Active Ingredient: Tadalafil
Cialis Jelly is a drug intended for the treatment of erectile dysfunction, produced in the form of a gel. Unlike tablets, it does not need to be washed down with water, and the jelly-like form allows it to be absorbed much more quickly through the oral cavity, so it starts to act faster. The composition and amount of the active substance is the same as in the tablets. The active substance is - Tadalafil. Cialis Jelly is great when a man hides the use of means to increase potency. It is also worth noting that, in contrast to the bitter or tasteless tablets, Cialis Jelly has a pleasant fruity taste. This, of course, is not jam, but very tasty jelly, for the reception of which, by the way, nothing at all is needed (like water or dishes). You just need to open the package and eat a delicious gel jelly.
Cialis Jelly: Tadalafil's phenomenal effect!
The modern man already knows that problems with potency can be solved with the help of special preparations. He is worried about another problem - how to choose the best one for you? Our online store helps to make the right choice of such a remedy.
Today, we are introducing the highly effective generic Cialis Jelly from the Indian pharmaceutical concern Sunrise Remedies. The drug copes with male impotence, even in the advanced stage!
For whom is the drug intended?
The basic active ingredient of Cialis Jelly is Tadalafil. The chemical formula of both drugs is similar, so they work almost equally.
The tool is intended for the treatment of erectile dysfunction (impotence) of the light, medium and severe (advanced) stages. It enhances the erection, as well as increases the duration of sexual intercourse.

For Cialis JELLY there is practically no age limit. It helps to solve problems with potency in men from 18 to 75 years. All drug users can be divided into several groups:
Young men (18-27 years old). At this age, they are dominated by the psychological causes of erectile dysfunction. Including:
- fear of the first sexual intercourse;
- unsuccessful first intercourse;
- other reasons.
Cialis Jelly will definitely help solve these problems. Just a few one-off techniques - and in most cases, the drug will completely cure impotence.
Middle-aged men (28-48 years old). During this period, erectile dysfunction manifests itself mainly due to physiological disorders. In most cases - this is impotence of light or moderate severity. In this case, one-time methods means will give an excellent one-time effect. But for the treatment of the disease it is necessary to undergo a therapeutic course in which only the doctor can determine the amount and frequency of using Cialis Gelli.
Older men (49-75 years old). At this age, physiological disorders predominate - moderate to severe erectile dysfunction. Treatment course or one-time - is determined solely by the physician. The effectiveness of treatment means even at this age is quite effective.
Improving the quality of sex at any age! In some cases, the drug is used to obtain sex of higher quality quite healthy men of different ages. Since Cialis Jelly improves the quality of sex, the men rightly decided to use it! And since love - all ages are submissive, then for this purpose the tool is used by both very young guys and men of very solid age.
The principle of the drug
Cialis JELLY affects the body of a man just as well. After drinking sachets, the following changes occur in the body:
The heart begins to more intensively supply blood to the pelvic organs.
At this time, the cavernous chambers of the penis, under the influence of Tadalafil, begin to relax, as a result of which they are filled with blood. The veins of the penis begin to partially block the outflow of blood, which leads to the inflation of the penis with blood and its hardening.
There comes a strong and long erection! A man can begin sexual intercourse.
The effect of taking a generic continues for up to 36 hours! During this time, a man can produce many successful sexual acts with many orgasms. Of course, with breaks for sleep and food! This is a tadalafil phenomenon!
Within 48 hours, all substances are eliminated from the body naturally.
The drug acts only if there is a strong sexual stimulus, for example, a woman. Spontaneous erection from generics is not to be expected.
Dosage and use of funds
Choosing the dose when using Cialis Jelly as simple as possible. The recommended dose of the drug - 1 sachet.
The use of more than 1 sachet of the drug is strictly prohibited!
It is dangerous for health and can lead to side effects!
Taking the drug is also extremely simple. The contents of the sachet can be diluted with any of the fruit juices (except grapefruit!) Or water - and drink. And you can just squeeze the jelly from the bag into your mouth and chew it a little, swallow it. That's all! When using the means you need to remember that:
- A small dose of alcohol (up to 100 ml of cognac, not more!) Is allowed;
- Eating heavy and fatty foods is also possible, but you should not abuse it (there is too much).
Side effects
Despite the complete safety of all generic Cialis, nevertheless, occasionally there are side effects from exposure. There are two reasons for this:
Individual features of the body.
Excess dose (use more than 1 sachet).
Among the side effects are:
- Local redness of the skin;
- Stuffy nose;
- Muscle pain;
- Nausea, headache;
- Dizziness, etc.
These manifestations are mostly short-lived and pass quickly, painlessly and without consequences.
In some cases, the state of health of a man does not allow even a medicine as safe as TADARISE JELLY to be taken. Among the contraindications:
- Peyronie's disease;
- Deformation of the penis;
- Exacerbation of kidney disease or liver disease;
- Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
- Cardiovascular diseases in severe stages, etc.
If you find yourself in at least one of the contraindications (the full list can be found in the Instructions, which is attached to the drug) - you will have to refuse this Cialis generic. To solve your sexual problem in our online store you can find another effective drug.
Benefits of Cialis Jelly
The team of our online store, although it was hoping that this drug would be in demand, but did not expect it to be so high! Therefore, we studied the feedback from our customers about this generic and got the following benefits for the man:
Very fast effect from the use! Indeed, already after some 15-20 minutes after taking the jelly, even a man suffering from impotence can get a strong and prolonged erection. A quicker effect does not give any other drug for potency!
Ease of use! You can do without water, drink a little wine, whiskey or a low-alcohol beverage, without which (no wonder ...) romantic meetings rarely manage. Especially in couples of young and middle age. The drug creates all the conditions for an unforgettable intimate meeting.
Great unforgettable sex! This fact noted almost a quarter of all who left feedback to customers. This is not surprising, since such a property is characteristic of Tadalafil-based drugs.
Pleasant orange flavor! It was also noted by our customers.
Safety of Jelly Cialis! This generic Cialis can be used for the therapeutic treatment of impotence. In addition, it is recommended for use even by very elderly gentlemen - up to 75 years!
Incredibly long-lasting effect! The drug is effective (and effective) for 36 hours. That is, with a single use can provide a man a terrific sex for almost 2 days!
What is the relationship between antihypertensive drugs and erectile dysfunction? What antihypertensive drugs are the drugs of choice for erectile dysfunction?
Erectile dysfunction (ED) is the inability to achieve and (or) maintain an erection sufficient to satisfy sexual activity. The term proposed in 1988 by the US National Institutes of Health instead of the word “impotence” was adopted in 1992 by international organizations of urology and andrologists. This definition more fully and accurately describes the diversity of the severity of sexual disorders. It includes not only the inability to keep the penis in an erection, but also a violation of orgasm (representing the highest degree of voluptuous sensation that occurs at the time of completion of sexual intercourse), as well as the weakening of libido (sexual desire).

If before the main cause of ED were considered various psychological problems, in recent years, this opinion has changed. Studies that clarify the true mechanism of erection, showed that ED in 80% of cases occurs as a complication of various somatic diseases [3, 7]. In particular, the presence of ED is often associated with chronic diseases, primarily with arterial hypertension (AH), diabetes mellitus and atherosclerosis [10]. In atherosclerosis, the walls of the vessels lose their elasticity and become narrowed due to the atherosclerotic plaques covering them, which leads to the development of heart attacks and strokes. Atherosclerotic vascular lesion of the penis prevents adequate blood flow to the organ. About 40% of cases of ED in men over the age of 50 are associated with this disease. However, high blood pressure (BP) can cause ED, regardless of whether a person suffers from atherosclerosis or not. If you do not treat hypertension for a long time, the walls of the vessels, constantly exposed to high blood pressure, become dense and inelastic and the vessels are unable to supply the organ with the necessary amount of blood.
25% of cases of ED are somehow related to drug intake (Slag M. F. et al., 1983, O‘Keefe M. et al., 1995). These data are based on empirical observations, reports of individual cases of the disease, pre- and post-marketing research of drugs. However, very few patients are aware of the possibility of a violation of potency under the influence of drugs. According to a public study on the study of sexual activity in elderly men (Hamdy F. C. et al., 1997), 64% of men in Spain are aware of the effect of drugs on sexual function, 51% in France, 38% in Great Britain. At the same time, a patient who suspects that medical treatment has caused sexual problems may stop taking the medicine or reduce the dose without informing the doctor. Thus, adherence to treatment among patients with arterial hypertension in Russia a year after the selection of antihypertensive therapy was only 30%, and in 15% of cases sexual dysfunction was the reason for refusing therapy.
The main groups of drugs used in cardiology, which are believed to adversely affect male sexual function, are presented in the table.
ED is associated with the administration of digoxin (Guay A. T., 1995), antihypertensive drugs - clofelin, thiazide diuretics, b-blockers (Buffum J., 1986), antihyperlipidemic drugs that affect libido, erection and ejaculation in different ways. Drug priapism, after which ED often develops, includes approximately 30% of cases of priapism and is caused mainly by drugs that affect a-adrenoreceptors, - hypotensive drugs (mainly prazosin), and also heparin.
The most common occurrence of ED is associated with the use of various antihypertensive drugs. So, during the Massachusetts study on the issues of aging men, it was found that the frequency of ED among hypertensive men receiving drug therapy is 15%. To date, however, it remains unclear whether this problem is associated with hypertension itself or with antihypertensive therapy, since not all antihypertensive drugs cause ED. In particular, to date there are no data indicating the ability of calcium antagonists and ACE inhibitors to negatively affect male sexual function. A double-blind, randomized study revealed that the number of sexual acts per month during therapy with atenolol decreased from 7.8 to 4.5 after a month and to 4.2 after 4 months. During therapy with lisinopril (synopril), the corresponding figures were 7.1; 4 and 7,7, that is, sexual activity fully recovered by the end of the four-month observation. The percentage of patients who reported sexual dysfunction was also significantly higher during therapy with atenolol compared with the lisinopril (synopril) group: 17 and 3, respectively.
As for inhibitors of angiotensin receptors, according to the results of a randomized, double-blind, cross-sectional study against the background of taking valsartan, there is even a tendency to increase the sexual activity of men. The study involved 94 male hypertensive patients aged 40-49 years with newly diagnosed arterial hypertension who had not previously been treated. After taking a placebo for a month, patients received an angiotensin receptor antagonist valsartan (diovan) or carvedilol a-and b-blockers for 16 weeks. Then, after taking a placebo for 4 weeks, patients were prescribed another study medication, after which they were observed for another 16 weeks. In the group of patients who took Valsartan, a month later the number of sexual acts per week decreased from 2.1 to 1.6, but after 16 weeks the indicator of sexual activity was 2.7; after replacing the drug with carvedilol, it dropped to 0.9 by the end of the study. In the carvedilol therapy group, the level of sexual activity decreased from 2.2 to 1.1 by the end of the first month of treatment and to 0.9 by the end of 16 weeks of observation, and after switching to valsartan it increased to 2.6.
Thus, although ED on the background of antihypertensive therapy may occur due to a decrease in blood flow to the penis, it is not clear, however, whether this decrease is a consequence of a decrease in systemic blood pressure with effective antihypertensive therapy, a result of vascular disease or any other facilities.
The latter assumption is supported by the results of a study in which the presence of ED was evaluated in 472 patients with AH. According to duplex sonography, patients who received antihypertensive therapy showed a slower arterial response to intracavernous administration of papaverine compared with those who did without medication. The vascular response to papaverine was better in patients receiving a combination of b-blocker and vasodilator, and thiazide diuretics as monotherapy or in combination with other antihypertensives worsened arterial function. However, the level of BP reduction did not correlate with the ability to achieve full erection after intracavernous administration of papaverine. In the course of the experiment [20], it was found that the administration of low doses of clonidine to dogs in the putative artery, which are unable to affect systemic blood pressure, suppresses the erection caused by electrostimulation. The authors believe that this may be due to local narrowing of the arteries of the penis, mediated by the influence of clonidine on a2-adrenergic receptors.
Among antihypertensive drugs, thiazide diuretics cause ED most reliably. During a multicenter, randomized, placebo-controlled study TAIM (1991), ED was detected in 28% of patients who received chlorthalidone for 6 months. In a randomized, placebo-controlled study (Chang SW et al., 1991), on assessing the effect of thiazide diuretics on quality of life in mild hypertension in men aged 35 to 70 years, 2 months after the start of therapy, patients who received diuretics, reported significantly more sexual dysfunction than in the control group, including reduced libido, difficulty in achieving and maintaining erection, impaired ejaculation. Statistical analysis showed that ED was not due to hypokalemia or a decrease in systemic blood pressure.
To date, there are many reports of the occurrence of erectile dysfunction during therapy with b-blockers. At the same time, non-selective b-blockers cause more disorders of sexual function than selective ones, which have been proved both experimentally and in clinical studies. For example, during the experiment, 30 minutes after a single subcutaneous injection of propranolol and pindolol (but not atenolol) to the rat male, dose-dependent inhibition of male sexual behavior and ejaculation of the rat was observed. This may be due to the fact that b-adrenergic receptors cause relaxation of the cavernous bodies, or the effect of b-adrenergic blockers on the level of sex hormones. It is also possible that the influence of non-selective b-blockers is due to their central effects. This assumption is supported by experimental data, according to which the administration of propranolol and pindolol (but not atenolol and metoprolol) directly into the cerebral ventricles was accompanied by the suppression of the sexual activity of animals. The authors of the study suggest that this effect may be mediated by the interaction of non-selective blockers with b1 and b2-adrenergic receptors or with serotonin receptors in the central nervous system.
According to clinical data, propranolol caused sexual dysfunction in 9% of cases. A prospective, placebo-controlled study showed that propranolol (like clonidine) reliably suppresses spontaneous nocturnal erections.
In a comparative assessment of the effects of captopril, methyldopa and propranolol on sexual dysfunction during the 24-week treatment period, the highest frequency of sexual dysfunction was observed in the group of patients receiving propranolol.
Similar results were obtained when studying the effect on male sexuality of the cardio-selective b-blocker atenolol. During therapy with atenolol, the spouses of young patients reported significantly lower sexual satisfaction compared with the spouses of patients receiving nifedipine GITS. Reported the occurrence of sexual dysfunction in the background of long-term (for 1 year) therapy with atenolol and other authors; they note at the same time a moderate decrease in serum testosterone levels. According to the data obtained during a multicenter, randomized, placebo-controlled study TAIM, erectile problems were detected in 11% of patients receiving atenolol for 6 months, significantly more often than in the placebo group.
In the era of evidence-based medicine, TOMHS certainly deserves the most attention - a multicenter, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study, which was attended by 557 hypertensive men aged 45-69 years [16]. Patients received placebo or one of five drugs (acebutolol, amlodipine, chlorthalidone, doxazosin, or enalapril). Sexual function was assessed when talking with the doctor initially and then annually throughout the study. Initially, 14.4% of men reported problems with sexual function; 12.2% of men had problems with the occurrence and (or) maintenance of erection, which correlated with age, systolic pressure and previous antihypertensive therapy. After 24 and 48 months of follow-up, the frequency of ED was 9.5% and 14.7%, respectively, and correlated with the type of antihypertensive therapy. Patients who received chlorthalidone showed a significantly higher frequency of ED after 24 months compared with the placebo group (17.1% vs. 8.1%, P = 0.025). However, after 48 months in terms of the incidence of ED, both groups became equal, the differences in the groups of patients receiving placebo and chlorthalidone were not significant. The lowest frequency of ED was observed when taking doxazosin, but even here there were no significant differences from the placebo group. The frequency of ED for acebutolol, amlodipine, and enalapril was the same as in the placebo group. In many cases, ED did not require the abolition of drug therapy. The disappearance of ED among men who had these problems initially was observed in all groups, but this tendency was most pronounced among patients taking doxazosin. Thus, the distant frequency of ED in treated hypertensive patients is relatively low; and most often, ED occurs during chlorthalidone therapy. According to the researchers who conducted the study, the similar frequency of occurrence of ED in the placebo group and in the group in which the most active antihypertensive drugs were used for a long time allows convincingly to refute the prevailing view that sexual problems in hypertensive men occur on the background of prescribing drug therapy.
When choosing antihypertensive therapy, it should also be borne in mind that not all b-blockers can adversely affect the sexual function of men. In particular, the side effect of lipophilic cardioselective b-blocker bisoprolol was studied in post-marketing studies in which 152,909 patients took part. Side effects were identified in 11.2% of cases, while only 2.2% of patients needed to cancel the drug, and there were no cases of ED at all (Buchner Moll et al., 1995). The absence of the negative effect of bisoprolol on male sexuality is probably due to its high cardioselectivity, which allows the drug to be used in situations where b-blockers are usually contraindicated - in dyslipidemia, type 1 and type 2 diabetes, in patients with broncho-obstructive diseases and obliterating vascular diseases of the lower extremities. Moreover, it is shown that the cardio selective b-blocker bisoprolol not only does not impair the sexual function of men, but in some ways even improves sexuality (hardness of erection during sexual intercourse, satisfaction with one’s own sexuality).
Due to the widespread use of hypolipidemic agents in patients with proven coronary artery disease, the side effects of these drugs have begun to appear more and more often, and if the effect of fibrates on male sexual function has been known for a long time, the effect of statins is only being studied. It has been shown that impairment of potency is significantly more common among patients who received lipid-lowering drugs (12% compared to 5.6% in the control group, P = 0.0029). Multivariate analysis showed that ED was dependent on treatment with both fibrate derivatives and statins. The Australian Committee on the side effects of drugs reported on 42 cases of erectile dysfunction caused by simvastatin and developed in the period from 48 hours to 27 months from the start of treatment. In 35 cases, simvastatin was the only drug that patients took, in 4 cases, with renewed treatment, ED developed again. However, as in the case of antihypertensive drugs, these data need to be carefully checked, because, as was shown earlier, patients with coronary artery disease often develop ED and are not on the background of treatment.