Active Ingredient: Tadalafil
Cialis Soft - a drug with a fast and targeted action. The tablets dissolve in the mouth, after which the drug is absorbed through the stomach. An erection occurs within 10-20 minutes after ingestion. Once inside the body, the remedy causes relaxation of the blood vessels in the genitals. Quality erection occurs due to the rush of blood to the male member. The duration of the effects of the drug ranges from 36 to 40 hours. The effectiveness of the tool does not depend on the patients taking alcoholic beverages or fatty foods.
Cialis Soft: reviews of men confirming the effectiveness!
The drug tadalafil soft helps strengthen an erection and increase potency. The drug is very comfortable and easy to use, has a fast action and an unprecedented duration of effect.
After taking the drug, a man for one and a half days can freely achieve a full erection with each sexual arousal, and also recover much faster after intercourse.
You can buy the required number of pills at the best price from us, and buying generic Cialis software in bulk will be the most profitable. High quality, reasonable price and incredibly long action are the main advantages of this medicine.
Who is suitable for the drug
Generic cialis soft is intended for adult men of all age groups with different disorders of the erectile function of psychogenic and physiological nature of any degree of complexity.
Who is not suitable for the drug
Do not use women, minors, men with hypersensitivity to tadalafil and other components of the composition, as well as taking drugs with organic nitrates.
With great care, generic Cialis Soft is prescribed for men with severe hepatic, renal or heart failure. The calculation of the individual dosage is performed by the attending physician.

With simultaneous administration of alpha blockers, including doxazosin, with the generic cialis, symptomatic hypotension may occur. It is necessary to strictly observe the rules of using the medicine and the recommendations of the attending physician.
Drug characteristics
With extreme caution, the drug is prescribed to patients with impaired cardiovascular system, for whom any physical, including sexual activity is a potential risk and threat to health and life.
Cialis software in no case can not be used for heart disease with contraindicated physical activity. It is important to remember the risk of complications during intimacy in such a group of patients.
Risk factors include myocardial infarction, which occurred for three months, unstable angina, or angina, which occurs during sexual activity, stroke suffered less than 6 months ago.
Serious risk factors include heart failure of the second or more class, developed during the last six months, uncontrolled arterial hypertension, uncontrolled cardiac arrhythmia, hypotension.
With caution, cialis is prescribed to men prone to priapism, suffering from leukemia, penis deformities, multiple myeloma, sickle cell anemia, Peyronie's disease, cavernous fibrosis.
Acceptance of PDE-5 inhibitors entails a potential risk of developing priapism. If an erection persists for more than 4 hours, it is necessary to go to the hospital. Late treatment of priapism provokes a violation of the tissues of the penis and long-term loss of potency.
In no case should generic Cialis soft be combined with other medications to restore potency. The drug can be combined with dapoxetine, prolonging sexual intercourse and restoring the process of ejaculation.
Tadalafil has vasodilating systemic properties, as a result of which it can cause a transient decrease in blood pressure. Before prescribing the medicine, the doctor assesses all the perceived risks of negative effects.
Impact Features
Tadalafil is a reversible selective inhibitor of specific phosphodiesterase type 5 cyclic guanosine monophosphate A. During sexual arousal with local release of nitric oxide, inhibition of PDE-5 tadalafil and an increase in the level of cGMP in the cavernous bodies of the penis occurs.
This leads to complete relaxation of the smooth muscles of the arteries, normalization of the blood supply to the tissues of the penis and the formation of a stable erection. Generic Cialis software does not demonstrate a pronounced effect without the man’s natural sexual arousal and stimulation of his erogenous zones.
With the help of the drug it is possible to increase the potency and strengthen the erection to the desired state. The drug retains its effectiveness for one and a half days, however in the presence of sexual desire, its action is manifested within fifteen minutes after consuming the pill.
The drug does not cause changes in heart rate, and does not violate the color and visual perception due to the low similarity with PDE-6. In addition, tadalafil has no effect on intraocular pressure, pupil size, visual acuity and electrocardiogram.
The product does not affect the level of testosterone in the blood of men, and also does not affect the seminal fluid, as evidenced by the daily semi-annual placebo-controlled use of the daily portion of the drug in the study.
The use of different groups of men
After taking the active substance medication is rapidly absorbed into the blood of a man. The maximum concentration of Cialis Soft generic in plasma is achieved on average two hours after administration.
The consumption of high-calorie foods does not affect the speed and level of assimilation of the active ingredient, so you can take a generic, regardless of the food. The time of day the use of medication also has no effect on the effectiveness.
The pharmacokinetics of tadalafil in healthy men is linear in dosage and time, occurs in proportion to the basis of increasing the area along the curve "Concentration-time." Daily medication for five days allows to obtain an equilibrium concentration in plasma.
In men with a variety of disorders of erectile function, the pharmacokinetics of tadalafil are similar to those observed in patients without any sexual dysfunction.
Use by older patients
In healthy men, whose age exceeds 65 years, there was a lower clearance of tadalafil during internal use, which is expressed in an increase in the area under the Concentration-Time curve by 25% compared with healthy men from 19 to 45 years. Given the lack of clinical significance of these differences, a special selection of the dose is not required.
Use for health problems
The presence of renal failure. With this pathology, including during the passage of hemodialysis, there is a noticeable excess of the area under the curve "Concentration-time" in comparison with similar indicators of healthy men.
The presence of liver failure. In the case of a weak and moderately severe pathology, the pharmacokinetics of tadalafil are not different from those of a healthy man. Data on men with severe forms of this pathology is currently not available.
The presence of diabetes. In men with diabetes, when taking tadalafil, the area under the curve "Concentration-time" is 19% lower than in a healthy man. This difference is insignificant and does not require dose selection.
The term "impotence" appeared in 1655. However, sexual impotence, which he implies, appeared much earlier and continues to torment men until now. Nowadays, impotence has been scientifically correctly called erectile dysfunction.
The risk of developing this disorder increases with age. In men older than 60, impotence occurs four times more often than in patients aged 40 to 60 years. According to medical statistics, over 30% of men aged 18–40 suffer from impaired sexual function to varying degrees.
Symptoms of impotence
Doctors identify six main criteria on the basis of which a man can be considered impotent:
- if he is unable to have sexual desire;
- if he is unable to achieve sufficient erection, although he feels sexual desire;
- if he is unable to insert the penis into the vagina after the appearance of an erection;
- if he is unable to make frictional movements for the required time;
- if he is unable to achieve ejaculation as a result of frictional movements;
- if he is unable to orgasm as a result.
Types of impotence
Impotence is of two types - organic and psychogenic.
Organic impotence is a physiological disorder. These include, for example, urological diseases, endocrine disorders, vascular diseases. This pathology progresses slowly. Periodically there is no erection, gradually failures become more frequent. When organic impotence is sometimes maintained sexual desire for partner, relative erection and ejaculation in sexual intercourse, but there are no spontaneous night and morning erections.

Psychogenic erectile dysfunction - these are mental disorders in the form of neurosis, depression with a concomitant neurotic condition. Such a disease occurs suddenly with the safety of spontaneous night and morning erections. In this case, the problems are episodic. Treatment of impotence of this type requires the initial identification and elimination of its cause.
In many cases, impotence results from a combination of emotional and physiological factors. If a man experiences small changes in his sexual reactions, for example, due to vascular insufficiency, he can be very frightened by this circumstance. The resulting anxiety can cause more serious difficulties compared to minor physiological changes.
A separate issue - the relationship of impotence and prostatitis. In some, prostatitis causes impotence, in others impotence causes prostatitis. The third both diseases develop against a metabolic syndrome. In each case it is necessary to understand individually.
Doctors offer a list of questions that will help determine whether the problem is medical or related to emotional causes. By answering them, a person will get an approximate idea of what difficulties may be associated with. Also, the answers will help the attending physician in the diagnosis.
1. There are no erections at all or they arise, but then disappear?
If over the course of several years erections gradually became more and more unstable and disappeared easily shortly after their occurrence, but now they are not even observed at all, then the probable cause is a slowly progressing physical problem.
If the erection is beautiful, but quickly disappears at the beginning of sexual intercourse, then it may be anxiety about sexual opportunities.
If an erection largely depends on active physical stimulation and disappears immediately after its cessation, then the reason most likely is of a physical nature.
If an erection arises normally, and in the process of intercourse gradually disappears, this blood leaves the cavernous bodies of the penis, leaving the great circle of blood circulation. This process is completely normal and is not a symptom of the disease.
2. Does a man wake up with a good erection?
Normally, during a night's sleep, three or four erections should occur, lasting for approximately 20 minutes each. This happens during the fast sleep phase or the dream phase. If a man notes in his fairly regular night or morning erections - this is a reliable sign of the safety of the erectile mechanism and its ability to function normally. Otherwise, you should be on your guard and continue the examination.
3. Does the appearance of an erection depend on the situation?
By answering this question, you can understand - external factors or medical problems affect erectile function. After all, it is perfectly normal to experience difficulties due to fatigue, stress or anxiety regarding sexual abilities.
4. Does the partner help and how effective is her help?
If a full erection arises in a man only as a result of the additional stimulation that the partner provides, then he is healthy and his sexuality is all right. The need for stimulation is completely normal and common in adulthood.
On the other hand, if an erection does not occur even after stimulation, this indicates either the presence of medical problems or a high level of anxiety blocking natural sexual reactions.
5. Does an erection occur during masturbation?
If, with the help of masturbation, it is possible to achieve a good erection, this proves that everything is all right with sexual reactions. Masturbation alone creates the ideal conditions for testing the health of the reproductive system, because it eliminates unnecessary anxiety and embarrassment that arises in the presence of a partner.
If the test results are satisfactory, but in the process of normal intercourse a man is experiencing difficulties, this can be explained by two reasons. The first is that anxiety about sexual ability, anger or resentment blocks the normal flow of sexual reactions. Another reason is that a woman does not know what sexual stimulation her partner needs.
6. Is there a connection between impotence and emotionally traumatic situation?
The cause of impotence can be a stressful situation. In this case, erection difficulties are part of the body's natural response. Unfortunately, the first failures can trigger the development of anxiety regarding sexual abilities, which will later become the main cause of prolonged impotence.
7. Does a man suffering from erectile dysfunction have depression?
Depression is a common cause of sexual dysfunctions. If a person is sad, feels dejected and exhausted, and has a sleep or appetite disturbance, then sexual problems are just another symptom of depression.
8. How does a man react when problems arise? How does the partner react?
If a partner is able to support and help in difficult times, and the man himself calmly and philosophically responds to erection difficulties, anxiety does not play a decisive role in this situation. Otherwise, it is an emotional reaction that can worsen the situation.
9. Does a person take medications that can cause erection problems?
Many drugs have a negative effect on sexual function. However, taking such medications may not be the only cause of dysfunction. Therefore, without medical diagnosis can not do.
If the symptom is of great concern, you should visit a doctor. At the same time try to exclude stress factors from life. Good rest and good sleep can bring the state of the body in order, if the cause of impotence lies in the emotional reaction.
But, although it has recently been assumed that impotence is associated exclusively with psychological factors, this is not so. The development of new medical technologies and the success of the pharmacological industry have greatly expanded the understanding of the possibilities of diagnosis and treatment of men suffering from erectile dysfunction. Now experts use a variety of methods, in addition to psychological or surgical intervention.
When you visit the doctor, discuss with him questions that were answered before the appointment. This will help the specialist navigate the problem and understand what should be addressed.
attention - hormones, the presence of vascular disorders, inflammatory diseases or other possible causes.
Impotence can develop for quite natural reasons. With age, men begin to decrease testosterone levels in the blood, which leads to a violation of erectile function. But given that testosterone levels can decrease not only due to age reasons, the control of this hormone is necessary in case of problems with potency.
Impotence resulting from anxiety is as real and requires the same serious study and treatment as impotence, the cause of which is a disease. It is equally important to determine whether the problem is based on lack of physical stimulation, which can be quickly and easily corrected.
For a more accurate diagnosis, and even more so for the correct choice of treatment method, a full medical examination will be required. It is also necessary in order to exclude diabetes that can cause impotence. Indeed, in addition to the main inconvenience, erectile dysfunction can be a precursor or an early symptom of many diseases. It has become particularly alarming lately, when the erectile dysfunction disorder began to develop not only in older men, but also in young people who are completely healthy physically. Therefore, in no case can not engage in self. Only an experienced doctor will correctly assess the current situation and prescribe a treatment that will return you to a full-fledged sex life.