discomfort, infertility.
Second example: Sex is becoming increasingly fashionable in all its perverted versions, in particular, oral. But!!!
The vagina is a more sterile environment (lactic acid), which inhibits the reproduction of most bacteria, and in the mouth everything is different, full of "infection", and all the "infection" that got into the mouth with food is suppressed by the immune system already in the body, if it the organism arrives in health.
But the mouth itself, the pharynx - the focus of disease, remember that there lives and arrives ... I will not list a long list of pathogens (there are more than three hundred), only staphylococcus in its variety of forms, is the causative agent of the urinogenital system, prostatitis, etc. .
Dear God, he gave his hands to work, the anus to be emptied,)) mouth to eat. If we pervert these appointments of organs, then we get what we deserve.
The presence of hostile microflora, causes undesirable processes in the body and affects the human hormones
So, wait for prostatitis in the variety of its options, impotence, male infertility.
I called only two options, two reasons, male infertility. This problem (disease), moreover, can affect a man’s gene pool ... and ... be inherited by his children.
Larisa Dmitrievna Boychenko - Head Doctor of the Lad Clinic
For successful fertilization of an egg, 5 conditions are necessary:
- sperm should be enough (the struggle of many equal to the victory of the strongest is necessary);
- spermatozoa must be young (i.e., production must occur constantly);
- spermatozoa must be active (each of them must be full of energy and rich in nutrients);
- the environment in which sperm are moving should they like (only a healthy prostate gland produces such juice);
- sperm must be given the right direction and sufficient speed (i.e., sufficient potency is needed).
All these 5 conditions provide a healthy male body
Male health is:
- Lack of toxins in the body.
- Good work of the heart and blood vessels.
- Easy and with good flow properties blood.
- Developed muscle tissue (muscle second heart).
- Harmoniously working nervous system.
And, on the contrary: male infertility occurs if:
- The body accumulates poisons and toxins that kill sperm. Liver and kidneys are overloaded or sick.
- Disrupted blood circulation due to heart disease, hypertension, overweight, diabetes, the presence of bad habits.
- The blood contains harmful components: cholesterol, metabolic products (toxins); too thick and viscous blood.
- Low muscle tone, which is not able to set energy and speed to sperm cells, since testosterone is not activated.
- Men often have stressful states accompanied by irritability, insomnia or excessive sleepiness, depressive states.
Smernitsky Vladimir Sergeevi - urologist
Male infertility according to the latest data is 60% of all forms of infertility.
The main causes of illness in men include: varicocele, prostatitis, sexually transmitted diseases and diseases that lead to atrophy of the spermatogenic epithelium. To find out the cause of male infertility, it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive examination and determine the male fertility disorder. For this, the following examinations should be done: spermogram, general urine and blood tests, prostate secretion analysis, hormones (Testosterone, FSH, LH, estradiol, inhibin-B, T-3 and T-4), exclude sexually transmitted infections (Chlamydia , ureaplasmas, mycoplasmas, trichomonads, gonorrhea, etc.), make an ultrasound of the kidneys, bladder, prostate, organs of the scrotum. After the examination, an accurate diagnosis is established and appropriate treatment is prescribed. The main thing with male infertility is to eliminate the cause of the impaired fertility.
Dadajanov Roman Ibragimovich - urologist-andrologist of the highest category
There are the following forms of male infertility:
When the testicles do not produce spermatozoa or are produced, but of poor quality, and when there is an obstacle to the output of the ejaculate. Common causes of infertility are urinary tract infections, genital trauma, immunological disorders, developmental abnormalities, past infectious or viral diseases during the period of maturation, exposure to adverse physical factors, chronic poisoning (alcohol, drugs, etc.).
Anna Khrustaleva - the chief editor of the portal Материнство.ру
There are many reasons: alcohol and tobacco use, unhealthy diet, sedentary lifestyle, environmental degradation. There may be various diseases, there is already a question for doctors.
What about the question "Causes of male infertility" says the omniscient Internet
Residents of different countries and representatives of various social circles strive to learn about the cause of male infertility. This problem is considered to be one of the most urgent, for this reason families break up, people remain lonely in old age.
Prevention and treatment
Worldwide, one-tenth of couples are unable to conceive a child due to health problems, and the male half accounts for 45% of cases. If problems arise for no apparent reason, the man is sent for inspection, questioning, and then a spermogram is made.
When identifying reasons for concern, it is desirable that the couple was tested in the same clinic. In this case, a man specialists can make the following diagnoses:
- Oligozoospermia - the presence of less than 20 million spermatozoa in 1 ml of semen.
- Azoospermia - the complete absence of sperm in the semen.
- Teratozoospermia - a decrease in the number of sperm with a normal structure.
- Agglutination - sperm heterogeneity and areas of accumulation of sperm.
Various diseases and inflammatory processes can lead to infertility in men. Modern possibilities of andrology allow to identify problems at different stages and carry out the necessary treatment.
Prevention of this disease in men should be complete and comprehensive. It is necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle, regularly visit a urologist, play sports, do not smoke or drink alcohol. It is undesirable to overcool or overheat the body.
The main causes of male infertility
When there are problems with pregnancy, the woman first begins to run on doctors and consultations. And only in the case when its reproductive system is healthy, attention is paid to the health of a strong half of the family.
The main reasons for "male problems" include:
- The presence of vena diseases.
- Hormonal disorders and genetics.
- Intoxication and inflammatory processes.
- The development of anomalies of the reproductive organs.
- Mumps (mumps).
- Typhoid and typhus, tuberculosis.
- Exposure to industrial poisons and mutagens.
- Pathology of the endocrine glands.
A man may not have the physiological ability to conceive a child while working in hazardous work. Problems can occur when constantly used too tight underwear, with hypothermia or overheating of the body. No less important factors can be called the presence of constant stress and addiction.
Pig - can cause infertility
This disease is infectious and affects the parotid salivary glands. Manifesting in children under 15 years old, the mumps quickly heals, with little or no effect. But in the case when the diagnosis is made to an adult, mumps can affect the reproductive system and affect the performance of the testicles.
Over a long period of time, affecting the reproductive system, the virus begins to develop an inflammatory process called orchitis. Most often both testicles are affected, after which the infection attacks the seminal organs and causes infertility. In many cases, the process is irreversible, and the couple is left with the only chance to conceive a child - artificial insemination.
Chlamydia - leads to infertility
With chlamydia in men, the urethra is affected, after which the chlamydia begin to attack the vas deferens, prostate, and testicles. Externally, the presence of bacteria in the body of a man practically does not manifest itself. Therefore, without timely treatment in the reproductive organs there will be an inflammatory process, leading eventually to male infertility.
Chlamydia are the causes of teratozoospermia, when the structure of sperm cells is impaired. When the prostate is affected, the spermatozoa in the seminal fluid cease to perform their fertilizing functions. If the infection is found in the epididymis, it can cause various abnormalities.
Treatment of male infertility folk remedies
The main feature that proves male fertility is the ability to introduce the required amount of sperm with active sperm into the female body. The causes of infertility can be very different, and the disease itself is asymptomatic.
But if a problem has been identified, it is important to begin treatment as soon as possible using any possible methods. Not the last place in the ranking of ways to cure male infertility is taken by folk remedies:
- Apitherapy and the use of bee products - bee venom, royal jelly, wax moth extract, pollen.
- Herbal decoctions. Most often in such compositions are used thyme, chicory roots, rose hips, lime tea, rose petals, medicinal lungfish, burdock roots.
- Effective infusions. They can use nettles with wine, levzeyu with alcohol, the seed of wormwood with vodka. The most popular is knotweed, which insists on ordinary boiling water.
- Therapeutic mummy. In the morning and at bedtime, 0.2 g of mummy is mixed with egg yolk and diluted in a glass of warm water. It is washed down with quince, blueberry or carrot juice. Take a therapeutic agent should be within a month.
Aromatherapy, acupressure, the use of therapeutic clay, yoga are also considered effective and popular folk remedies for treating male childlessness. It is important not only to use folk remedies for treatment, but also to lead a healthy lifestyle by starting to play sports, changing the diet, abandoning destructive habits.
Infertility in men treated or not?
In the case when the beloved man is put on a disappointing diagnosis, you should not give up. Virtually all causes are identified, and problems are successfully treated. The main thing is to promptly contact the specialists and begin treatment.
After consulting an andrologist or urologist, sperm is analyzed for a more accurate diagnosis, a comprehensive examination is carried out. Most often, such diagnostic methods are considered effective:
- Modern immunological studies.
- Semen analysis.
- Examination of the secret of the prostate gland.
- Complete urine / blood tests.
- DNA analysis and ultrasound.
- Tests for the presence of veno-diseases.
Only a full range of tests can provide a complete picture of the number of spermatozoa, their quality, mobility and defects. If necessary, in certain cases, consultations of an endocrinologist and a sex therapist are appointed.
What types of male infertility are not treated?
Mumps or mumps passes after treatment, leaving the male half of the individual types of complications. This virus can provoke testicular inflammation, and if treatment is not qualified and timely, infertility becomes incurable.
A more extensive form of male infertility that is not treatable can be considered when dividing problems into categories. Among them are the following types of this disease in men:
- Excretory. Causes - malformations of the appendages, urethra, inflammatory processes. In such cases, aspermatism or obstruction of the vas deferens is detected.
- Secretory. In this case, the sex glands are unable to produce the necessary volume of "working" sperm. There are too few active germ cells in the seminal fluid, many of them are defective.
- Autoimmune. The most unpleasant for the patient and difficult to treat form. The reasons may be surgery, all sorts of injuries. With this problem, the sperm do not penetrate into the cervical fluid.
If at the time of diagnosis “autoimmune infertility” conception occurs, the existing antibodies begin destructive processes, the embryo stops developing, which can lead to abortion in early pregnancy. In some cases, a diagnosis of secondary infertility may be made in the case when a woman cannot become pregnant by a man, although in other marriages he already had children.
Causes of Male Infertility: Symptoms
The main cause for concern can be considered the absence of pregnancy in the presence of regular sexual acts during the calendar year. If contraceptives were not used, and the woman was already examined and was healthy, you should pay attention to the condition of the man.
Male infertility is based on three main pathological processes - reduction of spermatozoa in the ejaculate, immobility or inferiority of spermatozoa, impaired progress and release of sperm.
Esoteric about infertility
When a man hears a terrible diagnosis from doctors, the first thing to think about is that this verdict is a blow to the continuation of the race. Male infertility deprives a strong half of the family of the right to be its head and support.
According to the magicians, esoteric, healers, sterility for a man is:
- Male power lock.
- Karmic punishment.
- Payback for past mistakes.
- The crown of celibacy or the curse of the race.
- The result of paid damage.
- Big generic problem.
- Deprivation of many possibilities.
According to the laws of esotericism, the reasons for such karmic punishments may be attempts to destroy another kind in a past life. No less sins are the voluntary rejection of their male power and irresponsible attitude to children. A similar punishment can comprehend a man, if in his past incarnation he offended his chosen one, or if an individual or tribal curse was imposed on him.
External signs of infertility in men
Concrete nature of the external signs of lack of fertility in men do not have. The fact that the partner may have problems with conception will not affect either sexual activity or sexual constitution. There is no physical ailment or external symptoms.
In more than 90% of cases, male infertility has absolutely no symptoms. The main sign on which to focus, is the absence of pregnancy during sexual, unprotected contact for 12 months.
The cause of male infertility
- This is a modern problem that does not allow for a full-fledged family with children.
- The main thing is to realize that infertility is not a punishment, but the embodiment of ancestral dreams.
- The presence of hostile microflora, causes undesirable processes in the body and affects the human hormones.